Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:42 p.m. No.13463509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

The Sackler Family’s Dynasty of Guilt


A sweeping account of Big Pharma's first family provides a full and damning picture of their moral culpability for the opioid crisis.


It hasn’t been easy to get to the bottom of the Sackler story. From the beginning, the family hid its business dealings in a tangle of subsidiaries. When reporter Barry Meier blew open the story of OxyContin in 2003 with his book Pain Killer: A Wonder Drug’s Trail of Addiction and Death, the Sacklers convinced his employers at the New York Times to ban him from writing about opioids over a contrived conflict of interest. Depositions have been sealed, whistleblowers intimidated, critics bought off, publications threatened with lawsuits.


Patrick Radden Keefe got the full Sackler treatment when he published his blockbuster article “The Family That Built an Empire of Pain” in the New Yorker in 2017, which launched the trend of taking the Sackler name off various endowed buildings, galleries, and professorships. Their lawyer fired off dozens of letters to Keefe’s editors alleging factual errors and threatening to sue Keefe if he proceeded with this book project. Some unknown party even sent a mysterious man in an SUV to stake out Keefe’s house. These attempts at intimidation failed, and we now have the book, Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty.


Sadly, the Sacklers are an underwhelming lot to have ruined so many lives. They were not evil geniuses. Of the original three brothers, Arthur, Mortimer, and Raymond, two got their degrees from an unaccredited medical school that closed down shortly after they graduated. Raymond’s son Richard, who ran Purdue Pharma during the height of the OxyContin surge, couldn’t manage to get into a better med school than SUNY Buffalo (he later transferred to NYU), even with his family’s money.


The only impressive Sackler was Arthur, the eldest of the original three, and his genius was not for medicine but for advertising. In the field of pharmaceutical marketing, “Arthur invented the wheel,” as one of his employees put it. It was his innovation to get around the legal ban on direct-to-consumer medical advertising by targeting doctors. “It was laughable, he asserted, to suggest that a physician might be seduced by a glossy layout in a medical journal in the same manner that a housewife might be swayed by a slick ad in a magazine,” Keefe explains. His tactics made a bestseller of the antibiotic Terramycin in 1957 and, later, of the early sedatives Librium and Valium.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:43 p.m. No.13463519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3529 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308 >>4319

Facebook Co-Founder Gave Millions To BLM’s Patrisse Cullors Before Facebook Censored News Story About Her Mansions


New report exposes link between BLM and Big Tech


A new report from the the Washington Free Beacon has uncovered that Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz has given millions of dollars to groups run by Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors, including one which paid Cullors $20,000 a month.

Last week, Facebook desperately moved to censor a New York Post story about Cullors’ multi-million dollar mansion collection from the website.


The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, who left the company in 2008 but still reportedly maintains a multi-billion dollar 2% stake in the platform, gave at least $5.6 million to groups founded and chaired by Black lives Matter co-founder Dustin Moskovitz over the course of four years.


READ MORE: Breonna Taylor’s Mom Slams BLM As ‘Fraud’ That’s ‘Never Done A Damn Thing For Us’


Moskovitz contributed $2.8 million to Dignity and Power Now, over $2.3 million to Reform L.A. Jails, and $500,000 to the The Justice Teams Network, all of which were founded or co-founded by Cullors between 2017 and 2020.


Cullors was paid a staggering $20,000 a month by L.A. Reform jails in 2019.


On Friday, Facebook moved to scrub a New York Post story that documented Cullors’ $3.2 million mansion-buying spree from its platform.


As National File reported last week, Cullors attempted to defend her extravagant tastes in luxury real estate by claiming that her personal mansion collection is in “direct support of black people”:


Black Lives Matter co-founder, lesbian, and self-described “trained Marxist” Patrisse Cullors defended her $3.2 million mansion-buying spree that was exposed by the New York Post last week, claiming “The way I live my life is in direct support of black people and that includes my black family members.”


The New York Post first reported on Cullor’s extravagant tastes in real estate on April 10, noting her spending spree which consisted of four high-end properties costing a combined $3.2 million.


Cullors has received widespread bipartisan criticism for her perceived hypocrisy, even as left-wing tech platform Facebook struggles to ban and erase the New York Post story from being shared.


“So a critique from the left that would say, if you are a trained Marxist, if we’re talking about a certain kind of radical politick, that extravagant homes of any sort, or multiple properties of any sort is itself contradictory to the ideology you hold, and so it’s not about having money per se… but that it’s about there being a potential contradiction between your expressed politics and your lived practice,” Cullors was told during a recent interview.


“Sure, and I think that is a critique that is, um, wanting,” Cullors responded. “And I say that because, um, the, the [sic] way that I live my life is in direct support to black people, including my black family members, uh, first and foremost.”

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.13463526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Georgia Secretary of State's office received $5.6 million from Zuckerberg-funded election group


Walter Jones, a spokesman for Raffensperger's office, said that the funds "enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation… that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters."


An elections group funded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated $5.6 million to the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election, Georgia Star News reports.


The Washington DC-based Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) donated the money to Georgia, as well as at least nine other states.


"Georgia used CEIR grant funds in both the November general election and January runoff election to encourage voters to apply for a ballot online," the group said. "This approach sped up the process for both voters and election officials while also making it easier to track application status."


According to CEIR, the funding was also used "to counteract disinformation, issuing public service announcements warning voters of disinformation and encouraging them to report fraud to the Secretary of State hotline."


Walter Jones, a spokesman for Raffensperger's office, said that the funds "enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation… that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters."


"Having the Secretary of State's office accept this funding and distribute the benefits fairly around the state—rather than having donations go to the donor's preferred county elections boards—was endorsed by the Republican legislature as part of SB 202," Jones continued.


The group received a total of $69 million from Zuckerberg. According to CEIR, they "provided states nearly $65 million, which they used to bolster their voter education efforts in a variety of ways."

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:50 p.m. No.13463573   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Monday, January 11, 2021

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:51 p.m. No.13463582   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK's Johnson Vows to Prevent Creation of New European Super League


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that his government would do everything possible to prevent the creation of a European football Super League in the form proposed by the authors of this initiative.


"I don’t like the look of these proposals … We are going to look at everything that we can do with the football authorities to make sure that this doesn’t go ahead in the way that it’s currently being proposed. I don’t think that it’s good news for fans, I don’t think it’s good news for football in this country", Johnson told reporters.


The announcement was met with widespread criticism not only from the FIFA and UEFA leaderships, as well as the national football associations of European states. Critics believe that this initiative may have a negative impact on lesser-known and not rich clubs and thus hinder the popularisation of football.


"These clubs are not just great global brands – of course they’re great global brands – they’re also clubs that have originated historically from their towns, from their cities, from their local communities. They should have a link with those fans, and with the fanbase in their community. So it is very, very important that that continues to be the case", Johnson added.


The UK prime minister previously criticised the initiative on Twitter.


April 18, 2021


​On Sunday, 12 of Europe's leading soccer clubs — AC Milan, Arsenal, Atletico Madrid, Chelsea, Barcelona, Inter Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur — officially announced the establishment of the Super League, a new European club football tournament.


The new Super League competition includes 20 teams — 15 founders and another 5 teams qualified for the tournament every year in accordance with their achievements in the prior season. According to the official statement, the Super League will help clubs overcome the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, as it showed the importance of "a strategic vision and a sustainable commercial approach" to maintain the European football system.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13463595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Cyber Polygon, the WEF’s Cyber Warfare Game: Simulation of Cyber Attack on the Supply Chain and Global Economic System


The World Economic Forum, which was a co-sponsor to EVENT 201 at Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security along with Bill Gates in October of 2019, just prior to the onset of COVID-19 in January of 2020 and announcement of a mutated coronavirus pandemic in March of 2020, is now announcing CYBER POLYGON, a war cyber warfare game that will be blamed on overseas “enemies.” CYBER POLYGON is a drill scheduled for July of 2021.


Should such an event occur, it would paralyze every business, church, hospital, even security and police forces. It appears prudent to make plans for a major online cyber business disruption given public authorities appear to be clueless or even complicit in this event as they have been in COVID-19. Consumer-related businesses would be wise to advise their customers to stock up on necessities, particularly food, toiletries, vitamins, medicines and alternate sources of power if possible. Doctors should schedule patients accordingly.


Click through to the links below to validate this warning. This is not a sensationalist report.


Cyber Polygon is a war game being held by the World Economic Forum (WEF) this July/2021 which is meant to simulate a major cyber attack on the global supply chain and the economic system.There has been endless discussion int the media the past year building up fears of cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran and even North Korea.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:54 p.m. No.13463601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3811 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Parler Allowed Back on App Store After They Fire Pro-Free Speech CEO, Introduce ‘Trolling Filter’


Critics claim that Parler has "bent the knee to Big Tech."


Conservative “free speech” social media network Parler has now been allowed back on Apple’s App Store, after instituting various new content policies that would limit speech on the site.


In a letter to Senator Mike Lee and Representative Ken Buck, Apple revealed that Parler, the social media network that purported to be a place where conservatives and others could speak freely, would be allowed back onto its App Store, after being kicked off following the mostly peaceful protests at Capitol Hill on January 6th.


Apple booted Parler off the App Store for various content policy violations, the Big Tech giant had claimed, including allegedly allowing posts that “encourgaed violence, denigrated various ethnic groups… and called for violence against specific people.” Since then, Apple has said that they and the Parler team have “engaged in substantial conversations,” resulting in Parler proposing “updates to its and the app’s content moderation practices,” which Apple have declared to be sufficient enough to be allowed back on the App Store. As soon as the update goes live, it will be “available immediately” to redownload.


Representative Buck hailed this move as a “huge win for free speech,” rather than Parler kow-towing to the demands of Big Tech, as others have suggested. “Oligarch-owned Parler fired their free speech CEO and founder John Matze, integrated third-party artificial intelligence moderation software to ban “hate speech,” bent the knee to Big Tech, and got rewarded by CNN with glowing press,” wrote Gab’s Andrew Torba in a post on the pro-free speech social network. “Gab’s entire Apple Developer Account has been banned for years,” he added. “What more do you need to know?”


It is unclear at this moment in time what exactly these new proposals include, but some changes were already made to the desktop version in order to satisfy Parler’s new hosting company, after Amazon Web Services broke off their contract at the same time as Apple. The professed free speech platform now labels certain posts with a message that says “Trolling Content Detected.” According to Parler’s Guidelines Enforcement Process released on February 23, the “trolling” filter detects “personal attacks” based on race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion, which they say “doesn’t contribute to a productive conversation.”

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:54 p.m. No.13463606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Ron DeSantis: Defunding the Police Is Effectively ‘Off the Table’ in Florida



WINTER HAVEN, Florida — Defunding law enforcement is effectively “off the table” in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) told Breitbart News on Monday, shortly after signing the state’s anti-riot legislation into law.


DeSantis signed HB1, known as the “anti-riot” bill, on Monday following the state Senate’s passage last week. The law, DeSantis told Breitbart News, demonstrates a significant contrast between the way blue areas and red areas address these issues of unrest as Democrat-run cities experience yet another bout of riots in the streets.


“The more blue an area is, the worse it’s governed. I mean it’s just a disaster what we’ve seen. It’s always been the case kind of in my lifetime, but I think in the last year, it’s been exacerbated between COVID lockdowns and the rioting,” DeSantis told Breitbart News, explaining that blue area leaders have “totally dropped the ball.”


“If you don’t stand up for law enforcement, you are going to have more crimes,” he said, noting that, in some cases, law enforcement in those blue jurisdictions have had to recede, resulting in higher crime in the areas.


More specifically, DeSantis said the bill effectively draws a line in the sand regarding defunding law enforcement — something demanded by members of the radical left, such as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who recently called for the end of both policing and incarceration.


“Obviously, I’m the governor of the state, but we have local jurisdictions, too, that can do different things, but we drew a line in the sand and said we’re not going to let you defund law enforcement. And so if they want to take money from law enforcement, I as governor and some of my Cabinet members here or there, we can veto that and make them restore the funding,” he explained. “So that, I think that takes the defunding law enforcement off the table in Florida, which is huge.”


“We also have to hold local government accountable,” he said, using Minneapolis as a primary example. “If you do like Minneapolis did and tell the cops to stand down and basically let people run wild on the streets, well, then any damage you suffer, your person, your property, you sue the local government, and they have to make you whole because it’s their responsibility to protect you in the first place.”


In addition, the bill, he explained, creates “much stronger” penalties for rioters and those who engage in lawless acts.


“For example, if you throw a brick, if you’re in one of these violent assemblies, you throw a brick at a police officer, you’re getting arrested, you’re going to jail, and you’re staying there until your first appearance,” the governor said.


“We’re not just going to turn you back out on the street, and then the penalties overall are stiffer,” he added, calling it a “very comprehensive piece of legislation” and reaffirming the Sunshine State’s commitment to law and order.


Blue jurisdictions, DeSantis added, will likely reject such proposals because they are ideologically driven, but Florida, he vowed, will “navigate all this, period, much better than those areas.”

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:55 p.m. No.13463613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Watch: 'Non-Political' Fauci Calls Gun Control "A Public Health Issue"


While refusing to answer any basic questions about when endless lockdowns and mask mandates will be scrapped, Chief Medical advisor to Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, is now appearing on TV to advocate for more gun control.


During an interview with CNN, after he’d blamed Republicans for prolonging lockdowns and again claimed that the restrictions have nothing to do with liberties, Fauci was asked to comment on gun violence.


Fauci stated “Myself, as a public health person, I think you can’t run away from that. When you see people getting killed, in this last month it’s just been horrifying what’s happened. How can you say that’s not a public health issue?”




The guy won’t even answer basic questions about the only subject he’s supposed to, but is happy to answer one about a completely unrelated topic to help push CNN’s anti-Second Amendment agenda.


Why would she ask Fauci about the Guns He can’t figure out the mask issue what’s he know about guns O M G CNN 🤣

— carol (@twigpgh) April 18, 2021


Dr. Fauci should stay in his lane…. Next, before you will know it he will demand we wear mask for gun violence!

— 1997yuppie (@1997yuppie) April 18, 2021


I thought he was the virus man. Why even ask him about guns?!?

— Jennifer (@coolbrit56) April 18, 2021


I challenge them to make gun violence a public health issue. Because if the subject is approached scientifically with a data-driven statistical approach, I believe some interesting results will need to be explained to the BLM.

— BlackHole (@BH128) April 18, 2021


so now CNN is dog whistling for its audience by having someone Fauci with zero reason to opine on guns. just because he is now a sold out celebrity. like they did with De Niro during covid asking his opinion like his opinion should matter. #entertainment

— Spewing It (@spewingit) April 18, 2021


The next time you interview Fauci ask him as head of the NIH how he helped fund the Wuhan lab of Virology and how ironic in an interview he predicted a pandemic would hit. #FraudFauci

— Frank Perez (@Rundmc_1958) April 19, 2021

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:57 p.m. No.13463634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3647 >>3822 >>3841 >>4080 >>4160 >>4176 >>4308

Pelosi Says Maxine Waters Does Not Need to Apologize For Incitement to Violence That Led to Shots Fired at National Guard


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday said Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters does not need to apologize for her incitement to violence that led to a drive by shooting at the National Guard.


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) flew to Minnesota Saturday to stir up hate on the streets.


The verdict on the George Floyd case is expected this week and Minnesota authorities are bracing for massive violence once again.


Waters urged violent leftists to “get more confrontational” with authorities.


The Minnesota National Guard was fired at in a drive by shooting in north Minneapolis early Sunday morning — just hours after Mad Maxine incited violence.


On Sunday night GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy weighed in on Maxine’s trip to Minnesota to encourage violence in the Twin Cities.


McCarthy promised to bring action against Maxine Waters for inciting riots if Nancy Pelosi does nothing.


Pelosi never backs down and never apologizes so the Speaker’s response to Maxine Waters’ call to violence didn’t surprise us.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 12:59 p.m. No.13463650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3657 >>3996 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

Maxine Waters Leaps Into Victim Mode After Inciting Mob; May Become Witness In Her Own Lawsuit


What's the first thing Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) did after conservatives called her out for crossing state lines to incite violence in Brooklyn Center, MN, hours before the National Guard and police were targeted in a drive-by shooting?


Why, play the victim of course.


In Monday comments, Waters ripped GOP lawmakers for criticizing her - saying they are trying to "send a message" to white supremacists.


"I am nonviolent," Waters told The Grio on Monday following a tweet by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) - who accused her of condoning political violence and using "dangerous rhetoric" when she told protesters to get more confrontational."


"Maxine Waters is inciting violence in Minneapolis — just as she has incited it in the past. If Speaker Pelosi doesn’t act against this dangerous rhetoric, I will bring action this week," McCarthy tweeted on Sunday.


In response, Waters said: "Republicans will jump on any word, any line and try to make it fit their message and their cause for denouncing us and denying us, basically calling us violent … any time they see an opportunity to seize on a word, so they do it and they send a message to all of the white supremacists, the KKK, the Oath Keepers, the [Proud] Boys and all of that, how this is a time for [Republicans] to raise money on [Democrats'] backs".


