Anonymous ID: a64dc3 March 15, 2021, 9:59 p.m. No.13229544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. His death will also drive a wedge between the Turk invaders currently occupying our lands and the ethnic European people whilst simultaneously weakening Turkeys hold on the region, removing a prime enemy of Russia and destabilizing and fracturing NATO. They grow up and take the potential homes of your own people for themselves, they occupy positions of power, remove wealth and destroy social trust. We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to act, and act soon. THE BEST TIME FOR ATTACK WAS YESTERDAY, THE SECOND BEST TIME IS NOW The birthrates must eventually be addressed, at all costs Even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. You will hang. Erdogan, the leader of one of the oldest enemies of our people, and the leader of the largest islamic group within Europe. Men of the West must be men once more. To show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that wish to follow.A path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands from the invaders grasp and to be a beacon for those that wish to create a lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone. Nothing is conserved. Strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die.


The result is obvious. Few have done more to damage and racially cleanse Europe of its people. Those around my were the typical Australians, apathetic and for the most part apolitical, only truly showing motivation in matters of animal rights, environmentalism and taxation. Do you feel any remorse for the attack? Londinium, the very heart of the British isles. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.

>ignore their demise?


Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers