Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 6:30 p.m. No.13312067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083 >>2099 >>2116 >>2294

>>13311543 (pb)

Oh good you're here...when the retads go to bed we can resume our chat. I've reformed my hypothesis a bit and think this one is much more reasonable. I found an outstanding channel last night. This information has to be got at from MULTIPLE angles. Everything is SO entwined and knotted up, confounded on we can never figure it out....but I got a good idea last night.


This documentary is hands down the best thing I've ever seen on the Sea Peoples. My theory that THEY followed the "good ones" around the world genociding them where ever they found them still holds...but...I'm starting to think that even once they established their 'jew" identity....they didn't STAY together. IE believe it or not a Jewish Merchant is the founding father of the Saud dynasty...that was only 1....


this one is LONG...and requires digestion and draw on later. I think they split up. I have just found THEM on the trail of the Tartarians in matter where they are, what period in history...they are ALWAYS described the exact same way. I have to use commonalities in language, symbols, religious beliefs ect ...not just appearance. These fucking weasels infiltrated.....genocide is their trademark tho. I love primary sources and found a right juicy channel reading voices of the I want to investigate the British occupation of India and dig into if any of the "people behind that" were "jews" and while I don't like jumping to conclusions, I'm betting that just like every other time I've gotten a wild hair..."holy shit was so and so jewish?" I'm going to find that the primary drivers behind the Brit occupation and perversion of Indian culture....was indeed's mind blowing.


I also happened across information that leads me to believe that they no longer rely on biological type parasites for control. Still contemplating...


save this one for later. the information here comes in handy later. These people are wily af.


BTW last night the board went down after I made a particular post re the Suez....kek...oops.


Yeah, OK OK... "SAVE THE CHEEELDRENNN we must SAVE DA CHEEELLLDRENNS"...whew, did I get that right? are we back on track?


That's fine tho....I spent the rest of my time digging into one particular 'angle' and population....findings are interesting af.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.13312133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153

>>13311974 (pb)

Your concept of identity is too firmly locked into one framework. It's not that simple. You know..Columbus was a crypto..and the day he left Spain…was the last day "jews" were allowed in Spain and he loaded up one of his boats with jews….just sayin' there's much more to this "story". Oh. and Columbus knew exactly where he was going…he was just fuck all at navigating.


Jew swerve. If you think LOGICALLY and historically about royal families you'll see….if it's the "royals" that are the problem then why historically has it ALWAYS been jews behind killing them?


Check out the drivers behind Cromwell

Behind the French revolution

Who killed the Russian Tzars? (jewish bolsheviks)

Who is trying like HELL to associated the UK royals with lizards and get rid of them?


KEK…this post makes them so furious because it's true. Meghan Markle's ONLY job was to insert RACISSSS into UK dialog and stop Brexit. She's part jew…and descended from the American Ripper H.H. Holmes, nothing you've seen about that bitch is true. TIMING is everything. The Queen asked Trump for help…timing and coordination is everything. She moved the "Sussex review date" when she'll finish off that yacht whore for good…back to 31 March…'ll see.


A woman who has spent her life in service, a woman who has always been Christian….has never put a foot wrong in her entire life…(oh, and Andrew is NOT a pedo)….the story of the Royals as evil is so ingrained in modern culture and pushed SO much endlessly…it's really going to be hard for people who got so heavily invested in that story…to let it go.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:16 p.m. No.13312318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2323


KEK the only word we can use in this time is that of the last identity they slid into. They've killed (genocided) almost all Levantian Jews…AKA Palestinians…to study that and get a cohesive idea about it takes a very long time. Hell I just had a major lightbulb on on last night. I was in error thinking they "stayed together'…but am finding that IF I stick to primary sourced material and descriptions that follow closely to the "leaks" in the bible and observed elsewhere over time, it's much much easier to track them than just by the word "jews". Most Jews in Israel proper today are RUSSIAN immigrants….whaT motive to "create Islam"? (Mohammad was a tall, white red headed man…so we know by that time they had already nailed some genetics)…these people by character are inherently evil..that's where the "ginger has no soul" and redheads are evil meme came from.The Magdalene was twisted from a woman part of a group of powerful women who used Original Medicine (the Mary's) into a prostitute…and depicted with "evil" red hair.


Once you learn their tactics which legit have never changed "accuse others of what YOU are doing, do it LOUDLY and use lots of Parrots"…then you'll begin to see how they are literal experts at flipping the script…this meme is 10/10 for reals, HISTORICALLY.