Waters then said that she's "not worried that they’re going to continue to distort what I say."


"This is who they are and this is how they act," she continued. "And I’m not going to be bullied by them."


Of course, as constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley notes - Waters may have hoisted herself by her own petard. Read on…

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:42 p.m. No.13463979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4142 >>4176 >>4308

Kevin McCarthy Moves to Formally Censure Maxine Waters for Having ‘Broke the Law,’ ‘Incited Violence’


House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy told Breitbart News exclusively that he will move to formally censure House Financial Services Committee chairwoman Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over her call to violence in Minnesota this weekend.


McCarthy’s move, which comes after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to hold Waters accountable, will force a censure vote in the House. Pelosi cannot stop McCarthy’s resolution censuring Waters from receiving a vote, because it is a privileged resolution. If Democrats lose just three of their members on this vote and all Republicans vote for it, then Waters will be formally censured by the House and likely lose her powerful position as chair of the Financial Services Committee.


If Waters is successfully censured by the House, it would also invoke a powerful but little-known rule in the House Democrat Caucus rules called Rule 25, which would formally strip her of her ability to serve as chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee.


McCarthy’s statement, provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its public release, makes clear that it is his belief that Waters “broke the law by violating curfew” before she “incited violence” with commentary she made to reporters in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, this weekend.


“This weekend in Minnesota, Maxine Waters broke the law by violating curfew and then incited violence. Increased unrest has already led to violence against law enforcement and her comments intentionally poured fuel on the fire,” McCarthy said. “We’ve heard this type of violent rhetoric from Waters before, and the United States Congress must clearly and without reservation reprimand this behavior before more people get hurt. But Speaker Pelosi is ignoring Waters’ behavior. That’s why I am introducing a resolution to censure Rep. Waters for these dangerous comments, and I hope that all my colleagues – both Republican and Democrat – will stand up for peace on America’s streets.”


Waters appeared with protesters in Brooklyn Center in Minnesota who for days have been protesting the death of Daunte Wright. During remarks to reporters, Waters specifically urged people to “get more confrontational” if the jury in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin does not return a murder conviction in the death of George Floyd.


“We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” Waters said. “And we’re looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice. But I am very hopeful, and I hope we are going to get a verdict that says ‘guilty, guilty, guilty.’ If we don’t, we cannot go away.”


In response to a follow-up question on what protesters should do if Chauvin is not convicted of murder, Waters said: “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active. We’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure they know we mean business.”


After video of Waters’ remarks circulated widely on social media, McCarthy on Sunday night pressed Pelosi to do something about Waters inciting violence. Pelosi has not acted, other than defending Waters and saying she should not apologize for the commentary.


“Maxine talked about confrontation in the manner of the Civil Rights movement,” Pelosi said, according to CNN. “I myself think we should take our lead from the George Floyd family. They’ve handled this with great dignity and no ambiguity or lack of misinterpretation by the other side.”


“No, no, I don’t think she should apologize,” Pelosi added about Waters.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:43 p.m. No.13463993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3994 >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

FAA Issues New "Flight Risk" Alert Over The Russia-Ukraine Border


In perhaps the most alarming recent signal portending escalation is coming over the renewed Ukraine crisis, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a deeply disconcerting warning telling airlines to review "flight risks" posed over parts of eastern Ukraine. The updated notification was issued over this past weekend.


The FAA specifically cited heightened safety issues and commercial aviation "flight risks" due to the recent flare-up in tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border, where the Kremlin in recent weeks has built-up thousands of extra troops.


According to the aviation monitoring site Air Live, "The FAA warned the airlines to review the current threat and provide at least 72-hours advance notice of the scheduled flights over the airspace covering the Russian-Ukraine border."


The FAA alert further mentioned the potential for a "no-notice cross-border conflict and increased military activities." It notified additionally:


Operators are asked to exercise extreme caution while flying over Dnipro, Simferopol, Kyiv, Moscow and Rostov-na Donu Flight Information Regions.


The FAA further advised against flying over particularly tense hotpots along Ukraine's eastern border, namely the war-racked Donbass region, in continuation with an already existing FAA ban. Here are further details:


The FAA’s previous warning for Ukraine, as per SFAR 113, remains in place – US operators are banned from overflying the eastern part of the UKDV/Dnipropetrovsk FIR due to a continued threat of arms fire in the region. Essentially, everything east of ABDAR–M853–NIKAD–N604–GOBUN is prohibited. Airways M853 and N604 are off-limits as well. Flights to UKHH/Kharkiv, UKDD/Dnipropetrovsk and UKDE/Zaporizhzhia airports are permitted.


