🔴 FFNews! UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL aftermath! Billy TK & Vinny Eastwood… Bad News
Fight Club Bit-CHE's: UN LIKE a Brazil'n watching homo-erotica with automatic murderous intent.
This realm is just a gentle warm-up for the [Real Fight Club]…
I'll get in the cage with Vinny Eastwood AND introduce him for a sing'n Lesson. He's a quick Study, he'll need only ONE Lesson ;-0
Luftwaffe Aloft with Vinny's baritone is-be Nec'-Level.
Ring-Ring I'm salivating like a pack of Pavlov's doGs;- 5x5<:>Mod|25|-2SIN666<:>Seventh' FracTal KEY
Here's a KEY message for Billy T K : Diabetes? Flush your lymphatic system, go raw frugivore for a week. Refer John Rose.
Type 2 Diabetes Is Cellular Constipation
For more information, call John (713-789-2223), email jcrose@prodigy.net or go to
I'm digging the He Whakaputanga hungi PIT for Operation UP-CLOSE: with personable personal personnel like PERSON{s}
STAND-IN-THE-PARK (or outside on the Public' Access of anyhouse of [ill repute])
repute | rɪˈpjuːt |
noun [mass noun]
the opinion generally held of someone or something; the state of being regarded in a particular way: pollution could bring the authority's name into bad repute.
• the state of being highly regarded; fame: chefs of international repute.
verb (be reputed)
be generally regarded as having done something or as having particular characteristics: he was reputed to have a fabulous house.
• (usually as adjective reputed) be generally believed to exist or be the case, despite not being so: this area gave the lie to the reputed flatness of the country.
• (usually as adjective reputed) be widely known and well thought of: intensive training with reputed coaches.
late Middle English: from Old French reputer or Latin reputare ‘think over’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + putare ‘think’.