Anonymous ID: 9bfd99 April 18, 2021, 2:22 a.m. No.13452841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2843 >>2858 >>2870 >>2883 >>2901 >>2914 >>2925 >>2937 >>2947 >>2957 >>2978 >>2993 >>3004 >>3019 >>3025 >>3045 >>3055 >>3065 >>3100 >>3126 >>3144 >>3162 >>3191 >>3220 >>3253 >>3288 >>3309 >>3324



Did Lee Harvey Oswald have any connections to the CIA?


It was 1993, the 30th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, when FRONT-LINE first aired its documentary, "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" In that program FRONTLINE concluded, "What now seems certain is that the CIA is still covering up its contact with Lee Harvey Oswald."

Now, 10 years later, much material has been made available to the American public which sheds light on what the CIA had been hiding for 40 years.


After JFK’s death, what happened to this “monolithic and ruthless” conspiracy? Did it just fade away?


And “the growing strength of the military industrial complex” that Eisenhower warned JFK about?

Did we get that under control?


“…The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." Eisenhower cautioned that the federal government’s collaboration with an alliance of military and industrial leaders, though necessary, was vulnerable to abuse of power. Ike then counseled American citizens to be vigilant in monitoring the military-industrial complex.


JFK jr. vowed to expose his father’s killers even if he had to bring down the entire US government to do it.

Why would exposing his father’s killers bring down the US gov?


JFK jr named his magazine “George”

Very odd name for a magazine, not very inspiring… unless he’s referring to a specific “George”


JFK himself said that he was going to dismantle the CIA after they invaded Cuba after he specifically told them NOT to… (Bay of Pigs) It appears that JFK was fighting the communist threat AND his own rogue elements in our CIA… He must have been very frustrated.


Trump doesn’t seem to get along with the CIA either… Brennan sure hates him, for a clandestine branch of the government it’s certainly odd that he would so overtly and publicly oppose Trump. What does the CIA do to presidents it disagrees with?




What Bush family member was working for the CIA AND in Dallas on the day JFK was killed?


What political family was involved with the United fruit company and Zapata oil?


Operation Zapata, United Fruit, CIA, GHW Bush, Rockefeller, Dulles, etc.:


" … The CIA was using companies like Zapata to stage and supply secret missions attacking Fidel Castro’s Cuban government in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA’s codename for that invasion was “Operation Zapata.” In 1981, all Securities and Exchange Commission filings for Zapata Off-Shore between 1960 and 1966 were destroyed. In other words, the year Bush became vice president, important records detailing his years at his drilling company disappeared. In 1969, Zapata bought the UNITED FRUIT Company of Boston, another company with strong CIA connections … "


The Bush family have been war profiteers from the beginning who did they support politically?


“How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president”


President Bush’s grandfather was a director of a bank seized by the federal government because of its ties to a German industrialist who helped bankroll Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, government documents show.

Prescott Bush was one of seven directors of Union Banking Corp., a New York investment bank owned by a bank controlled by the Thyssen family, according to recently declassified National Archives documents reviewed by the Associated Press.

Anonymous ID: 9bfd99 April 18, 2021, 2:23 a.m. No.13452843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2858 >>2883 >>2901 >>2910 >>2914 >>2925 >>2937 >>2947 >>2957 >>2978 >>2993 >>3004 >>3019 >>3025 >>3045 >>3055 >>3065 >>3100 >>3126 >>3144 >>3162 >>3191 >>3220 >>3253 >>3288 >>3309 >>3324



The biggest scandal in American history…



The Bush-Clinton empire and criminal succession.


“…The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for more than 30 years. They and their colleagues have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial system, the financial markets, and the banks. Their friends dominate the corporate media and Hollywood—the shapers of The Big Lie.”


"A few months ago I told the American people that I did not trade arms for hostages," Reagan said in a 13-minute speech from the Oval Office. "My heart and my best intentions still tell me that is true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."



Clintons, Contras and Cocaine:


“…Arkansas was a crucial link in the contra war against Nicaragua being masterminded from Washington. One scheme for maintaining a cover-up for Oliver North’s network was, it appears, played out in the Governor’s mansion occupied by Bill Clinton.”


“I was given a mission and I tried to carry it out…”

~Oliver North


“In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.”


“…And while the pursuit may be shadowed in secrecy…”

“…In this case, multi-ton loads of cocaine entering the United States, and hundreds of millions of dollars going to a U.S.-designated terrorist organization with vast reach.”

Anonymous ID: 9bfd99 April 18, 2021, 2:30 a.m. No.13452868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2878 >>2879 >>2883 >>2887 >>2901 >>2914 >>2925 >>2937 >>2947 >>2957 >>2978 >>2993 >>3004 >>3019 >>3025 >>3045 >>3055 >>3065 >>3100 >>3126 >>3144 >>3162 >>3191 >>3220 >>3253 >>3288 >>3309 >>3324



Republicans vs. Democrats as a Hegelian Dialectic, the military industrial media complex.


We know the Democrats are dirty, but many Republicans also participate… To be honest, the Republican Neo-Cons’ were responsible for assembling the military industrial media complex…



A look at the Justice Department filing that shows @ProjectLincoln co-founder John Weaver was a registered agent last year for the Russian government's ROSATOM, which builds the nuclear warheads Putin has AIMED at us.



“Weaver, a career political consultant who started The Lincoln Project to defeat President Donald Trump’s reelection bid, signed an agreement on May 10, 2019 with Tenam Corporation, “a subsidiary of Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company,” Politico reported at the time.”


“Shortly after Rosatom announced their intention to purchase Uranium One, Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow from a Russian investment bank linked to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”


Weaver, has been exposed as a sexual deviant, which also seems to be required to be part of the club.


“Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney said Wednesday that former President Donald Trump should not be "playing a role" in the country and the Republican Party going forward.”


Halliburton and Cheney: War Profiteers…


“Halliburton woke up Friday, determined to debunk a film by Robert Greenwald that it has not seen. You have to wonder just what Halliburton’s CEO and department of agitation and propaganda are thinking. The reaction to Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers is similar to CEO David Lesar’s ads in which he says that Halliburton is doing a great job in Iraq: Both are without first hand knowledge, based on fantasy and hearsay.

It’s worth pausing to recall the insidious nature of Halliburton’s role in the invasion and occupation of Iraq.“


Question to Rumsfeld:


“…DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?”

-Cynthia McKinney


“Since this war on terror was declared following 9/11, the pay levels for the CEOs of the top 34 defense contractors have doubled. The average compensation rose from $3.6 million during the period of 1998-2001, to $7.2 million during the period of 2002-2005, according to an August 2006, report entitled, “Executive Excess 2006,” by the Washington-based, Institute for Policy Studies, and the Boston-based, United for a Fair Economy.”


Do you believe that when all the multi-billionaires of the world get together in their little annual meetings at the Bohemian grove, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral group that they sit around and talk about what’s best for all the little sheeple of the world?


Do they talk about rainbows and unicorns and how they can use their fortunes to help mankind and make life better for everyone?


No… they’re a group of white collar international criminals who conspire with each other to make even more money for themselves… they don’t give a damn about us.


“…I have no patience for injustice, no tolerance for government incompetence, no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens.”

-Donald Trump


Trump’s speech to the

globalists went a little

differently than Biden’s…