Anonymous ID: 2b78d3 March 29, 2021, 4:06 p.m. No.13324784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841


Once a Dick, always a Dick


(Dick Receives Mysterious Heart transplant at the age of 71 (3/2012), Given preference?

Dick just happens to be on the Mayo Clinic Board of Emeritus Trustees, along with other unscrupulous liberals.


Mayo Clinic Jackson Fl. Organ transplants


Clinton Foundation


Haiti, Haiti, Haiti. Organ harvesting, children sex trafficking, bodies found with missing organs.


Organ harvesting: This is not a behind-the-scenes dark alley operation (generally). This is carried out by medical professionals involved in the highest level of black-market organ harvesting and trafficking.


Did former Vice President Dick Cheney get special treatment /miraculously jump to the head of the line—when the 71-year-old got a heart transplant?



Haiti-Cholera-Cholera doesn't harm organs-organ harvesting


Illegal Fentanyl & Heroin overdoses do not harm organs.


Height of illegal Fentanyl & Heroin brought in by Mexico and CCP-Obama Biden Adm.


Linked to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia's death?


Who killed Antonin Scalia? Conspiracy theories blame Obama …

[Search domain]

Paladin Justice also brought up the possibility that former Vice President Dick Cheney may have "hunted" Scalia. After all, the judge was found dead on a Texas hunting ranch Saturday — just two…


why does the Mayo Clinic have so many unscrupleless trustees that have had Sexual Scandals, connections to Communist China, Close connections with both the Bush, Obama & Clinton presidents, Globalists, non payment of taxes, mentioned in human trafficking lawsuits, liberals & Rinos, climate changers, Connections/ previously worked at only liberal controlled media (even those known as pedo havens or hired pedos knowningly-Disney Nickolodean, pedo material netflix, possible Pedophiles…..and DICK CHENEY?


Organ Trafficking Co-Conspirators – A Worldwide Epidemic

Anonymous ID: 2b78d3 March 29, 2021, 4:08 p.m. No.13324799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

George Floyd is completely responsible for his death and no one else.


Ellison, Walz, Frey, Omar, other Democrats and the Dem controlled media should be arrested and tried for inciting riots, destruction of private property, looting, businesses/homes being burnt to the ground, assaults, rapes and murders that occurred across the USA, because of them.


And additional charges for Ellison withholding crucial evidence, Walz's & Omar's daughters aiding and abetting and putting our National Guard's lives at risk.


This last summer BLM, Antifa, their puppet & funding masters are responsible for the deaths of 35 Law Enforcement Officers and 3000 other Law Enforcement Officers wounded.


Of course there will be an acquittal…Ellison never had a case to begin with. Liberal Media showed edited video clips to incite the riots….all planned for an demwit agenda to destroy Mpls, the state and country.


George Floyd is completely responsible for his own death.


He took a lethal dose of fentanyl and unless he got on Narcan immediately, he was done for. Period. We all saw the white pill and him foaming at the mouth, delusional, pan icing, etc. as in an overdose. The neck restraint was legal under Minneapolis police guidelines. You’re not going to get any murder conviction for that.


Fentanyl 11 ng/mL

Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL

4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL

Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL

Various types of THC: 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL

Cotinine positive

Caffeine positive

A urine drug screen tested positive for presumptive positive for cannabinoids, amphetamines, and fentanyl/metabolite.

A urine drug screen also confirmed free morphine of 86 ng/mL.


Jason Whitlock, the black sports journalist, has watched the new footage, and says: The behavior of the police officers seems appropriate and restrained given Floyd’s level of resistance and bizarre conduct. The footage reasonably explains how and why Floyd wound up on the ground with multiple officers restraining him.


Preliminary findings from a Tuesday autopsy conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation,” according to the criminal complaint filed Friday against former officer Derek Michael Chauvin.


The media’s narrative is false. All the George Floyd riots, all the George Floyd protests, have been based on a lie.

Watch the video. It really is shocking to realize how the public was misled by the media, by politicians, by celebrities, and by activists.


George Floyd died from his own prior actions that caused him to overdosed on fentanyll. He had a cocktail of drugs in his system, major health issues & also had coviid - toxicology proves this. George Floyd died due to his prior actions. This man was a LIFE long career criminal & drug addict! He held a gun to a pregnant woman's belly, holding her hostage while her house was ransacked.


And what does the BLM and antifa rioting across the USA, arson, vandalizing, murder have to with a career criminal, Mr. Youporn Career Criminal, Counterfeiter, Drug Addict Floyd? Nothing, just the left's political agenda to destroy the USA!


This would have been George Floyd's ninth felony arrest.