Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:14 a.m. No.13462365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2592

DISTURBING DEVELOPMENT: Windham Officials to Choose “Windham Incident” FORENSIC AUDITOR in SECRET!


When the integrity of NH elections are questioned… there should be no compromises made regarding transparency when seeking answers. None. Election integrity issues should be resolved in an open, public process for all to observe.


Unfortunately, it appears the Windham Board of Selectmen do not agree.


I do not make that statement lightly, as I know each of the Selectmen personally. Most people would remain silent, but I believe it’s irresponsible to do so.


Especially since similar concerns were ignored by officials in other states where many shenanigans took place in November’s general election. “Anomalies” and “Glitches” were words that some used to describe what others declared (with sworn affidavits) were fraudulent activities.


What is more unacceptable is the process for selecting the forensic analysts to perform the forensic audits on Windham’s ballots and machines.


Three forensic analysts must be chosen: one jointly by the NH AG and Secretary of State (SOS); one by the Windham Selectmen; and the third by the first two analysts chosen. Every one of those governing bodies has a conflict of interest: the AG’s office refused to perform a meaningful investigation; the SOS’s office oversaw the recount that produced the massive discrepancy; and three of the five Windham Selectman supervised the general election on November 3, 2020. Most disturbing… one Selectman has been adamantly against a forensic audit from day one – yet he will help choose a forensic auditor.


Juror standards should be applied for the selection process of the forensic analysts – but aren’t. Anyone with a perceived conflict of interest should be kept arms length away – but isn’t.


In addition, each forensic analyst will be given a brief 5 minutes to introduce themselves, their skill sets, and their experience to the Selectmen. That is an impossible task! It is a ridiculous, cursory process, that has raised serious suspicions by many I have spoken with. It does not restore confidence.


In fact, many are angry and compare what is taking place to the shenanigans in other parts of the country during November, e.g. when Windham resident and Trump 2020 Senior Campaign Advisor Corey Lewandowski was locked out of the Philadelphia Convention Center to prevent him from meaningfully observing the counting of ballots – even though he had a court order in hand. Lewandowski will be present tonight. I wonder how his concerns will be received by the Selectmen.


I spoke with many interested forensic analysts over the past two months. Even with my technical background as a software engineer and systems designer, it took hundreds of hours of time, research and due diligence to identify which candidates were qualified. It took some of that time to discover some had conflicts of interest – and that those companies should NEVER be allowed to get close to our machines.


Please take a few minutes and respectfully let the Selectmen know how you feel. They can be emailed at:

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:18 a.m. No.13462410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2445 >>2540 >>2592

Shock Video: Children Strut Across Stage with Drag Queens, Pose For Cash at Night Club


Children haven’t been able to go to school because of Covid, but they can strut across a stage with drag queens at midnight.


A viral video of prepubescent children being paraded across a stage at a drag queen show in South Beach at midnight was making the rounds Monday.


“Why in the hell to do these people got these fcking little bitty ass kids at this fcking drag show, y’all?” a woman said. “It’s 11:40 at night.”


The drag queen took the child’s hand and led her and another masked child across the stage, showing them how to pose and dance for cash.


The date of this drag queen event is unclear, however there are weekly drag queen shows debuting Sunday nights at The Palace.


VIDEO (language warning):


Correction: This night club is located in South Beach, Miami

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:21 a.m. No.13462428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2592 >>3316 >>3370

Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death


A recent Stanford study released by the NCBI, which is under the National Institutes of Health, showed that masks do absolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their use is even harmful.


NOQ Report uncovered the study:


Did you hear about the peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of Covid-19? No? It was posted on the the National Center for Biotechnological Information government website. The NCBI is a branch of the National Institute for Health, so one would think such a study would be widely reported by mainstream media and embraced by the “science-loving” folks in Big Tech.


Instead, a DuckDuckGo search reveals it was picked up by ZERO mainstream media outlets and Big Tech tyrants will suspend people who post it, as political strategist Steve Cortes learned the hard way when he posted a Tweet that went against the face mask narrative. The Tweet itself featured a quote and a link that prompted Twitter to suspend his account, potentially indefinitely.


The NCBI study begins with the following abstract:


Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making.


The study concludes (emphasis added):


The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:23 a.m. No.13462456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2592

Union Accuses Amazon Of Illegally Sabotaging Alabama Vote


Amazon said in a statement acknowledging the company's landslide win in the NLRB union vote in Bessemer, Ala. earlier this month that it didn't "intimidate" voters to secure its victory. Days later, outgoing CEO Jeff Bezos (who will likely control Amazon from the boardroom for years or decades to come) proclaimed in a letter to shareholders that he would strive to transform Amazon into a workers paradise (more specifically, he promised to remake Amazon into "Earth's Best Eployer and Earth's Safest Place To Work."


Following the stunning defeat in this month's unionization vote at Amazon's fulfillment center in Bessemer, While we suspect many Amazon workers would settle for just a little more leniency to use the bathroom during their shifts without requiring the use of bottles, it looks like the fledgling union in Bessemer is already planning to push back after the massive defeat, alleging a wide-ranging conspiracy by Amazon to sabotage the vote.


Of the 3,215 ballots cast, there were 1,798 votes opposing the union and 738 in favor.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:24 a.m. No.13462462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

Czech PM says Russia did NOT attack Czechia, alleged blowing up of munition depot was ‘not act of state terrorism’


Russia “did not attack” the Czech Republic and the 2014 explosions at the Vrbětice arms depot were “not state terrorism,” Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis told reporters, but insisted the ‘GRU’ was still involved in the blast.


“It was not an act of state terrorism, which means that Russia did not attack the Czech Republic,” Babis said on Monday. “Once again – it was not an act of state terrorism, it was an attack on goods belonging to a Bulgarian armorer.”


He maintained, however, that the presence of ‘GRU’ agents in Czechia is “absolutely unacceptable” and that they “messed up” the alleged attack.


Babis’s remarks seemed to be a partial climb-down from Prague’s position over the weekend, as Czechia expelled 18 Russian diplomats and blamed the seven-year-old incident on alleged agents of Russian military intelligence – the same two fingered by the NATO-backed outfit Bellingcat as culprits for the 2018 Salisbury “Novichok poisoning” incident, no less.


The current theory by the Czech police was that the weapons, owned by a Bulgarian arms dealer, were rigged to explode once they were delivered to a buyer in a third country, but there was still “sufficient evidence” to believe Moscow’s spies were behind it, Interior Minister Jan Hamacek told Ceske Noviny on Sunday

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:27 a.m. No.13462480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2592

YouTube CEO wins ‘Free Expression Award’ sponsored by YouTube, then boasts how platform censors content creators


Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of Google’s video platform YouTube, was awarded the Freedom Forum Institute’s ‘Free Expression Award’ on Friday in a ceremony sponsored by her own company – despite YouTube’s track record of censorship.


In the digital awards ceremony, YouTube video creator Molly Burke praised Wojcicki as a free speech leader before the YouTube CEO detailed in her acceptance speech how much the platform censors its users.


“The freedoms we have, we really can’t take for granted,” Wojcicki declared, adding that “we really have to make sure we’re protecting them in every way possible.”


Wojcicki, however, went on to argue that “we also need to make sure there are limits,” and revealed that the company removed nine million videos in the last quarter, 90% of which were taken down by machines.


She also said there is “a lot of content that technically meets the spirit of what we’re trying to do, but it is borderline, and so for that content we will just reduce – meaning we’re not going to recommend it to our users.”


Social media users mocked the irony of Wojcicki receiving an award for free speech, and the video of the ceremony on YouTube had garnered more than 400 dislikes and just one like at the time of writing.