While it remains unclear if US aviation authorities are acting on specific intelligence portending heightened military action is imminent, there's little doubt that fears are growing of another possible MH17 plane crash disaster scenario amid this month's renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:51 p.m. No.13464059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4093 >>4176 >>4308

Trucker driver arrested at Naval Station Newport; 15-year-old girl found in sleeping cabin


A Virginia truck driver was arrested earlier this month when he tried to enter Naval Station Newport and a routine background check revealed he was wanted in Texas for felony sexual assault of a child.


During a search of David Romero Reyes’ tractor-trailer on the day of his arrest on April 2, Naval Station Newport Police discovered a 15-year-old girl in the sleeping compartment of the vehicle. The girl was reported missing from her Virginia home in July 2020 when she was 14 years old.


The girl was brought to Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence for a medical examination and hospital staff determined she was about five months pregnant, according to the criminal complaint filed against Reyes in U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island.


Reyes, 50, of Stafford, Virginia, appeared Monday in federal court in Providence on a charge of transportation of a minor with intent to engage in sexual activity.


A court interpreter translated the proceedings to Spanish for Reyes during the virtual proceeding.


The case is being prosecuted by John P. McAdams, assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Rhode Island. On Monday, McAdams asked that Reyes continue to be detained as both a flight risk and danger to the community. U.S. Magistrate Judge Patricia Sullivan so ordered Reyes’ detainment. He’s currently held at the Adult Correctional Institutions in Cranston, according to online records.


A preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 28.


According to a press release, the girl entered the United States as an unaccompanied minor in February 2020. She was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and placed in a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services facility.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services documents found in the girl’s possession indicated that in May 2020 the girl was removed from a Houston, Texas, immigration detention facility by Reyes, who was identified as a “distant relative,” according to the criminal complaint.


An FBI and Rhode Island State Police investigation determined that Reyes is a long-time friend of the girl’s father, who lives in El Salvador, and a distant cousin of the girl, the press release says. The girl resided in the area of Houston with her mother and other relatives for several weeks after leaving the immigration detention center, but eventually left Texas with Reyes and lived in Virginia with his relative.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:52 p.m. No.13464068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4080 >>4176 >>4308

More than 25 arrests after international drug trafficking network dismantled by police in York Region



More than 25 people in Ontario have been charged in connection with the dismantling of an international drug trafficking network, which resulted in the seizure of 48 firearms, $730,000 in cash and $2.5 million worth of drugs – including heroin found at a children’s indoor play centre.


York Regional Police say they launched an investigation, dubbed “Project Cheetah,” into the drug network in May 2020 in partnership with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Peel Regional Police and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.


In a news release issued Monday, police said the “robust” international network extended to Western Canada, the United States and India, and involved importing large quantities of cocaine, ketamine, heroin and opium into Canada before distributing the drugs across the country “through a sophisticated system run by the traffickers.”


On April 8, more than 50 search warrants were executed in Ontario, British Columbia and California in connection with the case.


Police say they seized about $2.3 million worth of drugs, including 10 kilograms of cocaine, eight kilograms of ketamine, three kilograms of heroin and 2.5 kilograms of opium.


Some of the heroin was found at an indoor play centre, police said.


“Of particular concern when we look at heroin, a very insidious drug causing great harm to our community, a number of kilograms are alleged to be seized from a Playland in Brampton,” York police Insp. Ryan Hogan said in a video statement. “So we can see not only the effects in the community but the real significant risk that it puts the children, some of the most vulnerable people in our community.”


Investigators also seized 48 firearms, three high-end vehicles and $730,000 in Canadian currency, which police allege are “the direct proceeds from drug trafficking crimes.”


Hogan added that 46 of the guns seized guns were found at a single property in Caledon, Ont.


“Some of them very menacing in the firepower that they possess,” he said.


“We know that in the drug trade, violence is common. The propensity for violence as a profit curve and illegal commodities we’re seeing in the community on a regular basis, and these firearms are in fact lawfully possessed, lawfully possessed by this person who’s now alleged to be facing numerous drug trafficking charges. So they've been seized as a result of a serious threat to public safety under provisions that are afforded to us by the Criminal Code.”


