Anonymous ID: 019e74 April 16, 2021, 9:03 p.m. No.13444339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4347 >>4364 >>4407 >>4904 >>4971


7 mins


Registered nurse Kate Shemirani speaks out on the poison they are giving people


Notes until 2:35 mins:


UK bought all of France's midazolam and where has it gone.

Morphine and midazolam is a chemical cocktail is used in end-of-life care to kill people


Nurses are beginning to whistleblow on what they are seeing

Empty hospitals, patients not getting care they should have

Patients having their lives terminated


Nurses don't want the vaccine, it hasn't had safety trials done

A lot of ingredients have never been tested for efficacy

No two vaccines have ever been tested for efficacy

No vaccine has ever been proven safe or effective


Offers to go to a court of law and get it all out there because what she is saying is true


Covid vaccine doesn't fulfill the legal definition of a vaccine

It's a device

Literature and govn: it doesn't stop transmission, doesn't cause an immune response so what is it?


One whistleblower has talked about consultant pediatrician who has been switched from regular duties to coerce the staff to have the vaccine. If they don't want it, they have to see senior management and this doctor.


His name is Justin Daniels, pediatric consultant of the North Middlesex Hospital


He is coercing staff to have this deadly device.

She would like everyone to write to him and ask him what is in it.

What do each of the ingredients do the the human body.

Video at


Dr Justin Daniels is a Consultant Paediatrician at North Middlesex University Hospital. He qualified as a doctor at Nottingham University and then trained as a Paediatrician in London. He was appointed to his current job in 2004. His clinical interests are in Paediatric HIV, Paediatric Dermatology and child protection. He became interested in sudden infant deaths because of the number seen at his hospital. He is the designated doctor for child deaths for the London Borough of Enfield .

Dr Daniels has been a member of The Lullaby Trust Advisory Committee for a number of years and proudly ran the London Marathon for The Lullaby Trust in 2013. He became a trustee of the charity in June 2014.