Anonymous ID: c606ee April 19, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.13462183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2188

clownworld cont.


A wave of ridicule was unleashed on Russian social media after the Czech police identified two suspects, who appeared to be related to a 2014 blast. They are the same people the UK accused of the high-profile Skripal poisoning.


A diplomatic scandal rocked Russian-Czech relations this weekend just before a scheduled visit to Moscow by Czech Foreign Minister Jan Hamacek. Prague expelled 18 Russian diplomats and accused Moscow of sending intelligence agents to blow up a munitions depot a few years ago.


The news would have been received with much less amusement in Russia, were it not for the alleged identity of the suspected saboteurs. While the Czech police did not directly mention the 2014 explosion, they named the region where it took place – and pointed the finger at the same people, who already stand accused by Britain of going after Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, who was poisoned in Salisbury in 2018. Best known as Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, they are said to be agents of the Russian military intelligence agency, the GRU.


Národní centrála proti organizovanému zločinu SKPV, žádá v souvislosti s prověřováním okolností závažné trestné činnosti o pomoc při pátrání po dvou osobách.


— Policie ČR (@PolicieCZ) April 17, 2021


The timing of the revelation and the highly publicized identities of the accused left many people in Russia with little doubt that it was simply a PR stunt aimed against Moscow. They responded with jokes and memes.


READ MORE: Czechs announce expulsion of 18 Russian diplomats, as Prague claims ‘intel officers’ involved in 2014 munitions depot explosion


“Here is Petrov and Boshirov cooking ‘Novichok’ poison in Prague. Footage by the Czech intelligence,” one jester said, posting a fragment of a cult Czech children’s animation produced in the late 1960s.


Петров и Боширов варят «новичок» в Праге.Съемка чешской разведки.


— Борис 🇷🇺 🇧🇾 (@BorisPrimorye) April 18, 2021


Another one posted ‘photo evidence’ showing the duo blowing up the depot. It comes from the Soviet kids’ favorite, Poland’s ‘Bolek and Lolek’ toons.


Фотофакт. Петров и Боширов в Чехии идут поджигать склад!


— Почти СовФед (@fedsovetov) April 18, 2021


One more post ‘showed’ Petrov and Boshirov taking orders from Vladimir Putin himself. This one was a tongue-in-cheek joke, considering what animation it refers to. It is about a school student who wants to be a freerider making others do his chores, but gets burned again and again, including by the two hapless ‘helpers’ who follow his every instruction in the worst possible way.


#ужасныемемыПутин / Петров и Боширов


— распропагандированный (@shipovniks) April 18, 2021


Other commenters focused on which other crimes Petrov and Boshirov can be accused of committing next. Could it be that the Suez-blocking incident was actually Putin playing five-dimensional chess?


Смотри Петров входим в Суэцкий канал.Понял,Боширов.Все сделаем правильно.


— Корефан (@dabkor) April 18, 2021


How about the assassination of JFK, the attack on Pearl Harbor and Joe Biden’s resent struggle with accending a stair to Air Force One? Could it be that the same ‘Russian agents’ posed as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to pen the Communist Manifesto? Were the actual last words of Julius Caesar’s “Et tu Bashirov?” And where were these two people when the Covid-19 outbreak started in China?


Историки доподлинно установили, что кричал Цезарь во время его убийства:- И вы, Боширов и Петров!!!


— Гролль Владимир (@GrollV) April 18, 2021


One commenter summed up the reaction: “The message ‘Petrov and Boshirov were here’ is being discovered by comedians in an increasing number of NATO Allies.”

Anonymous ID: c606ee April 19, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.13462188   🗄️.is 🔗kun



this really is clownworld. It's getting hard to have patience for people to wake the fuck up. it's always the same places and people. Prague: where Trumps lawyer Cohen met Russians (fake). where that 911 hijacker met Iraqi intelligence (fake). the same 2 dudes who poisoned the skripals (fake) are behind an explosion in 2014 in Prague.


Czech Police: Russian "agents" in Skripal poisoning behind 2014 explosion


Alex Christoforou

27.4K subscribers

Apr 19, 2021

Czech Police: Russian "agents" in Skripal poisoning behind 2014 explosion

*News Topic 378**


Russia tells 20 Czech diplomats to leave by Monday night in response to Prague’s expulsions


Notably, the diplomatic scandal rocked Czech-Russian relations on the eve of FM Hamacek’s scheduled visit to Moscow, where he was to have discussed the possible purchase of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.


The breakdown in relations has also disrupted Russian-Czech cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. On Sunday, Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlicek said Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy corporation, Rosatom, would likely be barred from tendering for renovating the Czech Republic’s Dukovany nuclear power plant.


Also on Saturday, Czech police said they were looking for two Russian citizens who were in the area of the military depot at the time of the blast, apparently implying their involvement without directly saying so. The news was met with much ridicule in Russia, as the suspects are the same men who were accused by London of the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018 – an allegation denied by Moscow. Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov have previously denied any links to Russian intelligence, claiming they were businessmen and complaining that Britain’s unsubstantiated accusations had ruined their lives.

Anonymous ID: c606ee April 19, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.13462332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have never seen a ratio like this


6 likes 2K dislikes


2021 Free Expression Awards Highlight: Susan Wojcicki

Anonymous ID: c606ee April 19, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13462773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2797


Haqqani worked closely with the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the CIA, launching attacks and facilitating the flow of fighters and supplies into Afghanistan from Pakistan. He also sought to enlist the wider Islamic world in the fight in Afghanistan, cooperating with networks of foreign Muslim militants traveling to Afghanistan and sending representatives to the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf to raise funds. During those years, Haqqani developed close ties to foreign militant financiers and leaders, including Osama bin Laden, the future head of al-Qaeda.


Many Americans have never heard of the Haqqani network …


Jan 5, 2018Money generated through the network's illicit activities, including trafficking in drugs and minerals, also helps fund the group, experts said.