>Look over here goy!
Are you just talking to yourself?
Is this a typical jewish quality or are you just an insufferable faggot?
I'm curious.
There is Andrew and Anons, there is no Andrew Anon.
Certainly you've noticed certainty has fallen?
Not quite the order wanted out of chaos?
Understood, you're the guy in the back of the car kvetching all the way to Disneyworld.
Diversity is /ourstrength/
Once you start getting hate mail you know you've made it big.
Rule set alpha engaged, if a then b.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Holy shit the defeatism and savior mentality all wrapped up in an empty threat of naivete..
Are you the poster boy for absolute faggots or just this bad at feigning prime organics?
I'm literally shaking.
Why do kikes kvetch so fucking much?
Didn't they drive Moses crazy by reading all the fucking billboard signs?
Oy vey the plan my fellow goy it is taking too long and has such small portion!
Maybe in solitary confinement they still do.
Barks like a duck.
Better to go Goths and rush Man At Arms.