Gotta support the narrative that the 'QAnons' support of Trump is eroding'
Exactly, and that was a recent MSM headline that I saw. Dont remember which publication. But if you watch you can see the patterns. Sometimes you see it here first and then there and sometimes it's the other way 'round. Their little QAnon strawman is pretty handy for them
Starting to look that way, but who knows at this point. The immediate/heavy push against him on the board last night didn't feel organic, so im just going to watch it play out
I agree. But also the thing that made me get curious and come looking 3 yrs ago was my son mentioning Q and saying it was 'the biggest internet troll of all time'. And here i (still) am.
So I guess we shall see
Gaetz has an odd expression. Was this RR saying 'yeah, you my bitch now' ?
Anyone else recall all the hullabaloo that was made of Trump's handshake? He doesn't allow others to control that - is this why? And remember during the COVID stuff, him saying he hopes 'the handshake' will just go away?
But why would any anon think Q would broadcast the exact month of 'happenings' on this board? Perhaps Q really DID overestimate the autists after all
And when Gaetz is proven correct but others are accused of similar - and far worse? What then? Genie already out of the bottle?
I do acknowledge that is the narrative you're trying to ram down my throat. Luckily you arent man enough to ram a goddamned thing, sugartits
Oh come on, you've got to be smarter than this
Does the word 'manipulation' go over your head? Maybe you're just super new here and haven't noticed that's what this board is all about - oerhaps you've fallen victim to it- from the wrong side
Wtf is a 'QAnon'? Retard
Don't even know what to say to someone who has been around this long and is still posting what you posted
Nah. That is just a puppet. Who is behind him - that is who we hunt