Are you an english speaker? Cannot recognize if you are balkan anon?
Ja probao..meni nece
Inace skoro mi nista nije htjelo… iskljucio sam chrome skroz i tek mi je onda dat pristup Gab-u . Ovom siteu i mnogim drugima
Super da mozes slike…objavljuj sve sta vidis da je relevantno…slike govore tisuce rijeci
I got it you created this bread? I was confused to see some grammar errors in the bread info…but i really do apriciate your effort to keep it going cause i had terrible troubles with posting here. This is first time in like 4 or 5 days i made it thru
Firstly..i thought someone from Balkan created it haha
Thank you for making it…!!
Its important to keep the truth on the surface…as i said many times before . There will come the time when people are going to come here and start to read these posts from the beginning to see how a small bunch of people inwoked the great awakening and stood up against the greatest evil the world has ever known!
I did just 6 of balkan ones…i m doing it with my phone lol.
Its still not the time that Q enters into Europe and Balkan on the front doors but i think i made the first one right on time to be around here when things start to happen here…and i expect it to happen in …lets say a year or so.
Untill then ..hopefully..this balkan bread will be strong enough that Q will share some balkan intels directly here on this bread.