Why focus on immigration and birth rates when climate change is such a huge issue? There was a racial component to the attack. Diversity by its very definition belies equality. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. They will soon find out how wrong they truly are. They run over the weak and the elderly, they seize the children from their mothers so that they might forget, among the barbarians, the name of God. No, they ’ re a party of milquetoast civic nationalist boomers, completely incapable of creating real change and with no actual viable plan to save their nation. We could deport or otherwise destroy the entire population of invading non-Europeans in a week, if we as a race we chose to.We have the ability, we only need the will. What remains? To survive with our culture, but to lose our lands, to lose our future, is a defeat. The candidates were an obvious sign of our times: a globalist, capitalist, egalitarian, an ex-investment banker was no national beliefs other than the pursuit of profit versus a milquetoast, feckless, civic nationalist, an uncontroversial figure who ’ s most brave and inspired idea resolved to the possible deportation of illegal immigrants.
Embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all sides. If they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed. Attacking these mosques also allowed for an extra planned attack on the mosque in Ashburton, whilst I am unsure as of this time of writing whether I will reach that target, it was a bonus objective. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. Were/are you a socialist? But I have only had brief contact with Knight Justiciar Breivik, receiving a blessing for my mission after contacting his brother knights.
>Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age.
Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers
I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers