Anonymous ID: 15794e March 14, 2021, 1:42 p.m. No.13208982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These greed filled bastards expect to replace our people with a race of low intellect, low agency, muddled, muddied masses just so their own wealth and power can increase. Just a ordinary White man,28 years old. No one person in particular, I support many groups but I am a member of none. The end result is a nation in gridlock, unable to respond to any great change, unable to commit to any great projects. But kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked, your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life. No, the attack was not an attack on diversity, but an attack in the name of diversity. These events turned my thoughts from pursuing a democratic, political solution and finally caused the revelation of the truth, that a violent, revolutionary solution is the only possible solution to our current crisis. Let the fire of our repentance raise up the Holy War and the love of our brethren lead us into combat. For now we appeal to the anger and black comedic nature of the present, but eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people. Over a great deal of time, from a great deal of places. Why did you choose this time to attack?


What makes you believe you can speak for a group? Young, innocent and dead Ebba. How are they so strong, China set to be the worlds most dominant nation in this century, whilst lacking diversity? Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. The truth of the political situation in Europe was suddenly impossible to accept.My despair set in.My belief in a democratic solution vanished. This balkanization of the US will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North American continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream.

>The truth of the political situation in Europe was suddenly impossible to accept.My despair set in.My belief in a democratic solution vanished.

Anonymous ID: 15794e March 14, 2021, 1:42 p.m. No.13209048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ethnic autonomy? Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump? This warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying Europe. Show the strength of your convictions, the truth of yours and the iron-hard strength of your will and they will follow. It was not preached to the crowd, It was not taught by the state. The total number of people in these organizations is in the millions, the total number of groups in the thousands. No matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race. For example, actions such as voting for political candidates that radically change or challenge entrenched systems, radicalizing public discourse by both supporting, attacking, vilifying, radicalizing and exaggerating all societal conflicts and attacking or even assassinating weak or less radical leaders/influencers on either side of social conflicts. You will not find the truth anywhere else. A finger on the hand of the body of Europe. I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.


Do not go gentle into that good night. When I know, I will tell you. Our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. Answering possible questions 1.In general Who are you? Europe is only Europe because of its combined genetic, cultural and linguistic heritage. For how long did you plan this attack?