Anonymous ID: 8441d8 March 14, 2021, 2:32 p.m. No.13213959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why attack immigrants when “ x ” are the issue? Was there any reason you attacked that (those) mosque (s) in particular? What makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter? They don ’ t even BELIEVE in the race, they don ’ t even have the gall to say race exists. The only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labour, labour with all effort towards victory. As these baby boomers pass on and leave us behind, there will be a rapid and obvious change in the demographic make up of our nations, both statistically and socially. No, I only wish I could have killed more invaders, and more traitors as well. Conservatism is dead. That is a very broad category of people, and the definition is fuzzy at best. Your grand children? Broken families with soaring divorce rates, that ’ s if they even bother to get married at all.Suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors).


Just as their own courage will never flower forth. Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. I was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. Were/are you a fascist? Any invader you kill, of any age, is one less enemy your children will have to face. Were/are you a christian?