Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.13455818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5877 >>5880



1-17-2020 #10037 Post No. 7842342I asked the JIDF clown for Sauce, he:


1.Posted a meme of a pile of bodies with Made Up Numbers on it. and claimed: "There you go"… as if just writing numbers is "sauce". Post No. 7842537


2.Upon my challenge: "Sauce it or GTFO", how many ovens? how many bodies in each oven?

3.Post No. 7842637 The Jewish Propaganda clown actually wrote:

"So YOU prove it."


The Jewish shill had 0 Sauce, and actually told me to sauce the "6,000,000" for him. This number has been claimed by the Jews for the last 75 Years.


4.Which means that not a single Jewish clown shill could provide Sauce for the 6 Million made up number.


5.Except for someone's claim of seeing some "nazi serial numbers" among the ''millions on computer file" at Yad Vashem, which is the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, in Israel. Post No. 7843099


So I dugg:


Yad Vashem Was Planned in 1942


Yad Vashem was first proposed in September 1942, at a board meeting of the Jewish National Fund, by Mordecai Shenhavi, a member of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek.[4]


In August 1945, the plan was discussed in greater detail at a Zionist meeting in London.



Since the JIDF shill Meme stated that the "high volume extermination camps were only open from 1942 -1945".


This means that the Jews and Zionists



6.Another Anon Posted: I DID THE MATH…IT'S BULLSHIT

Post No. 7842721: I picked one camp off your list.

Gross Rosen.

A total of 40000 people died there, and not all were Jewish, but

>let's say all were Jewish..


40,000 / 1095 = 37 Jews per day. Long ways from your 228 per day per camp number..



Same Anon, Post No.7842808:


Ebensee Concentration Camp


11,000 prisoners died.11,000 / 1095 = 10 per day.




7.Another Anon Post No. 7843172:


In all of German occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million Jews before the War, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia.


After the War, 3.8 million Jewish "Holocaust Survivors" were receiving pensions from the German Government.


Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.


-Edgar J. Steele


Jews Telling Us That "6 Million Jews Died" Without Any Sauce (Other Than Their Own Bogus Claims)


*Jews have claimed the "6 Million Jews Died" since that number was published in a Ukrainian newspaper in 1915.

that's 30 Years before the end of WWII.


Have we been Muh HoloCONNED by Jews for 75 Years?

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.13455840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5895


Dictate That YOU HATE Who The JEWS HATE:


*RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Because the Tsar of Russia Kicked The Khazarian Jews Out of Khazar 1,200 Years Ago, and the Jews have been taking Revenge since then.


*LIBYA, SYRIA, NO. KOREA and IRAN -The Only 4 Countries In The World That Does Not Have a Rothschild Owned Central Bank.  

The MOS Controlled US Politicians ordered the US Military to take out Saddam Hussein, and steal all of Libya's gold for the Jews. 1 country down, 3 to go. (they never thought she would lose.)


*CHINA CHINA CHINA - Because attempts to push America into WWIII against Russia, North Korea and Iran failed.

China has been Rothschilds' bitch since the Rothschilds financed Mao's Marxist Destruction of China.

*This Is Why:


*The Jew Owned Mossad Controlled MSM tells you that "Russian Bots" elected Trump in 2016.


*The Jew shills on this board smear American anons who post about Jewish Subversion as "Iranian". (stated enemy of the Jews/Rothschild owned Israel, because Iran would not let the Rothschilds control their country's $$$Money)


*The Jew Owned Mossad Controlled MSM are telling you that "Russia is meddling in the 2020 Election."

*In 2021 it's China, China China. but since anon showed that China has been the Jewish Bankers' bitch since 1949, the Narrative has suddenly changed to :


*Italy interfered in our Election.

*2021 - The latest deflection is to claim that "CCP controls all the media", and "CCP censors you".

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.13455852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6102

Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps:


*271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million


The Polish government Has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 billion from that country as "compensation for the Holocaust."


