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Buried Lead – Washington Post Outlines AG Barr As Key Figure Who Blocked Declassification of Spygate Documents

April 16, 2021 | Sundance | 64 Comments


The Washington Post has a lengthy hit-piece against Kash Patel where they infer unsourced claims the DOJ is investigating the former Nunes aide and Trump administration official for releasing classified information.


Keep in mind that President Trump granted full declassification authority to AG Bill Barr on May 23, 2019. I would draw your attention to these two paragraphs buried deep in the reporting (emphasis mine):


(WaPo) […] The battle against the deep state continued, meanwhile. Patel kept pushing, along with DNI Ratcliffe, for declassification of memos challenging the origins of the Russia investigation. Nakasone [NSA Director] strongly dissented, and Esper [Sec of Defense] backed him up in an October letter to Ratcliffe “urging that the information not be released due to the harm it would do to national security, including specific harm to the military,” a senior defense official said. Haspel [CIA Director], too, strongly opposed release of the information. Their argument for protecting sensitive information was finally supported by Attorney General William P. Barr, and Trump backed away, a source close to the events said.


“I think there were people within the IC [Intelligence Community], at the heads of certain intelligence agencies, who did not want their tradecraft called out, even though it was during a former administration, because it doesn’t look good on the agency itself,” Patel said in the RealClearInvestigations interview. (read more)


It is tradition the NSA and CIA run to the Washington Post when they need a media PR firm to push their position. So this article makes sense considering the NSA and CIA both had something to hide within the criminal activity behind Spygate. [Maybe the timing has to do with recent information about the Durham probe.]


Regardless of what has initiated the need for the intelligence apparatus to turn attention toward Kash Patel I think we all understand exactly what is described inside the paragraphs; the stuff the IC couldn’t deal with…. the institutional damage they feared….. and ultimately the reason Bondo Barr went along with their need to keep it all hidden.


…Bill Barr knew the cover-up operation when he repeatedly praised Robert Mueller. So too did Lindsey Graham and all of the other voices in/around the DC system.


This is why all of those characters acted with disregard for any information that surfaced. They were all participants; and they knew the system would protect itself from sunlight.


Once you begin to accept this uncomfortable truth, then you start to realize just how far some voices went to keep the pantomime going. Everything was orchestrated to keep everyone focused on the “injustice” within the details.


Think about the last four years, systemic contingencies everywhere. No-one ever publicly talked about what Mueller was really in charge of doing in the goal of protecting the institutions and systems within them. The people inside that system all knew that Mueller was their protector. Mueller was protecting very corrupt people.


Everything now visible, the blatant disregard and the ‘in-your-face’ approach with the JoeBama administration, is downstream from that origination point. That’s why they all walk around as if they do not care…. because they have nothing to worry about.


Start from the position that everyone knew the purpose and intents of Robert Mueller, including people very close to President Trump, and then you start to realize just how brutally corrupt this DC system is. President Trump was satiated by people who knew Robert Mueller was protecting all of those who tried, and failed, to keep him out of office and then hamstring him once he entered the system.


Everyone knew.


No one did not know.


The only difference is… some were active participants, and some -out of fear- just sat silent to the cover-up operation. That reality is why the FISA court did not react to Kevin Clinesmith aggressively.


Everyone knew… And they could not let Trump win reelection. [Tweets, May 23, 2019]