Anonymous ID: 03e846 April 19, 2021, 11 a.m. No.13462713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In blow to Netanyahu, Arab MKs help anti-Bibi bloc win control of Knesset

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thought he would have a majority on the committee, due to an agreement between Likud and Yamina.

The anti-Netanyahu bloc scored a victory in the Knesset on Monday, when the Ra'am (United Arab List) Party joined the bloc in passing its proposal to take control over the powerful Knesset Arrangements Committee that runs the Knesset until a government is formed.

The proposal of Yesh Atid faction chairman Meir Cohen passed by a vote of 60 to 51. Yamina MKs were not present for the vote.

Sources in Yesh Atid said their victory in the vote was the result of a successful meeting earlier Monday between their party leader Yair Lapid and Ra'am head Mansour Abbas.

"I am thankful to my partners," Lapid wrote on Twitter. "The victory in the vote on the Arrangements Committee in another step on the way to a unity government in Israel."

In exchange for his support, Lapid offered Ra’am a spot on the Knesset Finance Committee, chairmanship of a committee on fighting violence in the Arab sector and a deputy Knesset speaker post.

The Arrangements Committee will decide the makeup of the temporary Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee and Finance Committee and the Knesset speaker's deputies.

The bloc's majority on the committee could help it advance anti-Netanyahu legislation, including a bill that would prevent a candidate who is under criminal indictment from forming a government.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thought he would have a majority on the committee, due to an agreement between Likud and Yamina. According to the deal, Yamina would receive a second slot on the committee at the expense of Likud.

But then the Ra'am MKs came in to the plenum and defeated the Likud's proposal by a vote of 60-58.

Once the speaker's deputies are appointed, Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin will be able to set a date for the election for president.