The Poles have Published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.


They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.






Another Anon Sauce:

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 1:51 p.m. No.13455931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5958

When one Israeli AFLB Jew shill has to lie and slander Anon, to be a fluffer for the other Sayanim Jew shill, we know that these 2 anti-Christian cunts know that they have lost.


Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:02 p.m. No.13455996   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪


Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.



Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll ChaotiX Clitorus🦪 Molech good


Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies🔯

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B🚿


Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah🚽 Kosher Kabbalah


Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah


Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k


HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate🍭 Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.


We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our Kabbalah.



We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.


We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳


Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔


Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬


6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud :



"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"


Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shank bones🍖 moist.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:05 p.m. No.13456015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031 >>6151 >>6306 >>6429 >>6551



President Xi and China Celebrates the 200th Birthday of Karl Marx at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The Bicentennial of an unusually consequential birth: Karl Marx, who entered the world on May 5, 1818. China’s President marked the anniversary by celebrating the man whose ideology resulted in the enslavement and death of tens of millions of his countrymen.


“[Karl Marx is] The greatest thinker in the history of mankind,” Xi Jinping gushed recently about the father of communism on the eve of his birthday. Xi proclaimed that “unceasingly promoting the Sinification and modernization of Marxism is totally correct.”




Karl Marx was an Ashkenazi Jew and descended from a long line of Talmudic Rabbis.


Karl Marx was related to the Rothschilds and also employed by them.


China has been the Rothschild Bankers' bitch since they bank-rolled the Communist Revolution and sent Jewish advisors to teach Mao how to implement Communist Dictatorship, kill and rule the Chinese people.


Mao's "Little Red Book" that every Chinese citizen was forced to read is Karl Marx translated into Chinese.


Chinese Communism Is Jewish Communism


^^^Giant Portrait of Karl Marx hanging in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:07 p.m. No.13456032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6122 >>6151 >>6306 >>6429 >>6551

How The JEWISH COMMUNISM SCAM Is Used To Destroy Nations


A JEW - KARL MARX (1818-1883) : Ashkenazi Jew, descended from a 200 Year long line of Talmudic Rabbis.


1843 - Marries Jenny von Westphalen

1848 - Wrote a Pamphlet The Communist Manifesto

1867 - Publishes the 3 Volume Das Kapital


Karl Marx appeals to the poor working classes, and suggests a "classless, Communist society characterized by free association of producers". This is achieved by the working classes carrying out "revolutionary action" to topple the Capitalist class, thereby dissolving the Socio-Economic disparity between the classes.


>Sounds Good, doesn't it?

Marxism exhorts that the Poor Working Proletariat Classes should rise up and kill the Rich Ruling Class, then ALL THE WEALTH of the country is shared by all the people. No Rich, No Poor classes. Equality for all.


How The JEWISH COMMUNIST Scam Is Actually Played Out


1. Jews Change Their Jewish Names to Blend In as "Christians" (Russia 1917)

Ex: Leon Trotsky(Bronstein), Bill Gates, John Kerry (Kohn), Madeleine Albright.


2. Jewish Bankers Fund the Money to Remove Non-Jewish Monarchs - "Communist Revolution"



3. Jews Control the New COMMUNIST Government. Directly (Russia) and Indirectly (China)

Mao's "little Red Book" that every citizen is required to read is KARL MARX translated into Chinese.


4. Jews Murder As Many Christians As Possible

*Russian Christians - 100 Million killed.

*Chinese Christians - 60 Million aprox. killed.


5. Jews Use Shabbos Goy as Figure Head Puppets

Russia - Stalin. (altho his cousin stated that Stalin was part Jewish)

China - Mao. and Xi.


6. Jews TAKE ALL The MONEY & Resources

Within each country, Jews become the Owners of All the Banks, All the best Real Estate, Natural Resources and Big Businesses.


