Anonymous ID: 8b5291 March 14, 2021, 2:27 p.m. No.13212404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The war will not be easy, the death toll will assuredly be high. MOVE AS ONE, FULL SUPPORT FOR BROTHER NATIONS Accept Death, Embrace Infamy Death is certain, you may die in service to some grand crusade or pass away in a hospice, either way you will die. But despite this sub-replacement fertility rate, the population in the West is increasing, and rapidly. No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it. Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our enemies. Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures? What culture would entice a man, one of traditions, beauty, architecture, art and prosperity, or a culture of decay, self-hatred, childlessness, disorder and nihilism? Their loss was inevitable.I just accelerated things a bit. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible. Do you consider it a terrorist attack? There is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched.


Who do you consider non-white? What does it seek to conserve? Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my tastes. As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Those that are ethnically and culturally European. Did you always hold these views?

>The people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men.