Excellent bread, Bakes.
Body acceptance for fat people, razor blade and doctors orders for the schizo trannies.
A world of tolerance.
Goal posts?
The show is only getting started.
Did you think this was just another four year erection?
You gave this honor to me and from it, never shall I back down or disregard it.
You digital soldiers fighting for life, for freedom, you digital soldiers who honor your homes and defend with your heart and reason.
Never Give Up.
You are a guiding light in these times of information chaos.
And now you're a faggot!
I think they are about to call role.
Haha, what a LEGENDARY MEME!
Who is a nigger and why can't kikes understand context and sarcasm?
United we win!
Twilight was garbage and you're a faggot for even bringing that up here.
You could inject your asshole with coffee, I heard it's a popular cleanse.
Don't worry, they'll successfully depopulate themselves, fucking martyrs and saints.
Go down in history, Darwin Awards.
You didn't receive the care package?
Do a flip faggot.
You're lucky I'm exhausted from typing so much or I'd give you a piece of my calorically dense mind.
The Akashic records states the shorten spell harnesses an equal effect of magicules.
Does your mind lack variance?
How many personalities are allowed to exist in your mind simultaneously?
Do you always operate within such a limited archetypical fantasy?
Okay Chang, China #0
Give me an indescribable variable and I shall paint you a world which never to wake up.
Does boiling the dog alive bring out greater richness in flavor?
Whatever you say, Chang.
Have fun drinking the afterbirth from your kike overlords.
Imagine not only loosing your sacred culture but praising the ones who rob you of basic decency.
So they control your perception of death.
How long will you remain distracted from the child's question lying inside ever heart and mind?
You'll never be alone again.