Many Jews again changing their too-obvious Jewish names to "Blend In" with whatever countries they are subverting. Also intermarrying into Gentile aristocracy for power. "Conversos" - falsely "converting" to Christianity or Islam to avoid expulsion.

Jews get nose jobs, even the guys.


7. Jews Control the Government: ZOG = Zionist Owned Government

Jews use their Vast Wealth to Bribe, Blackmail, Murder their way to Controlling the Governments of the World.

Remember, Jews OWN the Power to CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR via their Privately Owned Federal Reserve Banks, Central and Consumer Banks of all countries.


Jews Can CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR = Jews Have Unlimited Money To Buy Anything and Anyone

And then Loan Billions of Dollars to Other Jews so that their Tribe can Buy Up Anything of Value.

Ex: New York Real Estate, read the Real Deal dot com and see who owns all the Skyscrapers and Tenements in Manhattan.


8. Jews Buy Up Ownership and Control of All Corporations In All Industries

In the US, every Fortune 500 Corporation is Owned, and Controlled by Jews. Can you think of one industry that is not Majority Shareholder Jewish Owned, and CEO controlled by Jews? (even though Jews are 2.1% of US population)


9. Jews Dictate The Narrative By Owning All Mass Media

Jews own, control and front: TV Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, Textbook publishing, Hollywood TV and Movies, Porn, Search Engines, Social Media, Big Tech.


Same for the Judiciary, the Universities and Colleges.

Ex: Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (Jewish). During her 18 years as Dean of Harvard Law School, 84% of all the professors that she hired were Jewish. (Jews are 2% of the US Population)


10. Jews Are Always "VICTIMS", Not Tyrants

Every few years, Jewish Owned Hollywood trots out yet another Movie about The Holocaust. Most any Holocaust Movie is awarded the Oscar.

Ex: Schindler's List, Sophie's Choice, The Reader, Life Is Beautiful, The Pianist, Ida, Inglorious Basterds.


Out of 23 Holocaust movies nominated, 20 have won at least one Academy Award.


>Why Hasn't Jew Owned Hollywood Made 1 Single Film About 9/11?


There are now 69 Holocaust Museums in America

Your schoolchildren are bused to these 69 Museums to indoctrinate them that "Jews Are Always Victims".

*The Holocaust Museum in Illinois was founded by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Billionaire Zionist Jew. He owns the Hyatt Hotel chain.

Q posted a hotel lobby photo of the Hyatt Hotel in Shanghai last year.


JEWS bribe and lobby Congress to pass laws that give "VICTIM" status and $266.7 Billion Dollars of Taxpayer money to the Holocaust and to Israel. 62 Bills For Israel pushed through Congress during the Covid Scamdemic.


*ISRAEL will now control the Computers of the US PENTAGON!


*Change the Marketing Name to Disguise:

Judaism = Bolshevism = Communism = Marxist Socialism = Globalism = Noahide World Order


This is how Jews control and destroy America, and other countries.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.13456134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the Sauce is the Government of POLAND. and the International Red Cross.


When they (Muh Mossadshill) can't attack the message

They attack the messenger


Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:30 p.m. No.13456185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6190







Wonder why the world hated Jews and kicked the Jews out of Every.Single.Country for 2,000 years?

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:40 p.m. No.13456252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6285

I am not the Based Baker who baked these 2 Notables. This is the best 2 Breads TOP KEK since the Night of The Mossad Massacre back on Dec. 28, 2018!




>>12127401 "We will sue each and everyone of you.”