When I worked in a very "powerful" position in a job I could have easily turned into 6+ figures….I was told "you're incorruptible"….meaning, in the 1 year I stuck it out they realized…yeah this one? isn't going to be much help (politics for exceptionally powerful "behind the scenes" and yes they were Jews)…..they don't use people like me…they take people who are already having that character…and just bend it to their own will. I quite myself after 1 year…and yes I know where some "bodies are buried."

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:36 p.m. No.13312445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2467


>heir teachings have kinda poisoned the whole well so to speak. You can't mention a single thing to them about their very shitty history without them claiming anti-semetism

WOAH…nail on the head. The takedown of Markle must tread carefully. Her backers are very very powerful as is the "dats raciss" narrative. I believe Harry is being "made" to fall on his sword. It was HIS childish behavior that got him into this position in the first place. I THINK it's possible Harry may indeed like "roasting chicken" and his drug problems….he got NAILED (despite all other tales to the contrary) on a 2015 trip to Turkey where he visited SoHo house…all efforts to extract him from that shit failed…they used fake body doubles…like pics related to post a "romantic trip to Skippy's Jamaica wedding" when in fact he'd been trying to get rid of her…by avoiding her. One of her most powerful backers….is Ron Burkle..(took her to the WH to "meet Obama") and I just discovered even MOAR sauce on Burkle that answers many more questions ,,,he's behind SoHo House…but he also owns…wait for it…Kroger.


She had yacht whore knowledge of Andrew and Katherine Keating…which would have been embarassing…but also Andrew's DOH grifting…he really IS that…DOH…what they're doing now is making Markle expose her own self…there's NO Archie…and she's not pregnant and if you want to read a normie version of the saga Harry Markle blog is good.


Harry 10/10 deserves this shit…but that bitch has done a hell of a lot of attacking..William and Kate, for instance…they are genuinely good people really in love, great family…..that whore has even attacked the children.


The position is dangerous….precarious…must be played to where SHE exposes her own self…and Harry has got to do it too…The media is and has been honoring the Crown's request to hold off publishing…KEK that stupid whore lost access to the surrogate and went baby shopping at her NCY shower with anyone who is anyone in baby buying (ike Amal clooney) or access to such at her NCY baby shower…KEK Trump had that place wired for everything.


The YUGENESS of everything is what blows my mind…her job was to be so horrid that the UK / Commonwealth would start screaming for a republic. She psycho and was already EVIL af…man the shit the crown has covered up for her until the right moment…To expose her at the wrong time would only make the RACISSS voices louder.Some see ONLY Markle….and then blinded by hate for royals (fomented and fed by WHOOO?)


You know…even Wallace Simpson was a"plant"…if David had stayed King they never would have been able to get England into the war…David knew what was up…what had been happening in Germany…and wasn't falling for it…so they get rid of him, install George who was impossibly shy and NOT raised to be King, then manipulated Churchill…right into war AGAINST Germany.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:41 p.m. No.13312468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2580


I meant to post this to you before. If you haven't watched it….please take the time. This is how they program their kids into the "poor us" behavior/mindset…I was horrified. Literally….they DO this to their kids. It's no more or less vicious than what was done to me via Jesus camp…as an example, but most people don't really KNOW that this is how "jews" program their kids….fear, hate, everything…based on a damn lie…please copy and watch it will go a LONG way to answering why so many NON space nigger parasites are in the game.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.13312522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2548


WHO told you they were evil and lizards and Antichrist? where did THAT information come from? …the better question for looking into SELF…is why did YOU CHOOSE to believe it?


BTW I was watching a few "psychics" on jewtube that push this angle…and guess what I found? every single one that does push this angle? engages in CHANNELING. Guess (((WHO))) inhabits the "astral plane" and manages "channeling truth mixed with lies?"


OH, LOOK, the ARCHONS again….I get that not everyone is like me and can just LOOK…and see. I saw a pic of Markle somewhere…everyone "she's pregnant"…well I could tell you she wasn't…I didn't care what the media said…or anybody said…so…since I KNOW there is NO LIE unless there is something to be hidden, my curious self started digging on that whore…




SOHO…for such a bit player they gave her a VERY important job.


WHY do you believe what you believe/ WHO told you that? Then I think you'll find your answer. For sure you just didn't come up with that bullshit all on your own.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:54 p.m. No.13312545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2589 >>2592


His name was CHRISTIAN…and if it were NOT for Christians, Israel would not exist, and certainly would not be "ruling the world." with MONEY they extract from Christian nations with MUH JEW bullshit.


