Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:13 p.m. No.13324831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That scene was LEGIT the first time I ever heard my mother spontaneously LOL. We all just….stared….stunned.

"say that's a nice beaver you have there"…




she hands down stuff beaver.


Thanks for the memory!

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:20 p.m. No.13324879   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A BIG FUCK YOU to the channeling fucking jewtube fake psychics who get their shit from here… "timely" on that parasite video right JC?


And what about YOU …J? in your 1st reading re the Ever Given you told everyone the ship was full of trafficked children and their rescue would be televised and expose everything.


Then when you saw the posts about how fucking evil it would be to know there were live children on there but leave them to bake in containers you backtracked and said that the "white hats" were sekritly getting on board the ships and feeding the kids.


NOW that the ship is moving, and NOT A SINGLE TRAFFICKED CHILD IS publicly rescued….what's your excuse NOW/


Stop channeling, you don't know WTF you're talking to and they're completely ruining whatever reputation you had.


I know you both read here.

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:22 p.m. No.13324896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4906 >>4931 >>4970


Trump is right, as usual. Dr Kary Mullis has something to say about Fau-Chi.




Kary Mullis on his PCR test and the misuse of it to create the AIDS epidemic.


BTW, Dr. Mullis is dead now.

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.13324932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5006


>The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

Then how about you prepare them?


Sussex review date 31 March (unless she moves it again, which seems unlikely…the UK public is ready to see the "Duchess" dethroned.


(Harry will still be prince, just the Sussex/Dumbarton titles will be removed so Markle can't use them to merch anymore.)

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:41 p.m. No.13325032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BTW, right is what their aetheric/energetic forms look like. When they take over a regular human via "possession"….left is their CHOZEN form….call it the "hive" body.


Does the covid test/vaccine MARK you for harvest? Is THIS what John was trying to describe while writing "Revelation" on Patmos, an island known for it's psychedelic mushrooms? John had a salad and BOOM?

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.13325095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5121 >>5132


I don't think there's going to be a "big reveal"….I sincerely don't think people can handle it. You know, the reason that, in every single disaster movie ever made there's that ONE gov. guy that refuses to let the "science guy" alert the public?


I think you guys envision this big reveal and TADA everything will be better….but what happens when the "awakening" hits both sides equally hard? Each time I watch one of those movies I get mad when the "science guy" is refused permission to "alert the public"….but the gov. guy is probably right. Why create a horrific "panic situation" when people can just be going about their daily business and POOF out of the blue leaving the earth etc mostly intact because they didn't have time to destroy everything in their panic.


I honestly don't know what they're going to do. But if I had to guess, it's going to play out like every disaster movie ever made. MAYBE there is some sort of 'plan' to mitigate this….I'm NOT going hunting for it. That "space" is dangerous af right now. I'll be minding my own business hiding under the bed waiting for it to be over.


A wise man knoweth…for every season there is a TIME…people are certainly being given a CHOICE….so each person has to be responsible for their own CHOICE…if people (like I saw on jewtube last night) rush into take the test so they can prove they don't have the wuflu so they can leave their "department" and go make money making jewtube videos because $$$….rather than act wisely, make do with what they have….I'm supposed to feel bad for that CHOICE? Even before the microscopic examinations of the PCR test exposing Morgellons-like fibers on them…my internal locus told me…NOPE…no test, no vaccine, lay low.

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.13325242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5352


There's nothing to help. I had been wrting about the space nigger parasites for a few months…and trying to solve the mystery of the "chozen" and attempt to organize my thoughts into something a normie would recognize and be able to process….that's when, just day before yesterday I saw that German dude's video (Kautz-Vella) and "went into the zone" to have a looksee at his theory.


I already knew that the Archons were the culprits as I posted often…and that they had aetheric and human forms (meaning they take over a human body) and about the time I saw his work I was contemplating if they'd evolved into NOT need a "biological" form in order to take a human and had evolved into more technical ability to so so via nano tech….because all the Morgellons stuff ….which appears to be accidental (mutation of something meant to kill a fungus on plants into a "smart fungus"…this is BIG topic in my head right now.