YouTube CEO won a Free Speech award…sponsored by YouTube. Hahahahhhaahhhahhahahahaaaaaaa

— Matt Orfalea (@0rf) April 19, 2021


since no one else has, it looks like i'm going to have to be the one who posts this pic.

— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) April 19, 2021


“This is the worst form of gaslighting I’ve ever seen,” commented one user, while another questioned, “What’s next, Facebook getting an award for respecting privacy?”


One YouTube content creator posted a photo showing at least 15 of his videos banned from the platform for “inappropriate content,” and a Twitter user wrote, “Free Expression Award? Are they having a laugh[?] Didn’t she just censor the governor of Florida speaking with medical experts[?]”


YouTube banned a video of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis talking about the benefits and cons of children wearing Covid-19 face masks with a panel of scientists earlier this month, calling it “medical misinformation.”


Several high-profile users have been banned from YouTube, including Infowars founder Alex Jones, British rapper Wiley, and former White House adviser Seb Gorka, while many others have faced various degrees of censorship from content-hiding to demonetization.


Former president Donald Trump, conservative television network One America News (OAN), and the government of Pakistan have also received temporary bans over the past few years.


YouTube content creators have frequently spoken out against the platform’s censorious policies, with some of the largest figures moving to competing websites in protest. Though many content creators remain on YouTube’s platform, an increasing number are using it as a secondary website where their content is posted up to a week after it debuted on another service.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:30 a.m. No.13462513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

"It's A Money Grab" - JPMorgan-Backed European Soccer 'Super League' Sparks Global Fury


12 of world football's soccer's biggest and richest clubs announced Sunday they've formed a breakaway European "Super League" - with clubs Manchester United, Liverpool, Barcelona Real Madrid, Juventus and A.C. Milan among those to sign up. No German or French clubs have yet to be associated with the breakaway.


The breakaway league is due to start in August.


As Reuters reports, the clubs would share a fund of 3.5 billion euros ($4.19 billion) to spend on infrastructure projects and to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The money would not be available to spend on players.


“We will help football at every level and take it to its rightful place in the world. Football is the only global sport in the world with more than four billion fans and our responsibility as big clubs is to respond to their desires,” said Real Madrid president Florentino Perez, the first chairman of the Super League.


The move sets up a rival to UEFA’s established Champions League competition and was condemned by football authorities and political leaders.


UEFA issued a strong statement jointly with English, Spanish, and Italian leagues and football federations, saying they were ready to use “all measures” to confront any breakaway and saying any participating clubs would be banned from domestic leagues, such as the Premier League.


“The clubs concerned will be banned from playing in any other competition at domestic, European, or world level, and their players could be denied the opportunity to represent their national teams,” UEFA said.


“We thank those clubs in other countries, especially the French and German clubs, who have refused to sign up to this. We call on all lovers of football, supporters, and politicians, to join us in fighting against such a project if it were to be announced. This persistent self-interest of a few has been going on for too long. Enough is enough.”


World soccer’s governing body FIFA expressed its “disapproval to a ‘closed European breakaway league’ outside of the international football structures”.


French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson both issued statements condemning a breakaway and supporting UEFA’s position.


“The president of the republic welcomes the position of French clubs to refuse to participate to a European football Super League project that threatens the principle of solidarity and sporting merit,” the French presidency said in a statement sent to Reuters.


“Plans for a European Super League would be very damaging for football and we support football authorities in taking action,” Johnson wrote on Twitter.


“They would strike at the heart of the domestic game, and will concern fans across the country. The clubs involved must answer to their fans and the wider footballing community before taking any further steps.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:31 a.m. No.13462522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540 >>2592

"No Medical Science" Behind Michigan Mandate To Mask 2-Year-Olds, Doctor Warns


Mich. Gov Gretchen Wilmer is clearly seriously uncomfortable with Michigan's newfound status as one of the epicenter's of the US COVID outbreak, and while colleagues like Gov. Andrew Cuomo insist on moving ahead with reopening plans, the Wolverine State is now directing residents as young as two years old to mask up.


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said in a press release on Friday that the state planned to expand its COVID-19 restrictions — what Michigan's DHHS calls "the strongest public health order in the Midwest" — and require masks be worn by "children ages 2 to 4" in order to "further protect the state's residents."

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:34 a.m. No.13462541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

Hawley introduces bill to trust-bust Big Tech


'It's past time to bust up Big Tech companies, restore competition, and give the power back to the American consumers'


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on Monday introduced new legislation he says will "bust up" Big Tech companies, including Amazon and Google, by breaking up tech companies and strictly regulating what types of industries they can be involved with.


The "Bust Up Big Tech Act" would make it illegal for companies that offer search engines, marketplaces, and exchanges from competing with third-party vendors by selling, advertising, or promoting their own competing goods and services. Amazon, for example, would be prohibited from owning Amazon Marketplace and also selling Amazon products on the marketplace in competition with third-party sellers.


The bill would also ban tech companies from providing internet infrastructure services to other companies or hosting their websites online if they are already engaged in another type of business. Using Amazon as an example again, Hawley's bill would make it illegal for Amazon to both own its marketplace and offer Amazon Web Services, which provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and other tech infrastructure to third parties.


The Federal Trade Commission would be empowered to enforce these new regulations. Additionally, state attorneys general and private citizens would be permitted to sue Big Tech companies that violate the law.


"Woke Big Tech companies like Google and Amazon have been coddled by Washington politicians for years," Hawley said in a statement. "This treatment has allowed them to amass colossal amounts of power that they use to censor political opinions they don't agree with and shut out competitors who offer consumers an alternative to the status quo."


"It's past time to bust up Big Tech companies, restore competition, and give the power back to the American consumers," he added.


The "Bust Up Big Tech Act" is the latest in a series of bills introduced by Hawley to punish "woke mega-corporations."


Last week, Hawley introduced the "Trust-Busting for the Twenty-First Century Act" to ban mergers and acquisitions by companies exceeding a market capitalization of $100 billion. The bill would also loosen the standards to prove an anti-trust claim and would force any company that loses an antitrust suit to forfeit profits made through those business practices.


Hawley also introduced a bill along with Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) to end Major League Baseball's antitrust exemption in response to the League's decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta in protest of Georgia's new election laws.


There is bipartisan agreement between Republicans and Democrats that Big Tech companies are due for an antitrust reckoning, but for very different reasons. While Republicans are crying foul over censorship by social media and other tech platforms, Democrats believe these companies are not doing enough to prohibit the spread of "misinformation" on their websites.


In the House, Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), the lead Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee's antitrust panel, is leading the effort to introduce new bills to break up Big Tech. He intends to introduce a series of small bills in May in hopes that Republicans may support one or two pieces of targeted antitrust legislation from Democrats rather than a comprehensive bill that will not pass the 50-50 Senate.


Hawley's legislation is unlikely to find support from Democrats, who are preoccupied with drafting their own bills.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.13462558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

Supreme Court Declines Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit Over Mail-In Balloting


The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a lawsuit regarding a Pennsylvania voting dispute nearly six months after the Nov. 3, 2020, election.


The court rejected an appeal from a Republican congressional candidate’s unsuccessful challenge of Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot initiatives, which is the final Nov. 3-related lawsuit to be dismissed related to the state’s voting laws.


In a two-line order (pdf), the Supreme Court wrote: “The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The judgment is vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit with instructions to dismiss the case as moot.”


The decision is the Supreme Court’s latest rejection of a slew of election lawsuits that came before and after the Nov. 3 election, as President Donald Trump and his Republican allies attempted to challenge the results.


The suit, which was filed by GOP congressional candidate Jim Bognet, concerned whether Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeded its authority by allowing greater access to early and mail-in voting in Pennsylvania, which, he argued, circumvented the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s authority. Four individual voters joined Bognet, who ultimately lost his congressional bid.


