Anonymous ID: 7541b5 March 14, 2021, 2:33 p.m. No.13214206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the event of an engagement I had the somewhat quixotic notion of shouting down responding state enforcers, intimidating them into dropping their weapons and if that failed, only targeting non-vital areas of their body such as the anterior of the thigh, shoulder or a side-on through shot of the calf, hamstring or gluteal muscles so as to cause the least amount of harm as possible and to allow for a quick recovery. The only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labour, labour with all effort towards victory. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth. Yes, predominantly an ethno-nationalist (I place importance on the health and well being of my race above all else). Broken families with soaring divorce rates, that ’ s if they even bother to get married at all.Suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act (singers, sports stars, actors). Attacking these mosques also allowed for an extra planned attack on the mosque in Ashburton, whilst I am unsure as of this time of writing whether I will reach that target, it was a bonus objective. Was the attack “ xenophobic ” in orgin? As I sat there in the parking lot, in my rental car, I watched a stream of the invaders walk through the shopping centre ’ s front doors. 3.Answers to detractors and to those that oppose my beliefs/methods Won ’ t your attack do more harm than good? Do you consider yourself a leader? Break it ’ s back, anyway you can.


If you survived, did you intend to go to trial? Nah, not really.An Australian living in New Zealand is much the same as an Austrian living in Bavaria. As a policy maker and leader? I was travelling as a tourist in Western Europe at the time, France, Spain Portugal and others.The first event that begun the change was the terror attack in Stockholm, on the 7 th of April 2017. This crisis of mass immigration and sub-replacement fertility is an assault on the European people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people. Likely a new society will need to be created with a much greater focus on family values, gender and social norms and the value and importance of nature, culture and race.

>Ebba was walking to meet her mother after school, when she was murdered by an Islamic attacker, driving a stolen vehicle through the shopping promenade on which she was walking.

Anonymous ID: 7541b5 March 14, 2021, 2:35 p.m. No.13214713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All else is dishonorable. Many, one thing that can be said about the current state of the West is that we live in a target rich environment, traitors and enemies abound. Kidding, but Australian is a European colony, particularly of British stock and thereby an extension of Europe. Violence isn ’ t the answer, why are you using force? Our lands are not their home, they can return to their own lands or found their homelands elsewhere. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur. But eventually, when enough people fight back and refuse to pay taxes, refuse to fund the traitors in power, the state itself will wilt, then collapse. Who would willing leave their own strong, dominant and rising culture to join an elderly, decaying, degenerate culture? A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Through our own actions and speech we shall show them a new path. Yes, but death was a definite possibility.


Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders, soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and no where. For once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist. Some are at different stages than others but all are feeling the pressure. In this time period a series of events broke down my own reserves, my reservations, my cynicism and revealed the truth of the Wests current situation. Invade the cities, take the cities, battle in the streets for the cities.