Anonymous ID: f4c707 March 15, 2021, 10:21 p.m. No.13233779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. Do these groups hold power/who are the people in these groups? This warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying Europe. You're fucking dead, kiddo. More recently I have been working part time as a kebab removalist. Simple, white, wooden crosses stretching from the fields beside the roadway, seemingly without end, into the horizon. Were there other targets planned in your attack? CHEAP LABOUR IS SLAVE LABOUR, REFUSE TO IMPORT MODERN SLAVES A boil over in the melting pot Civil war in the so called “ Melting pot ” that is the United States should be a major aim in overthrowing the global power structure and the Wests ’ egalitarian, individualist, globalist dominant culture. They will soon find out how wrong they truly are. Nations across Asia, Europe and the Americas are facing this disaster together. The total number of people in these organizations is in the millions, the total number of groups in the thousands.


The going will be tough and many of us will die. Those around my were the typical Australians, apathetic and for the most part apolitical, only truly showing motivation in matters of animal rights, environmentalism and taxation. Diversity is not a strength. Support them economically, donate to their cause, buy products from their people, volunteer your resources and labour. If the media or state in your region attacks them, destroy the corporation and traitorous politicians responsible. Didn ’ t your attack just result in the vilification of ethno-nationalists/racial autonomists?



Best Korea Please :( give us /pol/ back or I wont stop, ya oga booga niggers


I am not Gerbil, you dummy niggers