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had ruled in 2020 that extended mail-ballots could come in until three days after Election Day.


Republicans and Trump have said that Biden had unfairly benefitted from relaxed mail-in balloting measures that were implemented due to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.


Bognet’s case was initially dismissed by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, saying that neither Bognet or the other challengers had the legal right to bring the case.


“This case presents an opportunity for the court to resolve these issues in an orderly manner on full briefing and argument, rather than on the ‘shadow docket’ under the time pressures of an ongoing election,” David Thompson, a lawyer for Bognet, said in court documents.


Thompson then argued that the state Supreme Court “rewrote” election deadlines and said that the Constitution gives authority to “state legislatures” and not “state judges” to handle federal election laws.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:39 a.m. No.13462561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

TX Shooter Was a Sheriff’s Detective Who Was Out on Bail for Child Rape


Austin, TX — On Sunday, “Austin” began trending on Twitter as a gunman shot three people to death in the state’s capital. A shelter in place order was issued for the city’s northwest suburbs and the city went on alert over fears the gunman may take a hostage.


“The cops had their guns out,” Josh Katzowitz, who had been shopping at the nearby Trader Joe’s on Sunday, told the Houston Chronicle. “Some had pistols, some had rifles and they were strapping on bulletproof vests. There were all of a sudden ambulances, sirens and police cars. There were cops coming from everywhere.”


Local and federal law enforcement spent much of the day searching the Great Hills Trail and Rain Creek Parkway area in northwest Austin where the killings took place.


Around 5 p.m. Sunday evening, Interim Austin Police Chief Joseph Chacon lifted the order and said police had identified the shooter, and noted that he was dangerous but not targeting random people. Two of those killed, according to reports, had been students at Elgin High School — Willie Simmons III and Alyssa Broderick, while the third victim is believed to be the shooter’s mother.


“We do not think this individual is out there targeting random people to shoot them,” Chacon said. “That does not mean he is not dangerous. We do think that he is armed and he is very much dangerous.”


Monday morning, after a 20-hour manhunt, police arrested the alleged shooter after someone spotted him and called 911. He was identified as 41-year-old Stephen Nicholas Broderick.


“I’m especially grateful to the vigilant citizen who called 911 after seeing Broderick, and to the Manor PD officers and TCSO deputies who took him into custody this morning,” Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.13462573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

UK Prof: Government “Terrorized” Britons During COVID.


The British government’s hardline lockdown approach “effectively terrorized” citizens according to Professor Robert Dingwall.


Nottingham University’s Dingwall serves on the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group, which “advises the government on the threat posed by new and emerging respiratory viruses.”


“We have this very strong message which has effectively terrorized the population into believing that this is a disease that is going to kill you. And mostly it isn’t,” Dingwall insisted.


‘Eighty percent of the people who get this infection will never need to go near a hospital. The ones who do go to the hospital because they are quite seriously ill most of them will come out alive – even those who go into intensive care,” Dingwall added before slamming the government’s “obsession” with “the death toll and international comparisons.”


“All of that helps to create this climate of fear and I am not surprised in a sense that the Government might take a rather cautious approach to try to unlock the lockdown – simply because they would really be nervous that if they pushed it too quickly it would be like giving a party and nobody came,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.13462581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592

Ron DeSantis Signs New Anti-Riot Legislation


The new bill is signed just days before the Derek Chauvin verdict is expected to be announced, potentially provoking nationwide riots


In a move meant to uphold law and order and avoid a repeat of the summer of leftist riots seen last year, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill which increases criminal penalties for crimes committed during riots and helps protect law enforcement agencies from local governments.


On Monday morning, during the signing ceremony, Gov. DeSantis declared that “It is the strongest anti-rioting, pro-law enforcement piece of legislation in the country, and there’s just nothing even close.” The bill became law effective immediately.


The law, summarized here, hopes to prevent violent riots by criminalizing “violent or disorderly riots, obstructing roadways, destroying or toppling monuments, and harassment in public accommodations.” It also prohibits state funding to local governments who defund the police, as well as allowing victims of a violent riot to sue local governments for crimes relating to such riots.


The bill, first introduced after the summer of riots seen last year, was signed just days before the verdict of ex-cop Derek Chauvin is expected to be announced. Derek Chauvin is on trial for the murder of George Floyd last May. Cities around the country are anticipating mass protests and violent riots in the wake of the decision, with Minneapolis public schools closing for a few days and the NYPD telling officers that no unscheduled days off will be allowed.


Florida Senator Danny Burgess (R-Zephyrhills), the sponsor of the bill, believes it is necessary, in order to define what a riot is. “Not only did we do that to put the public on notice as to what constitutes a riot, but also to make it clear to both protester and law enforcement where that line in the law is drawn,” Burgess declared.


Conservative firebrand Rep. Anthony Sabatini has also come out strongly in defense of the bill. “It’s a bill that restores the rule of law here in the state of Florida,” he declared. In an acknowledgement of the surge of Black Lives Matter inspired violence seen last year, he declared that this bill is “going to put an end to a horrible trend that we saw developing last year.”


Although many democrats have decried the bill as an infringement of First Amendment Protections, proponents of the bill strongly disagree. Gov. DeSantis argues that this bill “strikes the appropriate balance of safeguarding every Floridian’s constitutional right to peacefully assemble, while ensuring that those who hide behind peaceful protest to cause violence in our communities will be punished.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:43 a.m. No.13462594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo: U.N. Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield ‘Ought to Resign’ for ‘Reprehensible’ Anti-America Remarks


Sunday on New York City WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called for U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield to resign over recent critical remarks about the United States. Thomas-Greenfield claimed last week at a summit that “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.”


Pompeo said he “couldn’t disagree more” with Thomas-Greenfield’s “truly reprehensible” comments, adding “she ought to resign” if she truly believes that.


“[A]merica is a noble place,” Pompeo told host John Catsimatidis. “I heard our Ambassador to the United Nations this week talk about our founding as fundamentally corrupt and flawed and not noble and good. I couldn’t disagree more. And I think frankly, I think it’s disqualifying to have a U.N. Ambassador who expresses a moral relativism and doesn’t understand the exceptional nature of the country in which we all live. People around the world get it. You see people wanting to immigrate here. You see people attracted to this shining city on the hill, and to have our American ambassador to the United Nations denigrate the founding principles of the United States and America the way that she did this week is truly reprehensible, and, in my view, if she truly believes that, she ought to resign and allow someone who believes in the greatness of the United States of America to take her place.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.13462613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republican Attorneys General Plan to Fight ‘Insane’ Court-Packing Battle


Republican attorneys general (AGs) across the country are prepared to fight the recently introduced court-packing legislation, as indicated by their vocal statements of opposition to it, endorsements of the Keep Nine amendment, and vows to explore legal routes to challenge the legislation.


In interviews with Breitbart News, several AGs expressed they were firmly against the court-packing bill, unveiled Thursday as the Judiciary Act of 2021 by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), and other Democrats.


“This is an effort for the Democrats to try to add numbers to the Court to be able to validate the most liberal agenda that we’ve seen out of Congress in clearly my lifetime,” Alabama AG Steve Marshall told Breitbart News. Missouri AG Eric Schmitt called it “a total affront to our Republic” and “counterintuitive to the Founders’ vision.”


Talk of court packing first resurfaced last fall amid the swift confirmation process of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the third justice appointed by former President Donald Trump.


Barrett’s appointment fueled Democrat outrage, prompting leftist calls for court-packing as party leaders decried Trump and the Republican-majority Senate seating a new justice with the 2020 election — and the possibility of party control shifting in Washington — just weeks away.


Markey, as he introduced the Judiciary Act, claimed the Supreme Court, which tends to lean 5–4 conservative, was “illegitimate” and that after justices are added to it, “the bench will then rightfully reflect the values of the majority of the American people on whose behalf they serve.”


