The captcha is practically unsolvable now. I'm on a device from earlier this morning when I was successful with the precaptcha. I wasn't getting anywhere trying now with a desktop. Someone sure doesn't want anonymity here.
So, when did the glowniggers take the site over ?
Are we being shown the real significance of EVERGREEN?
Is this what has been happening to the millions of missing children? Kidnapped and trafficked for consumption?
Who is consuming the children? How long has it been going on? Any connection to the Medieval European blood libels?
Is EVER GIVEN a veiled reference to sacrifice?
Is this why there is so many shipping containers from China? So they can hide child sacrifice victims in the shipping containers?
Yes, thanks to the efforts of the Bush's of Houston, Texas and the Clinton's and Walton's of Little Rock, Arkansas. Did you know George Bush Sr. was an Ambassador to China?
One Drop Rule, Alex.
They consume children, don't they?