Anyone claiming to KNOW is deceiving you.
And themselves, if they believe their own claim.
Anyone claiming to KNOW is deceiving you.
And themselves, if they believe their own claim.
>Still falling for cabal trick of dividing people…this time by weight…
Ikr? What's next? Dividing by distance?
>plenty of overweight people are healthier than their 'just right weight' counterparts.
Sauce that shit nigga.
>much healthier in mind and spirit, too.l
Now you're the one dividing by weight.
<I left in the L on purpose.
Lol that's not sauce… Kek.
That's an ad piece.
>Being overweight is now believed to help protect patients with an increasingly long list of medical problems.
Ok, great. I don't buy it. Believe it all you want though.
← Actual picture of Earth from Space
>virtually disproves evolution.
You're mistakenly believing that evolution is a ladder like system going towards the "perfect being". While in reality evolution is planar and can in fact run in circles based on the environment. Nothing de-evolves, but some things evolve traits that are not sustainable. That where natural selection comes in.
But natural selection culling the non-sustainable variants doesn't prevent the organism from trying again.
Hence, she actually proves evolution by existing as opposed to disprove it as you seem to believe.