Marshall assessed the effort: “This is all about power.”


It Could Expand Beyond 13


Schmitt, along with Ohio AG Dave Yost and Arkansas AG Leslie Rutledge, emphasized the new precedent lawmakers would set with the Judiciary Act, which involves adding four seats to the High Court’s nine-seat bench.


“There’s no limiting principle,” Schmitt said. “If they want 13, what’s to prevent it from being 20? Or 75? This has harmful effects for the long-term for our country.”


Yost painted a spiraling picture. “We go from nine to 13,” he started. “What do we do when the Republicans get it? We’ll go to 17? And we just keep going back and forth until the Supreme Court’s bigger than Congress? It’s an insane battle to start.”


Rutledge proposed, “When does it stop?”


Nadler justified in a public statement that having 13 Supreme Court justices is logical because it aligns with the number of U.S. circuit courts.


“Nine justices may have made sense in the nineteenth century when there were only nine circuits. … But the logic behind having only nine justices is much weaker today, when there are 13 circuits,” Nadler said in the statement. “Thirteen justices for thirteen circuits is a sensible progression.”


In a press conference introducing the bill, Nadler also said 13 is “a nice number.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.13462638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Warns Israeli Attacks Interfering With Iran Nuclear Deal


US expresses displeasure over Israeli 'boasting' of sabotage


The Biden Administration has sent a message to Israel voicing its displeasure over the recent sabotage attack on Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment site, as well as Israeli “boasting” over their being behind the attack.


The current round of Vienna talks opened concurrently with the Israeli sabotage, and the US says they are worried that Israel will derail these talks with its activities. The US seems interested in distancing itself from the incident.


It seems fair to accuse Israel of trying to sabotage the process, as they’ve been publicly unhappy about the nuclear deal from day one, and the Israeli cabinet is openly worried that the US will make a new deal with Iran.


This split between US and Israeli policies is not new. Israel has had problems with Presidents Obama and Biden in trying to handle Iran in ways other than military hostility and constant threats, and the US wants to be allowed to approach diplomatic ideas unfettered.


Historically, close US-Israel ties have meant Israel feels entitled to steer the US in various directions, by hook or by crook. These days there is a lot of fatigue, as both sides have some very different ideas, and aren’t happy to be undermined.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.13462653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898 >>2958

Two Dozen Senators Tell Biden It Is “Past Time” to Finally Close Guantánamo


Echoing recent demands from human rights advocates and former detainees, two dozens members of the U.S. Senate Democratic Caucus on Friday pressed President Joe Biden to finally close the Guantánamo Bay offshore military prison, where 40 men are still being held despite global outrage over the facility and its long record of torture.


“As a symbol of lawlessness and human rights abuses, the detention facility continues to harm U.S. national security by serving as a propaganda tool for America’s enemies and continues to hinder counterterrorism efforts and cooperation with allies,” declares the letter (pdf), spearheaded by Senate Majority Whip and Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) as well as Appropriations Committee Chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).


“For nearly two decades, the offshore prison has damaged America’s reputation, fueled anti-Muslim bigotry, and weakened the United States’ ability to counter terrorism and fight for human rights and the rule of law around the world,” the letter continues. “In addition to the $540 million in wasted taxpayer dollars each year to maintain and operate the facility, the prison also comes at the price of justice for the victims of 9/11 and their families, who are still waiting for trials to begin.”


In February, National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne said that “we are undertaking an NSC process to assess the current state of play that the Biden administration has inherited from the previous administration, in line with our broader goal of closing Guantánamo.”


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki subsequently confirmed that shuttering the prison permanently “certainly is our goal and our intention.”


Welcoming the White House’s review, the senators point out that all 40 Gitmo detainees are aging, many with complex health problems, and six have been approved for transfer for years, in some cases for over a decade.


“After years of indefinite detention without charge or trial; a history of torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment; and multiple attempts at a thoroughly failed and discredited military commission process, it is past time to close Guantánamo’s detention facility and end indefinite detention,” the lawmakers emphasize, adding that “with sufficient political will and swift action, your administration can finish the job.”


Biden’s predecessor, former President Donald Trump, vowed to keep the prison open after his predecessor, former President Barack Obama—under whom Biden was vice president—failed to deliver on his vow to close it, despite eight years in office.


“Strong and effective leadership from the White House will be necessary,” the senators write, calling for a senior official specifically tasked with handling the closure.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:57 a.m. No.13462687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

Russia & Belarus claim US-backed assassination & COUP against Lukashenko failed


Russia & Belarus Say US-Backed “Assassination” & “Coup” Attempt Against Lukashenko Thwarted


Did the US just try to murder Lukashenko?


Amazing news over the week-end: President Lukashenko has declared that Biden gave the order to kill him in a coup organized by the CIA. Now, we all know that Lukashenko says all sorts of things, many of them false or plain silly. Except that the Russian FSB has confirmed it all! According to the Russians, a joint operation of the (Bielorussian) KGB and the Russian FSB has uncovered the plot early on and the Russians monitored the full operation until they had enough evidence to arrest all the plotters.


So far so good. But it gets better!


Unlike the US/UK and others, the Russian FSB did not say that they were “confident” that it was “highly likely” that this operation took place. They released all the footage of a meeting of the plotters in Moscow which confirms it all (I don’t have the time to translate that footage, but I am confident that somebody will – if you come across an English language translation, please post it in the comments section below!).


One not familiar with such operations might be baffled over why this meeting took place in Moscow and not in Warsaw or Riga. There are several reasons for that:


There is a practically open border between Belarus and Russia, which are “ally states”, and there is nothing easier for the (supposed) Bielorussian traitors (from the military) to jump in a car and get to Moscow.

Using Warsaw or Riga would dramatically reduce what the CIA calls “plausible deniability” for the US and NATO.

Yes, meeting in Moscow was still stupid, but no more stupid than the failed US coup to do to Maduro when the US did exactly what they tried to do to Lukashenko. The fact that both operations failed is par for the course for the (mostly clueless) CIA.

The main plotter, a very well-known anti-Lukashenko activist, is a double national Bielorussian and US American and for him to move to Minsk for that meeting would be very dangerous.

Last, but not least, the Bielorussian KGB operates in a very tightly controlled Bielorussian society whereas Russian is an open and liberal society, so one could have (mistakenly) thought that a meeting in Moscow would have been a better idea.


Interesting story, no?


Also, if you wonder whether it is credible that the FSB saved Lukashenko – I will remind you that it was the Russians who saved Erdogan from a US-backed coup which was also supposed to include Erdogan’s murder (the Turks practically admitted it publicly several times).


But it gets even better!


As soon as the accusation of a CIA plan to murder Lukashenko in a coup came out, they did what they always do: denied it against all evidence and created a huge distraction: the US colony known as the “Czech Republic” declared that the explosion of a weapons depot in the Czech Republic in 2014 was a Russian sabotage involving… … wait for it… … drum roll…. the very same Petrov and Boshirov whom the UK accused of poisoning the Skripals!


Friends, the Czechs released this story withing ONE HOUR of the Bielorussian news! One hour, seriously!


