signature dance move
phasing - quantum like in ant man
secretservice detail needs detailing
what year is that suburban - from back in 2016?
hunter gets 2MM pops gets cleats guess we know where drJill …
muhbee the 2mm is for the hunter chelsea sex tape - hinghly anticipated in the psake alt left pippilongstalking cult crowd
hail hyrdra symbol
green ennergy comes from gasshats like said haaland - tap into her blow hole for continuous energy
he's riding around in cleats - hello?? stupid even understands this part
nope your way off - don't think it means that at all, not at a l l
get vaccinated
believe in the science
trust the vaxx's - just not jj's the other ones are worse so take them often, they're like vitamins, and stop hating on camel parmesan
…so babel twas the comm tower hans and chewey blew up down here on terra