>>12127373 IT’S HAPPENING: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>12127293 Sea level rise and wave-induced flooding during increasingly frequent storm events threaten sustainability of the more than 1,700 DoD-managed military installations in coastal areas worldwide. Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…

>>12127285 SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

>>12127129 Snowden is a black clown

>>12126989 Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

>>12126925 Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

>>12126900 Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

>>12126869 Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

>>12126794 PF

>>12126776 Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk


12126771 Jewish Censorship

12126790 Jewish Gaslighting

12126796 Jewish Banner Posting


12126818 Jewish Crying

12126842 Jewish Shut It Downing

12126880 Jewish Doxxing


12126881 Jewish Narrative Setting

12126981 Jewish Questioning

12127061 Jewish Pleading


12127199 Kurt Eichenwald (Jewish child predator/tentacle porn fame) is a ratard


12127315 Jewish Screeching

12127367 Jew wants us to know some Jews are good. (I agree Jew)


12127038, 12127109 Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta

>>12127467 #15483




>>12125995, >>12126003 Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America

>>12126668 Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now

>>12126625 Newsmax caves to #Dominion and #Smartmatic

>>12126472 Jupiter overtakes (((SATURN)))



>>12126582 For the keks

>>12126601 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>12126550 US Will Not Sanction Danske Bank Over Money Laundering

>>12126524 WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

>>12126444 They Chose this board for a reason

>>12126498 Mark Meadows

>>12126458 PF

>>12126437 Anons - PRAY THAT POTUS WILL VETO IT!

>>12126440 Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

>>12125967 Social Security Is A Mess: There Are 6 Million Active Accounts Of People Aged 112+

>>12126084 Mnuchin says he expects people to start receiving second stimulus payments

>>12126248 Trump supporters organizing "second inauguration" for him online January 20

>>12126018 Hand Off Confirmed


12126026 Jewish Subversion

12125981 Jewish Censorship

12126039 Jewish Warnings


12126116 Jewish Gaslighting

12126232 Jewish Whining

12126234 Jewish Decoding


12126283 Jewish narrative setting

12126356 Jewish Nostradamus

12126493 Jewish Bankers


12126516 Jewish Jewing

12126561 Jewish Image Boarding

12126450 Moar Jewish Gaslighting


12126564 Jewish Kvetching

12126574 Jewish Kvetching

12126576 Jewish Religion


12126619 Jewish Doxxing attempts

12126114, 12126324 It's the Jews


12126258, 12126397 Jewish mememaking

12126055, 12126300, 12126311, 12126329, 12126448, 12126474 Jewish Filters


12126196, 12126242, 12126265, 12126271, 12126280, 12126291 Jews did 9/11


>>12126690 #15482

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:43 p.m. No.13456277   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All the attacks against Anime Baker is because Anime Baker is not afraid to post well sauced Truth about the Jewish Cabal's Subversion of America.


Notice the ferocity of the attacks. (((They))) have used at least 3 excuses to attack AB, but stuck with the "pedo" false accusation.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:45 p.m. No.13456288   🗄️.is 🔗kun




AFLB is the Bride of Molech.

Jewish MindFuck gibberish. 50+ posts per bread, every bread, all day, all night, every day, every year.


With Jewish acidic criticism like this, No wonder so many Jewish men are Neurotic.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.13456315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6363


John Kerry - Proud Catholic


John-he's-not-Irish Kerry has a grand uncle who was the most famous RABBI in Europe. Rabbi Judah Loew.


another Crypto-Jew Sec'y of State was Madeleine Albright.


BOTH claimed "I had no idea my family was Jewish" when investigators outed their Jewish background.

Anonymous ID: dd7bfc April 18, 2021, 2:58 p.m. No.13456385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6398 >>6472

Over the millennia that Jews have wandered into many many countries, they have always changed their Names to "blend in" with the native people of each host nation.


In Europe, the Caucasian Christian natives could tell which Surnames were used by Jews because they were aware of Jewish migration into their lands.


In America, it was/is much easier for Jews and Crypto-Jews to "blend in" because America has immigrants from every country on Earth.

The US has aprox. 168,000 different Surnames so it's not obvious which names are Jewish, except for the handful of obvious ones like: Weinstein, Schiff, Goldman etc.


Many Jews also changed their names to Anglo-Saxon names which appear European, not Jewish.

However, even with nose jobs, the Genetics are there if you pay attention.