Anonymous ID: d4f150 April 18, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.13457205   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13455842 (pb)


Re breaking the Nuremberg code…


In Ireland they are trying to make vaccines mandatory for healthcare students. They pulled back last week, when the AstraZeneca vaccine got withdrawn from use for younger people, but they may still try to force it.


Healthcare students bullied into taking AstraZeneca vaccine


Despite having legitimate concerns, they were mocked and painted as anti-vaxxers

A medical student told me that on reading the research on blood clotting associated with AstraZeneca he became increasingly concerned. He is not anti-vaccine. As he said wryly to me, he appreciates the wonder of modern medicine.


Nonetheless, as someone under 30, he felt that the chances of severe illness from catching Covid were less of a threat than the very rare but very serious clotting disorders associated with AstraZeneca. He was willing to take the Pfizer vaccine.


When it was announced that students could not take up placements unless vaccinated, vaccination was, in effect, made mandatory. They were the only category of healthcare worker for whom this was the case.


With great reluctance, especially given that AstraZeneca was now under scrutiny by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (Niac), he accepted an appointment for Monday, April 12th.


He made two further attempts, first by email on the morning of April 12th and then when he arrived at the clinic, to state that a decision by Niac was expected within hours and to ask that given the circumstances, could he be given the Pfizer vaccine at the same hospital at a clinic which was on the same afternoon.


He alleges that the clinic’s administration staff told him that they were aware that the Niac decision was imminent and likely to favour his viewpoint, but said that the Pfizer vaccine was reserved for over-70s. So he held out his arm. Within the hour, the Niac decision to suspend vaccination for under-60s was announced.


This is not only bullying, it is stupid. If, God forbid, this student suffers side-effects, he is on the record three times explaining that he was not anti-vaccine, he simply had legitimate scientific concerns which Niac also took very seriously.