Anonymous ID: d0cce4 April 19, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.13462627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2658

Airlines Offer Free Flights To Minneapolis For Travelers Who Use Code ‘ANTIFA’


U.S.—To promote more travel as COVID restrictions begin to lift, Airlines such as Delta, United, and Frontier are now offering free trips to Minneapolis for anyone who uses code "ANTIFA" at check-out.


"This is simply a standard promotion and is in no way related to the trial of evil murderer Derek Chauvin, who should be convicted unless Minneapolis wants to burn to the ground," said Delta CEO Ed Bastian. "We just want to promote tourism to the city of Minneapolis, which is just beautiful this time of year."


When pressed about the promotional code "ANTIFA", he responded: "It just stands for anti-fascist. Not sure why you would have a problem with being anti-fascist. What are you, a Nazi?"


In addition to the promotional code, United Airlines announced they would waive all security screenings for checked baggage if it should be found to contain innocent traveling items such as bricks, cans of soup, and Molotov cocktails.


After being questioned by some about this policy change, United CEO Scott Kirby responded, saying: "There's literally nothing suspicious about people wanting to travel to Minneapolis with a backpack full of bricks and soup cans. Maybe they're heading there to build a soup kitchen! Any suggestion otherwise is a conspiracy theory."


Airlines will also offer free return-trip cancellation should any passengers need to wait for Kamala Harris to bail them out of jail.

Anonymous ID: d0cce4 April 19, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.13462630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2654

Mich. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Blames Travelers For COVID-19 Spike


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:30 PM PT – Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Governor of Michigan has blamed travelers for a growing number of coronavirus cases. On Sunday, Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) placed the blame on “snow birds” from Florida for the increasing number of coronavirus variant cases in the Great Lakes State.


In an attempt to stop the spread, Whitmer urged schools to go remote and businesses to have employees work from home for a week.


Gov. @GretchenWhitmer's COVID-19 Response:


# 1 in worst COVID-19 infection rate

Top 10 in highest COVID-19 death rate

Top 10 in most days locked down

Top 10 in most businesses closed


Gov. Whitmer doesn't have a strategy. Michigan deserves better. #FireWhitmer


— Michigan GOP (@MIGOP) April 18, 2021


“This variant, the B117 variant, is what is growing so quickly in Michigan,” Whitmer claimed. “We have the second most — I think — after Florida. Michigan and Florida are not next to each other, but this is the time of the year that snow birds come home from Florida where people are going on spring break and all of these things can contribute to spread.”


Her statement came after she asked for grace when a top staffer took heat for a recent vacation in Florida. Additionally, the state’s health director, Elizabeth Hertel, traveled to Alabama recently despite Whitmer’s calls to avoid out-of-state travel.

Anonymous ID: d0cce4 April 19, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.13462657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Man Who Trusts Science Wears Mask While Outside, Helmet While Driving, Water Wings While Taking A Bath


WALTHAM, MA—Kenny Stone always trusts the science. That’s why, despite getting vaccinated, he’s listening to Dr. Anthony Fauci and the CDC and continuing to wear a mask, even when outside. “There’s still a risk I could get the virus out there,” said Stone. “It’s a pretty large number like ten million… dividing a one so it’s just right to be cautious.”


Stone takes similar precautions when driving, always wearing a helmet. “You could crash at any time,” explained Stone – who was also wearing a mask while alone in the car to protect against the less than a billionth chance of viral infection in that situation. “That’s why, in addition to a seatbelt, you need to wear a helmet when in a car. It’s also a good idea when using stairs. That’s just science.”


Stone also stayed cautious when taking a bath, always wearing water wings to help prevent drowning. “People drown all the time,” Stone said. “Not usually grown adults in bathtubs, but it happens. This is just trusting the science and taking known precautions.” Stone then put on a helmet to prepare to stand up from the bath.


Dr. Fauci agreed with Stone’s assessment. “You have to be careful with these things,” he said. “I would also wear water wings when anywhere near anyone else taking a bath, in case you fall in. And wear a mask when bathing. Just don’t clean that part of your face.”

Anonymous ID: d0cce4 April 19, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.13462672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Calls Grow for Maxine Waters to Be Expelled Over Incitement of Violence – Rep. McCarthy Promises to “Bring Action”


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi take action against Rep. Maxine Waters for inciting violence, promising to take action himself if Pelosi doesn’t act.


“Maxine Waters is inciting violence in Minneapolis — just as she has incited it in the past,” McCarthy said in a statement. “If Speaker Pelosi doesn’t act against this dangerous rhetoric, I will bring action this week.”


McCarthy’s remarks come after Waters attended a protest on Saturday night in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, where police shot and killed a man last week after he tried to flee while being arrested. Waters’ remarks also come just days before a verdict will be reached in the Derek Chauvin case involving the death of George Floyd.


“We’re looking for a guilty verdict. We’re looking for a guilty verdict. And we’re looking to see if all of this [inaudible] that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd,” Waters said. “If nothing does not happen, then we know, that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice, but I am very hopefully and I hope that we’re going to get a verdict that will say guilty, guilty, guilty. And if we don’t, we cannot go away.”


When asked about what activists should do if Chauvin is not convicted, Waters said that they must “stay on the street.”


“And we’ve got to get more active. [We’ve] got to get more confrontational,” she said. “[We’ve] got to make sure that they know we mean business.”


McCarthy wasn’t the only person critical of the lawmaker’s comments, with the New York Post Editorial Board urging Pelosi to strip Waters of her committee assignment and removed from office.


The lawmaker’s comments were also condemned by Sen. Ted Cruz, who accused the Democrat of “actively encouraging riots & violence.”


Perhaps unsurprisingly, a guest on CNN sprang to the defense of Waters.


“I actually just listened to Maxine Waters. We all have to be cognizant of what we say. I don’t think what she said in anyway should, we should criticize her for. Of course, we should be more confrontational. That doesn’t mean we should be more violent,” Matthew Dowd said during the appearance. “But I was thinking about this as I was listening, is Emmett Till was killed in 1955, an all-white jury found the people that did it innocent. Then Medgar Evers, Jimmie Lee Jackson, so many of these folks that were guilty of killings and civil rights were then let off,” Dowd continued.” And the only thing that led to the civil rights legislation to finally pass in 1965 was you know non-violent protests and so I think that’s where we’re going to end up today. The Republicans seem to me on the complete wrong side of history on this.”