Remember walls.
Remember hands.
Remember marked holy ground.
No longer symbols. People are the embodiment.
Who are the Gatekeepers of the holy ground?
37th year 3+7=10 First conference in Chicago. Then not again until 2016.
2016 was both 34th and 35th conference. 34 years since first conference in Chicago 3+4=7 35th conference since started 3+5=8
What do the numbers signify? Why are they important in Esoterical matters? 7, 8, 10
Search, search, search.
Find conferences, mark hotels.
For 37 years exact patterns.
15 mile radius from hotels…how far is….
Arch Diocese?
Masonic Lodge?
Closest Cemetery?
Indian Mounds?
Major waterway?
Public Support buildings?
Who does the owl represent? Does Bohemian Grove run the Club? Wikipedia Bohemian Club [7]
Full Ascent. A promise Swearing an oath, vow, or obligation. Willingly giving full ascent. What does it mean for one to give these things in word, deed, or from the heart?
What follows are select portions taken from my ritual experiences that led to what they call “full ascent”… Let each declare the verdict…is it forced or fully willing?
Sacred Ritual Promise 1: “I further promise and swear that I will, in all things, act as a true and faithful Brother, and will caution my Brother by word, sign or token.”
What really is in a promise?