>Jim prolly one of the OG sex tourists got the whore preggos and bought the kid.
As it should be, kek
>Jim prolly one of the OG sex tourists got the whore preggos and bought the kid.
As it should be, kek
To be fair the mass media also went against the omnipotent hacker called "4chan".
They are weird like that.
>Does anyone have any good red pill material on the subject?
MRC-5, WI-38 and others like that.
Almost always works.
Will only not work on very badly brainwashed people.
Also 9 hour Plotkin.
Yeah, tell her that it's not even a dangerous untested vaccine, but a dangerous untested GENE THERAPY.
See SEC filing on biontech website.
They admit it themselves.
The only vaccine that is supposed to work traditionally is the Chink vaccine, and I even doubt that.
People like that need to get locked up for life.
"hack the software of life"
because humans are intelligent enough to write a simple web browser that is secure and doesn't cause all sorts of issues including security issues.
>"fighting disease"
How about not injecting newborns with poisons for a start.
>So they specifically state that it does not permanently alter DNA
No, they state "ARE DESIGNED NOT TO".
They just claim that.
They claim a lot.
They even claim that the CEO of BioNTech created it within a day or some other retarded shit like that.
The FDA is considering their "vaccine" a gene therapy. That's all that actually matters.
>The military has bigger, badder weapons that our puny firearms. If we are congregated, they can hit us
>But to be fair, we don't have a counter point that proves they are altering genes either.
That's not how that works.
This company BioNTech was founded in 2008. They have not created a single product to my knowledge, then by pure coincidence they get Bill Gates shekels in 2019, then this wu-flu "pandemic" happens and all of a sudden they have a product to sell, so that Bill gets his 20 for 1 ROI.
They are just some company.
The FDA considers their product a gene therapy, full stop.
>Personally my view on it is, the Covid mRNA is harmless and designed to get us to let down our guard.
mRNA makes your own cells create these spike proteins, the same that Astra Zeneka creates. And for Astra Zeneka it's now official public knowledge that this spike protein causes BLOOD CLOTS, which are literally killing people, young people, who were not affected by the flu.
It's fucking with cells themselves and there has not been a single of these mRNA "vaccines" before that, and this one isn't even actually approved. The studies will end 2023.
Everything that is done atm is violating every single point of the Nuremberg code, which means everyone - these companies, the mass media and everyone else who promotes this as a "safe and effective vaccine" and spreads fake news about it is literally fucked.
Why are you mystified?
You know that most of the western governments, especially the US administration, Germany too and so on lied to the people tons of times and then killed lots of people in foreign countries?
They don't give a shit about human life. If you think your government would never harm you, because it's your government think again.
They even send their own people to other countries, so that they murder people over there, which in turn makes them psychologically sick, and when they can't work anymore, they are shat on by the same government responsible for them now being sick. Government doesn't care about you or anyone else.
They do not give a shit about anyone except to fill their own pockets. It's all corrupt to the core.
The pHARMa industry does not cure for the most part. They want chronically ill people, so that the cash flow never stops.
And that industry is fully protected by the corrupt governments.
You are in fact a slave to them. You do as they say, give them half of the money you make (if anyone else would be doing that, it would be called robbery, which it is). When you don't do as they say, they put you in prison.
For example take the retarded makes. They don't protect you or anyone else. In fact they are bad for your health, especially over time.
Why would anyone that cared about your health demand that you wear them?
it makes them money
it makes you sick
It's all upside down.
You have to show the public first, otherwise the public will think you are the bad guy.
>it looks kind of weak to claim the FDA classification of gene therapy.
BioNTech literally writes it.
How the fuck is that weak?
They literally themselves say "our products are considered gene therapies by the FDA".
>the MSM will 'bebunk' it by reading what i quoted on page 69 of that report.
Page 69 states "it's not designed to do that". They do not say that it does not do that.
You can be extra careful and say "the FDA considers their vaccine a gene therapy". That's factual truth, there is no way around that. No way to debunk it, without looking retarded.
>And remember that Sars Cov-2 was not even actually fucking SEQUENCED.
Even the whole virus theory is just a theory.
If you look into it, the whole medical system is an unscientific scam.
>So WHO THE FUCK cares about a vaccine at all, and WHY THE FUCK would one be rushed into production ahead of normal safety protocols?
That's the thing atm, everything falls apart when you look into it a tiny bit, a very tiny bit.
>Sadly we have Trump to thank for making the Covid hysteria "official" when he started wearing the mask.
I can understand Trump, you can't red pill people by using the biggest red pill immediately. It's too much and people will reject it and think you are insane.
Viruses may be simply products of the cells themselves, they could be symptoms, but not the causes of diseases.
Maybe even produced when cells are dying, that's all that the experiments have actually proven.
Look up what the CDC themselves say about isolating the corona virus. Read their timeline. They haven't proven that it causes this specific disease. They just grew something in a petri dish and immediately consider it the "cause of the disease". In a way it's so retarded, it's laughable.
But let's assume that their virus theory is false, it would immediately wipe out almost all vaccines, and that's the problem.
In the end the current FIAT money system is the problem. More and more profit every year, can't go down on the profits. wait, you figured out the these vaccines are bullshit? can't have that, can't do that, investors would be unhappy and we will have to close down, thousands will lose their important jobs, meanwhile our competition keeps the lie running. Competition may even call us insane.
When you go with lies, you will "win" in the current system. You will be able to afford all sorts of nice things.
That's what the devil does.
>"Q team" insinuated once they strike i.e. "arrests"? it would be done very fast.
The FIRST will send a shock wave.
Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The INITIAL wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).