The Czechs immediately expelled 18 Russian diplomats and the Russian reciprocated by expelling 20 Czech diplomats leaving only 5 in Moscow. So if we use the English expression about the “shitting hitting the fan”, then it would also be fair to refer to the Czechs as “shit shields” for the Empire :-)


By the way, the official Czech investigation in 2014 concluded that the explosion was caused by negligence, not sabotage but, really, who cares? After all, look at these accusations, all as unproven and as silly as this one: (partial list in no special order)


Russian invaded the Donbass

Russia shot down MH-17

Russia tried to poison the Skripals

Russia murdered Berezovskii

Russia tried to poison Litvenenko

Russia tried to poison Navalnyi

Russia murdered Boris Nemtsov

Russia murdered Politkovskaia

Russia tried to poison Yushchenko

Russia interfered in two US elections

Russia hacked the DNC computers

Russia paid Afghans to kill US soliders

The Russian shot down the aircraft of the Polish president over Smolensk

The Russian tried to organize a coup in Montenegro


To repeat, none, NONE of these accusations were ever proven or even substantiated. ALL of these accusations are solely based on the putatively undeniable credibility of the western special services.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.13462698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2758 >>2958

Prague authorities demand that Russian Embassy vacate area of 5,000 square meters


The decision was made amid a sharp escalation of relations between Russia and the Czech Republic, following the expulsion of 18 Russian Embassy employees and accusations of Russian intelligence’s involvement in explosions at arms depots in 2014



PRAGUE, April 19. /TASS/. Prague authorities demand that Russian Embassy vacate an area of 5,000 square meters, currently occupied by the diplomatic mission. Before 1968, the mentioned area was a part of the adjacent Stromovka Park, Prague-7 district head Jan Cizinsky said on Twitter.


"The Prague city council called on the Czech government to hold negotiations in a bid to bring the Russian Embassy territory to the state that preceded the Warsaw Pact forces invasion in 1968," he tweeted.


According to the Czech media, the area in question is about 5,000 square meters. The city authorities plan to plant trees and flowers on this area, as it was prior to August 1968, when a soviet military camp was deployed there.


This decision was made amid a sharp escalation of relations between Russia and the Czech Republic, following the expulsion of 18 Russian Embassy employees and accusations of Russian intelligence’s involvement in explosions at arms depots in 2014.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.13462726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

Ecuador Charges Officials in Graft Probe Involving State Oil Company


Ecuadorian authorities charged seven people, including the country’s current comptroller and a former energy minister, for their alleged role in a corruption scheme involving state oil company Petroecuador.


Prosecutors said in a statement last week that the suspects remain in preventive detention and are believed to have demanded dubious payments from a Petroecuador contractor between 2017 and 2020 as an organized crime group.


Led by General Prosecutor Diana Salazar Mendez, authorities first detained nine people, searched their premises in the capital and two other cities and seized electronic devices, computers, financial information and nearly US$93,600 in cash.


Seven of the nine have then been prosecuted. Among them are the current comptroller general Pablo Celi and former Oil Minister Jose Agusto Briones.


The charges are the result of a probe that was launched in late 2019, when U.S. authorities arrested two workers from Petroecuador.


Jose Raul de la Torre and Roberto Barrera, former advisors at the state oil company, admitted receiving and laundering a $3,15 million bribe from a contractor in exchange for a lucrative deal with Petroecuador. Both men agreed to cooperate with U.S. authorities to reduce their sentences.


Last week, a former employee of the commodities trading house Gunvor Group pleaded guilty before a U.S. court of taking part in a scheme to bribe top Ecuadorian officials in exchange for favorable contracts with the oil company.


U.S. prosecutors said Gunvor’s former employee paid $22 million to government officials who used shell companies to conceal the payments.


The manager of Petroecuador, Gonzalo Maldonado, issued a statement on Thursday expressing the company’s willingness to cooperate with local authorities.


“The doors of this company are open,” Maldonado told the General Prosecutor. “I put at your disposal, as well as the entire team in charge of the pertinent investigations, the information, documents and any other element necessary to clarify these facts that refer to the company.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:06 a.m. No.13462765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

The FBI removed hacker backdoors from vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers. Not everyone likes the idea


A court order allowed the FBI to enter networks of businesses to remove web shells used by cyber attackers exploiting Exchange vulnerabilities. But what does this mean for the future of cybersecurity?


Last week the US Department of Justice revealed how the FBI had worked to remove malicious web shells from hundreds of computers in the United States that were running vulnerable versions of Microsoft Exchange Server. While the move will have helped keep many organisations secure, it has also raised questions about the direction of cybersecurity.


Earlier this year, four zero-day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server, which were being actively exploited by a nation-state-backed hacking operation, were uncovered. Microsoft released a critical security update to protect Exchange Server customers from cyberattacks exploiting the vulnerabilities in March, but a significant number of organisations have yet to apply the security patch.


This leaves them vulnerable to cyberattacks from a range of online attackers including nation-state groups, ransomware gangs, cryptojackers and other cyber-criminal groups that have rushed to exploit the Exchange vulnerabilities.


The attackers exploit the vulnerabilities to place web shells – scripts and codes that enable remote administration privileges – that allow continuing unauthorised backdoor access for cyber espionage and other malicious activity. It was these web shells that the FBI launched an operation to remove.


Hundreds of unmitigated web shells have been identified and removed from hundreds of systems – to such an extent that the Department of Justice says it has removed one hacking group's remaining web shells entirely.


"This operation is an example of the FBI's commitment to combating cyber threats through our enduring federal and private sector partnerships," said Tonya Ugoretz, acting assistant director of the FBI's cyber division.


"Our successful action should serve as a reminder to malicious cyber actors that we will impose risk and consequences for cyber intrusions that threaten the national security and public safety of the American people and our international partners," she added.


Action was taken because of the threat the web shells posed to the organisations. The FBI says it's attempting to provide notice to all of the organisations from which it has removed web shells, which means that the agency accessed the systems without their knowledge.


Even if the intent was good – in short, helping to protect the businesses by removing the access of cyber attackers, and authorised by the courts – this is a significant step by law enforcement.


"The effort by the FBI amounts to the FBI gaining access to private servers. Just that should be a full stop that the action is not OK," says David Brumley, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and co-founder and CEO of ForAllSecure, a cybersecurity company.


"While I understand the good intention – the FBI wants to remove the backdoor – this sets a dangerous precedent where law enforcement is given broad permission to access private servers."


In this case, accessing the networks was deemed appropriate by the courts in order to remove backdoors planted by malicious hackers and to protect the organisations from cyberattacks – but Brumley fears what he described as a "slippery slope".


"We don't want a future where the FBI determines someone may be vulnerable, and then uses that as a pretext to gain access. Remember: the FBI has both a law enforcement and intelligence mission. It would be the same as a police officer thinking your door isn't locked, and then using that as a pretext to enter," he says.


But there are also those who believe that the FBI's actions in entering networks and removing web shells from compromised Microsoft Exchange servers was the right thing to do, especially when organisations are fighting a cyber battle against attackers that are much more highly resourced than they are.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13462775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

Russian fighter jet intercepts US, Norwegian patrol aircraft over Barents Sea: report


A Russian fighter jet on Monday reportedly intercepted and escorted U.S. and Norwegian patrol aircraft over the Barents Sea.


The Russian Defense Ministry said the incident over the body of water north of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia involved a MiG-31 fighter jet, Reuters reported, citing Russia's state-run RIA news agency.


A Pentagon official told The Hill that the Defense Department was "aware of the reports."


"Intercept activity is not unusual. The majority of these are considered safe. However, we don't get into details of the interactions themselves," the official said.


A Russian MiG-31 last week escorted a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft along the country's far northeast Kamchatka Peninsula over the Pacific Ocean, according to Russian news agency Tass. Moscow in the past month has heightened its military presence in the region, particularly at its border with Ukraine and in the Black Sea, with Russian jets and bombers frequently flying near allied airspace.


Fighting has increased in eastern Ukraine with pro-Russian separatists. Biden administration officials have confirmed that Russia now has more troops on the border with Ukraine than at any time since 2014, when it annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.


President Biden last week raised concerns with Russian President Vladimir Putin about escalating tensions in Ukraine in a phone call where he "emphasized the United States' unwavering commitment" to Kyiv.


