Anonymous ID: 86682b April 17, 2021, 11:54 p.m. No.13452359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2409 >>2608


They are scared here. With vaccines they have become more bold and more willing to call you a bad dog for not obeying. As an individual they see me as a bad dog and are not willing to listen or hear from me. I need something they will hear and see. I need to break through the conditioning they have received so that they will interact and hear alternative information.

Anonymous ID: 86682b April 17, 2021, 11:59 p.m. No.13452373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379 >>2381 >>2425 >>2437 >>2441 >>2485

Posted this last night, didn't get much notice. Maybe it will help some anons tonight.

Had a group discussion with like minded coworkers this week. We have concern that our employer may attempt to mandate vaccination for all employees sometime in the future, possibly soon. There is a large number of us who do not want to be injected with an experimental cellular gene therapy and faking vaccination records just lets them get away with a mandate. It seems that 30-40% of our facility is unwilling to be vaccinated and at least 20% are of the never going to happen/over my dead body mindset. We collectively decided that under no circumstance will we allow our employer to force us to be vaccinated. We decided that we would rather force our employer to fire all of us at which time we will collectively file a class action lawsuit for wrongful termination, civil rights violations and whatever else our legal group recommends. As we work for a successful, multinational corporation with very deep pockets and most of us have glowing work histories and many working years to retirement there should be law firms tripping over each other to represent us. Never mind all of us "continued to work on site throughout the pandemic despite great personal risk to keep the company afloat during difficult times". The reputational damage we would do to the company with a class action lawsuit coming from their crown jewel US facility would also be unfortunate and impact sales worldwide.


I prefer it doesn't come to that. There are enough of us of like mind that firing or otherwise inhibiting us from doing our jobs will shut down operations. We have members of management, engineering and operational staff all onboard and on the same page. It is in our company's best interest to keep us happy and employed. As a group those of us who are truly required help protect those who are more easily replaced. We are not unionized but we can utilize union tactics to prevent being coerced into doing something we do not want. We can and will shut them down over this.


Have a conversation with your coworkers, maybe there are more like minded people than you know. You are not alone, united we will win.