I hold Christians nearly as responsible as the space niggers because they are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to deprogram. They'll never give it up…ever. Even if finding the truth about Issa means an even better, more enlightened way of life. That's why I've adjusted my feels on some things Trump did recently. I was initially upset…but even I recognize that unless people are willing to LOOK and truly examine what they believe…then the only thing that can possibly happen is to just admit…if we want change and freedom then all enslaved people need to wake up or get beamed up.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.13312572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2602


OH good another Illuminutti believer. I'm not going to engage you further. You're brainwashed and can only go in the direction you've been aimed. You don't have"the gift" and are easily programmed to believe anything as long as it is aiming you in "satan" "satanic"..your ears click shut…you've little ability to discern information, you're probably "christian" thus quite easy to direct…KEK Charles is not a pedo, the Queen does not eat babies in the basement and you're 10/10 just another Christian retard brainwashed. KEK imagine posting that shit…kek even worse? imagine believing it. So I'm done with your KEKEKEK "Illuminuuti" swerve.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 8:08 p.m. No.13312616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was horrified..they knew they'd break that dark-haired girl. Did you see the SHIFT in her? This is incomprehensible evil…but xians do the same thing to their kids…everyone programs their kids…If you were born in Pakistan you'd be a Muslim…as an example..but even Jesus Camp and the emotional fear-based hell/left behind narrative doesn't come close to what we literally see happening to those kids.


>how can they not see?


Do Christians see? how THEY have been duped? Look, even if people dunk out of an organized religion something else pops up to feed them "you're good" …the channeled xanadu existences like a Course in Miracles and Celestine Prophecy…ascension cults…I don't get how people who discover xianity is a LARP…then join up Ascension and do NOT recognize the exact same damn rules…

to "ascend you must…do this or this or that" otherwise you'll be stuck in 3d….aliens are coming to save us….there seems to be NO end to the traps.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.13312640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2704


I don't believe at whit of the Christian stuff…but it was ME that encouraged my drug addicted fucked up cousin to go to church and "find Jesus". You know why? because he didn't have the ability to unfuck himself so he had to find something external to himself in order to do so.


The Royal family are Christian.


People believe what they NEED to believe in order to "be OK" with what they are…and find a scapegoat or external savior to "save them" from themselves. You do you…but the evil in you exists…look how you project YOUR evil onto people you don't even know based on the words of? a total stranger.


You know what's FUNNY? My cousin, who is now super Jesus…is terrified to speak to me…..kek…Well people do what they need to do in order to be OK. If that means worshiping human sacrifice…then whatever.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 8:17 p.m. No.13312662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2677


For someone who follows Trump so closely, your record is always getting stuck in the same spot.


"The people in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"..Trump.


Have you HEARD of the Rothchilds? In fact that's ALL you've heard of. Has it ever occurred to you that they're just the "middle man?"


KEK programmed to believe.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 8:30 p.m. No.13312733   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>It means Lazy

KEK…watch Empire of Dust…it's slow…but it needs to be slow…KEK watching the Chink engineers trying to just build a road…


then if you want to be horrified watch Addios Africa….there's a reason some parts of Africa are…and it's NOT whtpple fault.


China's incursion into Africa aside..there's a REASON they keep deleting this movie…it's literally spell binding…as you slowly start to comprehend the reality.


This next documentary is SO horrifying that most reuploads you have to sign into see it…everything YOU currently believe about Africa is a fucking LIE…kek and it's a kike that uploaded this don't need to sign in. It's literally one of the most VILE things I've ever seen in my fucking entire life. If it were NOT for "white people" there wouldnt be a damn thing left alive in Africa….I do NOT want to live with or near these people. Ever. I have a right to avoid people who have these…tendencies. BUT these tendencies are exactly why the Jew slave traders chose them. This isn't CGI, this is reality. If you (the people here not you specifically) don't take the time to education on the REALITY …then you need to stop the "they want you divided by race"..I want to be separate entirely from people like this…no fucking matter what color their skin is.

Anonymous ID: 4526a4 March 27, 2021, 8:36 p.m. No.13312760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AAAND you quote the meme book. Congratulations. I'm not triggered over the RF I'm "triggered" over the autodomesticated responses evil people like you hand out so cavalierly based on literally nothing but "shit I read on the Internet and decided to believe because I'm good and they're evil.


So let's go over this again…you post bullshit and assert things about people you don't know based on shit you read on the Internet…and I'm the problem.

THEN you quote the meme book at me expecting to make an impression? KEK.


I hazard a guess that people like you that go about elevating your ownselves above others based on a concept of evil handed to you on a platter that serves (((SOMEONES))) purpose to have you to believe it….really are not half as "good" as you'd like to beLIEve.


Goodness, they lied about "Jesus" too didn't they?


KEK…you're fucking evil and don't even recognize it.


But the arrogance of "the good" is and always has been a useful "tool".