The recent aircraft incidents come less than a week after the Biden administration announced sanctions targeting several Russian officials and companies, and the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats, as punishment for election meddling and the country's involvement in the SolarWinds hack, which Russia has denied.


In response, Moscow expelled 10 Americans from Russia.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:09 a.m. No.13462780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958



More than 1,100 officers from public safety agencies across Minnesota have also been brought in to help stem any potential unrest, as the city waits with bated breath over a verdict in Chauvin’s trial.


A verdict could be returned as early as the end of this week, after closing arguments began in the trial as of Monday morning.


The former Minneapolis police officer is facing charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and third-degree manslaughter.


All three of the charges are separate, meaning he could be found guilty of all, some, or none of them.


Ahead of a potential acquittal, some businesses have even hired private security firms to guard their premises through any protests or riots.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.13462793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

Several Georgia Counties Vote to Replace RINOs with Pro-Trump Committeemen — One Georgia County Votes to Censure Kemp and Raffensperger


There is a new movement in conservative circles to take back the Republican Party from establishment elites and take over the party from within.


The Precinct Project is a conservative movement to participate in and take control of the over 400,000 precinct committeemen positions in the Republican Party. Currently, over 200,000 of these committeemen positions are vacant. And it is likely that half of the current positions are held by RINOs and party elites with no loyalty to the Trump movement.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:14 a.m. No.13462810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958

Non-profit EcoHealth Alliance Received More than $1 Million in US Grants While Its Head Promoted the Made-Up Wuhan Wet-Market Conspiracy


The entity run by Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, received over a million dollars in grant money while Daszak worked to cover up the origins of the coronavirus.


The Daily Caller reported that:


Non-profit EcoHealth Alliance, which funneled millions of dollars in National Institutes of Health grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, received a taxpayer-funded bailout in February 2021.


The bailout was the second received by EcoHealth since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. After receiving $738,861 in a bailout in May 2020, EcoHealth got an additional $719,570 in February of this year, according to a new report from watchdog group Whitecoat Waste.


In early 2020, Daszak worked with others to cover up the true origins of COVID-19, the artificial virus created in a laboratory in the People’s Republic of China with the assistance of U.S. scientists and funding from the U.S. government.


They did this to protect the Chinese but also to protect susceptible and compliant people in Washington D.C. and others with international financial interests, whose investments in China would be placed in jeopardy if it was widely accepted that China manufactured the COVID-19 virus.


Daszak was pushing the theory that COVID-19 started in a wet market in February of 2020 along with others. This protected China and Americans like himself from being tied to the virus based on their prior work. But he knew better.

Since that time, many appear content endorsing the naturally-occurring narrative, mostly out of ignorance, vested interests, political pressure, or simply an unwillingness to accept the ugly truth.

Now we know that Daszak’s entity, EcoHealth Alliance, was receiving hundreds of thousands in grant money while he was pushing the bogus theory that the China coronavirus (COVID-19) was naturally created in a Wuhan wet market.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.13462862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2877 >>2958

MAGIC: Seasonal flu doesn’t exist anymore, only Covid-19, according to CDC and MSM


Best part about Covid is that there aren’t any other sicknesses anymore. They’re all magically gone. Got a headache? Covid. Got a sore throat? Covid. Coughing frequently? You’ve got Covid. Fever? Definitely Covid. Even all deaths are labeled Covid-caused now. Did someone jump off a 10-story building? Covid. Did someone choke to death on a big hunk of steak? Covid.


Yes, the CDC has suspended ALL data collection for the seasonal flu since the Covid plandemic was set in motion, and anyone who dies from the flu, from here on out, will be labeled a Covid-caused death. Hospitals across America are being paid in large swaths of cash for every death registered as Covid.


By now, nearly every American has been exposed to Covid, and probably built up antibodies already, that’s why the tests are invalid, false-negatives, false-positives – it’s all just one big boondoggle to keep the sheeple confused, but obeying orders.

Notice the switch from massive flu numbers and recommended flu vaccines to only Covid-19 and deadly mRNA vaccines


Yes, flu numbers magically disappeared beginning in March, 2020. No more fear-mongering about catching influenza. No masks were ever recommended for that, nor social distancing, just yearly multi-dose mercury injections to keep the populace dumb and slow-suffering from “Mad Hatter Syndrome.” Big question: When the Covid masks cause bacterial infections of the mouth, leading to pneumonia, do the hospitals call that Covid also?


Television stations and newspapers across the country literally verified that hospitals get reimbursed for anything coronavirus related, so no matter the disease, disorder, dysfunction, poisoning, suicide – everyone gets tested for Covid antibodies, and if you have them (or you get a false-positive) then bam! You’re being treated for Covid and will probably die from Covid. It only makes sense with the money game all US hospitals engage in. It’s unethical. It’s immoral. It’s illegal, but nobody’s pressing charges.


This is being reported on across the country, not to mention doctors blowing the whistle who don’t approve of forging and falsifying medical records for the sake of Marxist Plandemic reimbursements.


“ABC10 can verify that hospitals do get reimbursed for coronavirus related care, which unfortunately includes deaths,” admits Sacramento’s ABC10 TV station during a health news segment. For example, if you’ve been dying of pancreatic cancer for 5 years and doctors tell you that you have two weeks to live, if you test positive during those 2 weeks for Covid, then when you die, you died of Covid, on paper. Get it? Even if the chemotherapy killed you. This is how the number got so hyped and the deaths got so scary.


This was all planned from the beginning, and that’s what separates truth news from mass media and social media. It’s all about the mRNA deadly Trojan horse, and over 100 million Americans are standing in line for the “Kill Switch” jab that comes next.


Marxist plandemic ERASES the seasonal flu like magic

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.13462880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2885 >>2958 >>2961

Snopes says the Head of Pf1zer research didn’t say the vaccine is female sterilization, they only said that it causes female recipients to become infertile!


Since we don’t want to send traffic to snopes directly. They create a manufactured quote “is sterilization” then call it false because they didn’t use those precise words. Even though they include the actual quote which is almost identical and carries the same meaning. Here’s a link if you must:

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.13462905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2932 >>2958

New vaccine side effect? In Israel, six people develop herpes zoster


HZ is characterized by a small, red rash that develops on the skin and itches. If complications develop, it can cause nerve damage and pain, including a prolonged burning session on the skin.


A new study published this month by researchers from Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Carmel Medical Center in Haifa found that the risk of developing herpes zoster (HZ) infection following a coronavirus vaccination in people with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIIRD) increases.


“We cannot say the vaccine is the cause at this point,” lead researcher Dr. Victoria Furer of the hospital’s Department of Rheumatology told The Jerusalem Post. “We can say it might be a trigger in some patients.”


HZ is characterized by a small, red rash that develops on the skin and itches. If complications develop, it can cause nerve damage and pain, including a prolonged burning session on the skin even after it goes away.

The study was carried out on 491 patients with AIIRD and 99 controls at the hospitals. Of the 491 patients, 1.2% or six people developed HZ. Five of them got the herpes infection after the first dose and one after the second.

Furer said that five of the six patients who developed HZ were young, had mild cases of autoimmune disease and were taking little if any medications for it, which means they should not have been at increased risk for developing HZ.


“That is why we reported on it,” she said.

HZ tends to develop more in people over the age of 50.


Furer said that since her article, which was published in the peer-reviewed Rheumatology journal on April 12, she has received emails from patients around the world that got HZ after the vaccine.


“It seems that the reason is that there is some association,” Furer told the Post.


She said that further research, including a larger epidemiological study, would be needed to prove cause and effect. She said one practical implication might be to recommend that AIIRD patients get vaccinated against HZ before getting their COVID-19 vaccination to reduce the risk.