Each time I learn/see something new that resonates with facts already in evidence, it shifts my hypothesis a bit. I tapped into him and he's definitely got the basic idea of this. However, there are other aspects.


The "fungus" appears to be opportunistic…do the Archons merely use something already there? The "assembly" of nano particles in the tests is a big clue. It could be a process that I've still not got "the words" or the complete picture. I have to DIG hard one day…process a few days because this shit is brain exploding. KEK and I thought folding dimensions and timeline jumps was hard to process.


I started looking at a 'tech only' explanation for the mind control/black eye club when I saw this black eye pic with the explanation being insertion of nanowires.


All I can do is tell you what I'm doing….keeping to myself and the ODDEST thing happening with me now is that no matter what I do I cannot correct my sleep cycle….I've never in my life had an issue with sleep…lay down, sleep…that's been me my entire life. Now I am awake from about 6pm to 6am…and I get the heebies going outside in daylight. I have an idea what that's about, but it's just easier right now to listen to my body and intuition and let things play out. I tried last week to correct it….and it didn't work….kek I said "my poles have flipped" as a joke…who knows. In my life I've never had a single sleep issue. And being a "nature lover" it is HIGHLY unlike me to avoid going outside. That's just weird.

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 5:23 p.m. No.13325350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5384 >>5438 >>5483 >>5504


PS…I would really really REALLY love this shit to start blowing up about that time…but I too can experience wishful thinking…I'll continue to have my own "wishful thinking" internal hopium. I do know there's coordination and that some things must happen simultaneously…that the drips will become drops then a downpour..but I'll tell you this for free, those assholes haven't just "given up"….and no matter how far into future you look (on particular timelines) it is impossible to account for all possible outcomes. The Queen moved the review date back for a reason….trust me she's as eager to be rid of Markle as anyone else…the UK people are raging and blaming her for not having done it already…so it stands to reason if she delayed there was an unforeseen event that caused it.


Much of what we "see in the news" is manufactured/fake. In my best possible outcome scenario….best possible outcome….on a certain day (whenever) Trump et al give some kind of combined live broadcast and literally SHOW people that the past 6 months have all been a mockup that nothing they've seen is real, in an attempt to SHOW people how much of everything they beLIEve has been literally fake news.


A good example are posters here. For 5 years…fake news fake new fake news…suddenly everything is real?


And the idiots who left here and sustain themselves sucking the milk of hopium from jewtube frauds who have a MONETARY motive for dropping the teat of hope into their mouths…I as them why are you so damn needy that you NEED to be sustained even if it's with lies?


KEK if this theory is correct people gonna be SO fucking pissed at Trump. I guess unless I go looking I'm going to find out which witch is which about the same time everyone else will.


I know it's ALL coming down….I do know that….but ALL…not just what one side or the other wants…I mean ALL…people on one side can't say they want the truth…then refuse to acknowledge the truth about what THEY believe (IE religion as an example)…do you really think xians. muzzies and jews gonna be happy about finding out their "belief" systems are nothing but mechanisms of control? KEK no more happy than the "progressives" will be finding out what they're gonna discover.


I think I'm staying under the covers.


Do YOU foresee ANY circumstances by which TRUTH can be revealed like this without exploding the entire world with rage? I don't.

Anonymous ID: 205b8e March 29, 2021, 5:40 p.m. No.13325495   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Also remember: not all black people are niggers.

Nigger USED to mean "how you act" and didn't have a damn thing to do with skin color. Black Americans are NOT niggers and reject nigger culture and behavior that RUINS THEIR LIVES and neighborhoods just like it ruins ours.


I don't want to be around, live anywhere near or have ANY interaction with niggers, ever. That IS my choice. I refuse to bow to the BULLSHIT that THIS SHIT is Black People. I just refuse. By taking the word NIGGER out all you're left with is cracker and whigger…and you end up saying BLACK PEOPLE when referring to nigger behavior.


THAT is NOT fair to Black Americans.

racissss…do you really think…I mean really think that people are AFRAID of a damn fucking COLOR? I refuse to be around this shit. It's a damn POISON on society. PERIOD.