You see the Black "Folk" never really liked what the "White's" did to America…at that time they couldn't do anything about it!!!
When they were brought here the New America wasn't what they were used to…most of them were ignorant and easily controllable by smarter blacks…hence, Masters and Slaves…
When they got their "Freedom"…a lot of them "Stayed" that way…
They decided "on their own" to make it as bad as they could possible make it for everybody…
When the Laws said "this"…they did "that"…almost like a 8 year old…
Now some broke through the "Racist" barrier and got a education, some of the smartest people on the Earth!!!
but for most…too many excuses on why the "White" man won't let them…
It's not that they object to everything the "White Man" did, stood for, created to better themselves to better the "Black Man"…
It just that they (Black) people didn't do it in their likeness…hence now it's tear down the history…
They see their chance at rebuilding history the way their ancestors saw it…now, most of their ancestors didn't write any Laws, or do any Historical things to "Better" this Country…Most of their achievements had to do with what it took to gain their "Freedom"…long after the Country was built and it wasn't built by them or for them in particular…but for everybody…
Thank White people for
Starting the USA
That computer you're typing on
The software that drives your computer
The Internet & nearly all web applications
Recorded music
Motion picture
Light bulb
Rocketry (modern)
Printing press
Contact lenses
Microwave oven
Metallurgy (most discoveries and methods)
Materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
95% of medical advancements
95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
Modern food preservatives
Most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
The bulk of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
Sea navigation (most advancements)
Discovery of DNA
Genetics (most research)
Laser technology and its myriad of uses
Harnessing electricity
Nuclear energy
Wireless technology
Air conditioning devices
Modern agricultural techniques
Modern democracy
Where would the world be without White people? Stuck in the stone age, that's where.
So the next time you get in your car, pick up your cell phone, fly in a plane, etc. thank White people.