“We should not scare people,” she continued. “The overall message is to get vaccinated. It is just important to be aware.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.13462943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958 >>2959 >>3436

More Price Increases: Coca-Cola Joins Other Companies In Raising Prices


Coca-Cola (KO) is the latest company to announce that it will be raising prices as a result of increased production costs.


CEO James Quincey announced the change Monday on CNBC’s "Squawk on the Street."


“We are well-hedged in 2021, but there’s pressure built up for 2022, and so there will have to be some price increases,” Quincey said.


Coca-Cola is one of several companies that have said in recent weeks that they are raising the price of their products in the near term.


Personal care company Kimberly-Clark said in late March that it would hike the cost of its paper products as pulp prices increase, which would mean consumers pay more for toilet paper, diapers and facial tissue.


Kimberly-Clark produces brands such as Scott toilet paper, Cottonelle toilet tissue, Kleenex facial tissue, Huggies diapers and Kotex feminine hygiene products.


The company did not indicate which brands would be impacted but did say consumers would see an increase starting in late June in its baby and child care, adult care, and Scott bathroom tissue lines in the mid-to-high single-digit range.


Kimberly-Clark joined food producer J.M. Smucker, which raised the price of its Jif peanut butter in August 2020 as peanut yields were lower than expected, causing others in the industry to follow suit, CNBC noted.


General Mills also said during its March earnings call that it would raise prices in the upcoming months.


While Coca-Cola did not give any indication as to which products would see the price increase, Quincey told “Squawk on the Street” that the beverage company intends to “manage those intelligently, thinking through the way we use package sizes and really optimize the price points for consumers.”

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.13462954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3250

Biden Administration Orders ICE, Border Patrol to Stop Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’


The White House has ordered officials in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to stop using several terms including “illegal alien,” “alien,” and “assimilation,” The Epoch Times can confirm.


Memos sent by Tae Johnson, the acting director of ICE, and Troy Miller, the acting head of CBP, were distributed to top leaders within the two agencies.


Terms that are to be changed include “alien,” which is now “noncitizen” or “migrant”; “unaccompanied alien children Noncitizen unaccompanied children” is now “noncitizen unaccompanied children”; “undocumented alien” is now “undocumented noncitizen,” “undocumented individual,” or simply “migrant”; and “illegal alien” is now “undocumented noncitizen,” “undocumented individual,” or simply “migrant.”


“Assimilation” has been changed to “integration,” or “civic integration,” according to the memos obtained by The Epoch Times, while “immigrant assimilation” is now “immigrant integration.”


“As the nation’s premier law enforcement agency, we set a tone and example for our country and partners across the world,” Miller said in the CBP memo. “We enforce our nation’s laws while also maintaining the dignity of every individual with whom we interact. The words we use matter and will serve to further confer that dignity to those in our custody.”


Johnson, meanwhile, issued a similar comment. “This guidance,” he said, “applies to communications such as agency outreach efforts, internal documents, and overall communications with stakeholders, partners, and the general public.”


On social media and in press releases, ICE and Border Patrol often use the term “illegal alien” to refer to individuals who have been taken into custody after illegally crossing into the United States. Previously, the agencies and other federal agencies used the term “illegal immigration” to refer to the phenomenon.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.13463043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3060

BUSTED: CDC Created and Was Passing Out Coronavirus Vaccine ID Cards to States Back in August ’20 — Months Before the Vaccine Created


The world reacted with great optimism at the news announced in November days after the election that test subjects given a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer had 90 percent fewer symptomatic infections of the China coronavirus than those given a placebo.


This was after the November election. Pfizer delayed their testing to not influence the election — for Trump.


President Trump repeatedly said in the fall that it looked like a vaccine might be announced in October. Trump was on the right track, but the science community decided to hold off until after the election.


But way before this the CDC was passing out COVID Vaccine ID Cards to different state governments.


Reader E. wrote in:


I was doing a bit of internet sleuthing and was looking for a template for a COVID INJECTION card.


With the fact that they are standardized I assumed that many places online would have a PDF out of convenience for local offices.


VOILA, Google didn’t let me down. Now of course I was going to just fill my own out and take advantage of KRISPY KREME and their stupidity…..


BUT WAIT! The date of the template is from 8/17/20!

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.13463056   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Psaki Refuses to Condemn Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters’ Incitement to Violence and Call For BLM to “Get More Confrontational”


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday refused to condemn Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters’ incitement to violence and call for BLM to “get more confrontational.”


Maxine Waters on Saturday night marched in Brooklyn Center, MN and told the Black Lives Matter extremists to be “more confrontational.”


The 82-year-old California congresswoman broke the curfew set in place to curb rioting and marched after midnight with the far-left extremists that have been terrorizing Brooklyn Center.


“We’ve got to stay in the streets, and we’ve got to demand justice,” Waters told the militant leftists.


“We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” the representative added, speaking of Chauvin.


The Minnesota National Guard was fired at in a drive by shooting in north Minneapolis early Sunday morning — just hours after Mad Maxine incited violence.


GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene created a petition demanding Representative Waters be expelled from Congress.


Psaki refused to condemn Maxine Waters’ call for violence.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 11:49 a.m. No.13463063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 People Injured in Louisiana After ‘Verbal Confrontation’ Leads to Gunfire at Child’s Birthday Party


Authorities in Louisiana are investigating a shooting that erupted at a child’s birthday party over the weekend, injuring six people—including the 12-year-old child, police said.


The gunfire was sparked by an undisclosed “verbal confrontation” at the Saturday night party located in LaPlace, according to a statement from the St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff’s Office.


Police said none of the injuries are life-threatening, though no specific details were provided regarding the victims’ injuries.


“As of this morning, the SJSO is not aware of any fatalities related to the incident,” the office said.


No arrests were announced as of Monday morning in relation to the weekend incident that appears to include more than one suspect.


SJSO Sheriff Mike Tregre told in an interview on Sunday that detectives will continue to hunt down the suspects and “will not stop.”


“We will not stop. We’re going to continue at this,” the sheriff said.


Tregre said detectives working on the investigation have been struggling as they haven’t found anyone stepping forward to potentially provide information in the case.


“We have not one witness, not one person that saw anything yet. So we’re trying to solve it on our own right now,” Tregre told the network. “I’m going to be polite—it’s more than frustrating.”


According to the evidence that was gathered from the scene of the shooting, it appears more than one firearm was used by the perpetrators, the sheriff said.


He also said detectives believe two groups of young men involved in an ongoing feud met up at the child’s birthday party prior to the mass shooting.


Officers responded to the incident in the 600 block of Golfview Drive in LaPlace at about 8:30 p.m. that Saturday and learned upon arrival multiple people were shot following the verbal altercation.


LaPlace is situated along the east bank of the Mississippi River in the New Orleans metropolitan area.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 12:09 p.m. No.13463245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Blames Russia For The Exact Same “Interference” That US Corporate Media Is Guilty Of


Deliberately vague weasel-word terms like “election interference” and/or “influence” gained such purchase in the past four-to-five years for a simple reason: the deliberate vagueness allowed people in power — elected officials, pundits, Intelligence Community functionaries — to claim unspecified expertise on a supposedly emerging range of threats.

The threats were portrayed as particularly scary because of their alleged potential to Undermine Our Democracy. Consequently, these power-wielding people acquired a potent tool in their arsenal to accuse political enemies, whether foreign or domestic, of contributing to the proliferation of new and scary threats. The accusations were so deliberately vague that it was almost impossible to ever rebut them; sometimes even retweeting a meme was sufficient to be implicated in a foreign plot to destroy the very foundations of America. If an act so trivial as clicking one’s mouse on a social media post could be spun as abetting a foreign-backed “interference” or “influence” scheme, then that created an endless number of booby-traps for you to walk into.