When it comes to eliminating dangerous drug traffickers, you've got to know just when to pounce.


A total of 33 people, including 27 Ontario residents, were charged with more than 130 criminal offences, police say.


Of the suspects taken into custody in Ontario, 19 were from Brampton, four were from Toronto, two were from Vaughan, one was from Woodstock and the last was from Caledon.


The offences include numerous trafficking and possessing charges, as well as conspiracy to traffic and possessing proceeds of a crime.


Police also said there is one outstanding suspect wanted in connection with the investigation. The suspect, identified by police as 41-year-old Gurbinder Sooch, is wanted on numerous drug-related offences as well as failing to comply with a release order.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:55 p.m. No.13464085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4176 >>4308

Sauk Co. man accused of paying underage girl for sexual encounters


MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - A 69-year-old Hillpoint man was arrested last week in connection with several sexual assault allegations involving an underage girl.


According to the Sauk Co. Sheriff’s Office, Gerald Crary was taken into custody Wednesday after being questioned by a sheriff’s detective about the 2020 incidents. Investigators added that a review of communications between Crary and the victim supported the allegations.


The Sheriff’s Office explained its investigation started in early March upon receiving a report of repeated sexual assaults against the girl. The victim told investigators Crary met her while she was walking in rural Sauk Co. and got her phone number by saying he might be able to find her work.


Crary began texting her, the Sheriff’s Office explained, with messages that were general in nature at first but soon took a sexual nature. After that, he allegedly started sending explicit pictures and suggesting sexual encounters.


The Sheriff’s Office alleges Crary would offer the teen money for those encounters and on multiple occasions the two engaged in sexual activity and Crary paid the victim for those encounters.


He was booked into the Sauk Co. jail on counts of child trafficking, soliciting a child for prostitution, possessing child pornography, exposing a child to harmful material, and sexual intercourse with a child 16 or older.

Anonymous ID: daca52 April 19, 2021, 1:56 p.m. No.13464101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4176 >>4308

Concord Man Pleads Guilty for Trying to Chat with “14-Year-Old Boy”


Home Contra Costa County Concord Man Pleads Guilty for Trying to Chat with “14-Year-Old Boy”

Contra Costa County

Concord Man Pleads Guilty for Trying to Chat with “14-Year-Old Boy”

written by ECT Apr 19, 2021

District Attorney


Martinez, Calif. – Last week, defendant Manuel Gomez-Antonio (39-year-old resident of Concord) was convicted by plea of child sex trafficking and related crimes arising from a joint affirmative enforcement operation conducted by Contra Costa’s Human Trafficking and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces in January of 2019.


Gomez-Antonio was convicted of violations of Penal Code Section 236.1(c) and 288.4(b) and was sentenced to serve a year in county jail. Honorable Leslie G. Landau accepted the plea agreement and sentenced the defendant. His three-year probation supervision terms include a 100-yard stay-away order from the Concord park, prohibitions against using or possessing any on-line dating applications, and search and seizure terms that include all digital devices.


Using an online dating application, the defendant offered to pay what he believed to be a 14-year-old boy to perform a sex act in a Concord park. The “boy” was an undercover police officer. The defendant was arrested by officers when he drove to the pre-arranged meeting location by the tennis courts in the park.


Deputy District Attorney Nichelle Holmes prosecuted the case on behalf of the People. DDA Holmes is assigned to the Office’s Human Trafficking Unit.


This investigation was conducted by the multi-agency Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which is managed by the San Jose Police Department. In Contra Costa County, detectives and investigators from the Walnut Creek, Martinez, San Ramon, Danville, Pleasant Hill, Concord and Moraga Police Departments, the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office, United States Secret Service, Homeland Security Investigations, the Contra Costa County Probation Department, and Inspectors from the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office participate in the task force.


The Human Trafficking Task Force as a multi-agency state, federal and local task force that enhances collaborative efforts with victim service providers to investigate and prosecute all forms of trafficking in our community. A priority of both task forces is the safety of children from online predators.


Parents seeking additional resources can visit or the website for the Silicon Valley Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force at Reports of illegal activity involving minor victims on the internet should be reported at once to your local police department.


To report suspected trafficking, call the Human Trafficking Tip Line and leave a message: 925-957-8658


Case information: People v. Manuel Gomez-Antonio, Docket 01-193956-0