Anonymous ID: 77d883 April 2, 2021, 1:33 a.m. No.13345361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear you.

I think, however, we underestimate what need be done to win. We are the idea of the cutting edge that is the cut yet to be made - so far ahead of the curve that hasn't even taken form yet. We have seen what is unfolding in the same way a mathematical set has foreseen anything contained within. As certainly as these institutions existed, the certainty of the current events was destined for all with eyes to see. We live, quite simply, in a different world. One thing I had to come to terms with as one of the "high IQ types" is that just because I am flatly superior does not make the inferior worthless or meaningless. Consider the Lord of the Rings and how the most grand and intelligent being short of god himself was undone by the simplicity of some country bumpkins who were able to do what even the mightiest races and coalitions could not.


The proverbial cabal has power because people view them to be powerful, either as a force of righteousness or a force to be feared and fled from. The pleasantries and indulgences of our "monetized debt" were known to be unsustainable before they were created, but why let the promise of syphilis get in the way of a good fuck, right? The concerns were placated with cheap goods as our debt was exported to countries more than willing to prop up their own currency machines with our promises to repay in the future. We and China are locked into a race to the bottom. They need us as a buyer of China, Inc - and we need bread and circus to make the "elites" look powerful, responsible, brilliant, and full of splendor.


The game has a mathematically certain end and sooner than most realize - and they will push it to the point where the math breaks down and there aren't enough dollars to buy a dollar (which is presently happening and part of the "should be impossible" events like rates going negative beyond the fail margin).


All that needs to be done by the average person is to, via choice or by circumstance, become unable to partipate in the lie that the problem can always be solved by paying someone else to do it. As that begins to happen, the real economy awakens and the movement of goods and services according to real demand takes over, as well as "not in my back yard" - which means that exporting slave labor to china and mexico gets replaced by more ethical work and manufacturing standards.


As for the show on stage in DC… When you realize that the proverbial they are trying to set Biden up for impeachment (gaetz and hunter scandals), Q's drops begin to make sense.

They can't use the 25th to remove a President over mental health concerns and they know it. That isn't what the amendment was created for. There will be a showdown to impeach Biden before much longer because they want Kamala and/or Pelosi.


I don't think many understand just what Q meant by highest authority and biggest advance drop on Pol. The question then becomes… If things go down as Q indicated during/under and after a Biden administration … Just who the fuck is Q? Once we have our government back, perhaps we should invest of it into that question.

Anonymous ID: 77d883 April 2, 2021, 1:33 a.m. No.13345362   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear you.

I think, however, we underestimate what need be done to win. We are the idea of the cutting edge that is the cut yet to be made - so far ahead of the curve that hasn't even taken form yet. We have seen what is unfolding in the same way a mathematical set has foreseen anything contained within. As certainly as these institutions existed, the certainty of the current events was destined for all with eyes to see. We live, quite simply, in a different world. One thing I had to come to terms with as one of the "high IQ types" is that just because I am flatly superior does not make the inferior worthless or meaningless. Consider the Lord of the Rings and how the most grand and intelligent being short of god himself was undone by the simplicity of some country bumpkins who were able to do what even the mightiest races and coalitions could not.


The proverbial cabal has power because people view them to be powerful, either as a force of righteousness or a force to be feared and fled from. The pleasantries and indulgences of our "monetized debt" were known to be unsustainable before they were created, but why let the promise of syphilis get in the way of a good fuck, right? The concerns were placated with cheap goods as our debt was exported to countries more than willing to prop up their own currency machines with our promises to repay in the future. We and China are locked into a race to the bottom. They need us as a buyer of China, Inc - and we need bread and circus to make the "elites" look powerful, responsible, brilliant, and full of splendor.


The game has a mathematically certain end and sooner than most realize - and they will push it to the point where the math breaks down and there aren't enough dollars to buy a dollar (which is presently happening and part of the "should be impossible" events like rates going negative beyond the fail margin).


All that needs to be done by the average person is to, via choice or by circumstance, become unable to partipate in the lie that the problem can always be solved by paying someone else to do it. As that begins to happen, the real economy awakens and the movement of goods and services according to real demand takes over, as well as "not in my back yard" - which means that exporting slave labor to china and mexico gets replaced by more ethical work and manufacturing standards.


As for the show on stage in DC… When you realize that the proverbial they are trying to set Biden up for impeachment (gaetz and hunter scandals), Q's drops begin to make sense.

They can't use the 25th to remove a President over mental health concerns and they know it. That isn't what the amendment was created for. There will be a showdown to impeach Biden before much longer because they want Kamala and/or Pelosi.


I don't think many understand just what Q meant by highest authority and biggest advance drop on Pol. The question then becomes… If things go down as Q indicated during/under and after a Biden administration … Just who the fuck is Q? Once we have our government back, perhaps we should invest of it into that question.

Anonymous ID: 77d883 April 2, 2021, 2:13 a.m. No.13345441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is an easy answer to give while you still have faith in it, anon.

The problem is that, knowing what I know and seeing what I have seen - it is diffucult to accept the idea that Q is a military operation as we think of the military.


The raw amount of what must be moved in order for Q to be correct does not translate to a few generals sitting around a table, somewhere. It requires a degree of insight and control that is transcendant of how we understand the rules to work - it requires international cooperation, which is easy to justify at the end, but nearly impossible to secure beforehand. IE - you need the results of cooperation to generate the cooperation.


And then some things just make me question the nature of reality and the experience of life, itself. Case in point being the title of Hong Meiling's theme…. And more things about a bullet hell game that are insanely on point for an otaku in Japan to understand. Elly being Cain from the Lotus Land Story arc, for example. And it's not just the biblical account of cain, but his classic role within the region as the guardian of the boundary of death (which leads us to the gate of khane within warhammer 40k) - which is also referenced in the epic of gilgamesh.

…. Actually, why is it that the most relevant world history is covered by an h-game series where you get to bang king arthur as a waifu?


Then you remember that the Japanese still have the imperial regalia from Amaterasu - and that their language is almost fundamentally cryptographic, and it makes sense why they seem to know the important stuff.


There again, I have also stared a bit too much into the abyss. Life is really what you make of it. It can be a simple world of cause effect and material realism… Or it can be full of magic and wonder at the border of objectivism. Obviously, materialism can't be denied its function, but its purpose is entirely subjective.