So there was nothing new about the suite of anti-Russia charges promulgated Thursday by the US federal government, and parroted as usual with maximum credulity across the US media ecosystem. The charges were again predicated on the idea that Russian “interference” and/or “influence” is an extremely foreboding test for the survival of US Democracy. Taking bold action, the Treasury Department levied sanctions against a bunch more Russians for their claimed nefarious behavior in carrying out this interference/influence — a fulfillment of Joe Biden’s oft-stated campaign pledge that under his watch, Russia would finally “pay a price” for allegedly engaging in such activities. Donald Trump, it was thought, had been appallingly lax in his resolve to confront this threat; now, a new sheriff is in town.


Leaving aside the question of whether it’s prudent to assume that Janet Yellen is suddenly in possession of a foolproof methodology for attributing the provenance of “cyber operations” to specific foreign individuals and nation-states, it’s worth emphasizing what exactly is being alleged in the statement. The Treasury Department document reads: “Outlets operated by Russian Intelligence Services focus on divisive issues in the United States, denigrate US political candidates, and disseminate false and misleading information.”


Noting that these same characteristics could be just as easily applied to US corporate media outlets is so blindingly self-evident as to almost be redundant. Were there not “outlets” during the 2020 election that were “focused” on “denigrating” Donald Trump? Or for that matter, Joe Biden? Do “divisive issues” not tend to be “focused on” by these same outlets as a basic precept of their core business model?


Controversy = clicks/views, which equals revenue.


Everyone knows this.


Yet when scary Russian outlets are said to employ this same logic in their own content-production enterprises, it magically becomes dangerous enough to justify all manner of punitive government and corporate action. Including but not limited to: censorship purges, tighter regulation of online speech, and, as Biden announced Thursday, sanctions and expulsion of diplomats. “Disseminating false and misleading information”? The entire US media just got caught “disseminating” a fake story about Russians putting bounties on the heads of US soldiers in Afghanistan. If you’re truly concerned about the dissemination of “false and misleading information” having deleterious effects on the health of US political culture, your first target should be CNN.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 12:10 p.m. No.13463260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Syria On April 19, 2021 (Map Update)


On April 19, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 33 times: 15 – in Idlib province, 12 – in Latakia province, 5 – in Hama province, 1 in Aleppo province

On April 18, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions near Ain Issa

On April 18, US forces conducted a military patrol in the vicinity of the city of al-Malikiyah

On April 18, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Safuhin and al-Fatirah

On April 18, SDF handed over a number of Russian women and their children from Roj and Hawl refugee camps to the Russian government

On April 18, the Kingdom of Jordan announced the reopening of the Naseeb border crossings with Syria

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 12:11 p.m. No.13463268   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In Donetsk People’s Republic On April 19, 2021 (Map Update)


The UAF shelled the village of Veseloe with 82-mm artillery and grenade launchers

The UAF targeted the village of Novolaspa with grenade launchers

The UAF shelled the village of Sakhanka with 120-mm artillery

UAF forces positioned in the village of Vodyanoe shelled the village of Leninsky with 20 grenades from a launcher

The UAF shelled DPR positions in Gorlovka with 120-mm artillery

DPR forces targeted UAF positions in the village of Vodyanoe with 120-mm artillery and grenade launchers

DPR forces targeted UAF positions in the village of Pisky with grenade launchers

DPR forces targeted UAF positions in the village of Avdiivka with grenade launchers

DPR forces targeted UAF positions in the village of Shyrokyne with easel antitank grenade launchers

One Ukrainian servicemen was killed in reported shelling attacks

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 12:17 p.m. No.13463305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maricopa County Was Given $3 Million of ‘Zuckerbucks’ Before Election But No One Knows Who Specifically It Went To and What It Was Used For!


Where did the millions go? Maricopa County Arizona, one of the largest counties in the nation, received $3 million in ‘Zuckerbucks’ from a Democrat non-profit before the election. No one knows who accepted it or where it went.


In addition to repeatedly sabotaging attempts by the Arizona Senate to implement an accurate, transparent, and factual forensic audit of Maricopa’s 2020 election – which is set to actually begin on April 22 – the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) also repeatedly violated the chain of custody of the 2.1 million ballots from the 2020 election which this Board is legally responsible for safeguarding. Under their watch things like shredded ballots ended up in a dumpster; doors were left wide open at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC); a gigantic, mysterious fire occurred at a chicken farm owned by one of the supervisors of the MCBOS; and, all of the ballots were without the AZ Senate’s permission literally moved out of the MCTEC and then brought back home again (who knows where these ballots went for a ride and how many never came back).


The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have consistently blocked, politically harassed, and refused the Arizona Senate from auditing the results of the 2020 Election. One group is fed up and started a petition to remove and replace these supervisors. Here’s what We the People Arizona Alliance has to say about MCBOS members, Jack Sellers, Chair, Bill Gates, Vice-chair, Clint Hickman, Steve Chucri, and Steve Gallardo, and here are the recall forms for Maricopa voters to file:



The Board of Supervisors have failed to represent our rights through unconstitutional lock down orders and mask mandates and we stood by. They are now subverting our right to a fair election. They have made it clear they have no intention in preserving our inalienable rights or preserving our elections. They have lied, they have stalled and they have used deceptive political maneuvering. We the People must act to preserve the integrity of our elections. We must take it upon ourselves to do what is right.


Additional recalls are being pursued by this group for AZ Governor Doug Ducey (R), Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D), AZ Senator Paul Boyer (R), and Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman (D).


Now, come to find out it appears the MCBOS accepted almost $3 million in Zuckerbucks in 2020 – grant money dumped from progressive Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Pricilla Chan’s foundation – as well as from other Big Tech billionaires and radical philanthropists – into the hands of somebody in Maricopa County through a 501(c)(3) “nonpartisan charity,” the Chicago-based Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).


According to the Capital Research Center (CRC), which investigates corrupted and crooked nonprofits and foundations and which broke the Arizona/Nevada piece of this national Zuckerbucks story, almost $3M went to “Maricopa County election officials.” We assume that means the MCBOS. However, until the nonprofit grant paperwork surfaces and the MCBOS answers the public’s outraged questions, we’re totally in the dark.

Anonymous ID: 923df5 April 19, 2021, 12:26 p.m. No.13463369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia Secretary of State's office received $5.6 million from Zuckerberg-funded election group


Walter Jones, a spokesman for Raffensperger's office, said that the funds "enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation… that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters."


An elections group funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated $5.6 million to the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election, Georgia Star News reports.


The Washington DC-based Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) donated the money to Georgia, as well as at least nine other states.


"Georgia used CEIR grant funds in both the November general election and January runoff election to encourage voters to apply for a ballot online," the group said. "This approach sped up the process for both voters and election officials while also making it easier to track application status."


According to CEIR, the funding was also used "to counteract disinformation, issuing public service announcements warning voters of disinformation and encouraging them to report fraud to the Secretary of State hotline."


Walter Jones, a spokesman for Raffensperger's office, said that the funds "enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation… that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters."


"Having the Secretary of State's office accept this funding and distribute the benefits fairly around the state—rather than having donations go to the donor's preferred county elections boards—was endorsed by the Republican legislature as part of SB 202," Jones continued.


The group received a total of $69 million from Zuckerberg. According to CEIR, they "provided states nearly $65 million, which they used to bolster their voter education efforts in a variety of ways."


It is unclear how the remaining $4 million was spent.


Raffensperger praised the organization as having "the greatest minds that the country has to offer," arguing that their funding played a key role in ensuring election integrity in the state of Georgia.


President Joe Biden carried the state of Georgia by a margin of less than 12,000 votes in the 2020 presidential election, a state which his opponent, Donald Trump, won by more than 200,000 votes only four years earlier.