Anonymous ID: 527365 May 23, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.1525310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6291 >>8549 >>9098



I pray for your peace. However you've received mostly useless advice except for the anon who said don't preach if you don't think the Bible's accurate.


What did you plan on preaching? The gospel according to Anon?

You yourself are confused so you'd teach shaky non-faith at best. That's your plan?


A preacher is a man skilled in the word of God who sees everything through the lens of scripture.

You don't fully believe in the scripture. A man of faith does. He's put his whole trust in those words. He's gambled his future on the hope Jesus is who the Bible says and He will do everything He promised He'd do in the Bible including return in the flesh the same way He left 2000yrs ago.

If it's wrong he will be proven a fool a man to be pitied more so than anyone.

Eyes wide open he's gambling with his life the Bible's right. That's the deal for all believers my guess is you aren't there. Yet.

He knows the God that spoke them is the God who's able to preserve them faithfully.

Apologize if my words are harsh but they're actually in your best interest and anyone that might be led astray by your teaching. It would be false teaching and we are warned that anybody that desires to be a teacher is held to a higher standard.

You don't want that unless you're ready for it and you're not you said so yourself.


Preachers aren't embarrassed by God's word either bc they believe it, all of it.

Paul said he wasn't ashamed of the gospel of Christ because in it is the power of life & salvation.


Your problem if I may be so bold is a lack of belief.

I's a good possibility you are not even born again. That alone would preclude you from preaching.

My advice: Read the Bible the gospel of John saved me. Start there. The NKJV is my fav just bc I like the poetic nature it carries more weight to me. Pick one you like it hardly matters why you like it but that you'll want to read it. Then after you've been saved at least three preferably twenty years and when you believe every word cover to cover then go preach.


However bad this may have made you feel ignore your feelings for a while bc they have no part to do with salvation. It has to do with honestly weighing the facts in the Bible and making an informed decision on what you find in there. That's how I can say with high confidence you aren't ready bc you're not actually even a believer you said it yourself. The problm with saying some parts are true but some aren't is who decides you? You see the folly right? You've set yourself up as the highest authority which leaves you nowhere to turn for higher guidance since you've rejected the only guidance we have that's outside of us here on planet earth.

Please believe that this was said from a heart with only your good in mind.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 24, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.1533620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7944 >>5018


You are welcome anon.

If I may I'd like to share the foundations of my faith. Maybe it will help you or somebody else.


1-The Bible NT specifically message is not lost it hasn't been watered down it's a faithful representation of Jesus' words. From it we know what Jesus said and what he means and it's for all mankind.

2-Jesus proved He is God by his actions and the things he says.

3-THE KEY after realizing the top 2 are true is Salvation aka eternal life is eternal the instant it happens. Jesus offers men a FREE PASS for their sin. Most people don't get this they can't wrap their mind around it and they reject it as sacrilege. Just watch I predict many anons will comment saying it's wrong. It's not.

You have to really think hard about this but it's worth the work. If Jesus grants a man eternal life meaning it's never ending WHILE HE IS STILL ALIVE then doesn't it mean it lasts forever through this life into the next? If it can end in any way how can He say that? It wouldnt be eternal.

Some call this eternal Security and they hate it. That's bc they can't believe it's so easy. But the apostles got it they went crazy telling the world god made peace with man. It's the truth god made peace by eternal security bc man no longer has a debt to god and he can live a bold life without any fear forever from that day forward.

That's what is loat today it's a psyop Satan don't want you to know it and neither do uptight people they want to know they're responsible for some of their salvation and standing with God. We have none.

That's what pure faith is "God I trust you completely that You have me and protect my eternal soul."

Get that faith it's real and never look back.

This is the real life man.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 25, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.1541173   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reading through your comments again I left some good questions unanswered:


Man could dilute or leave parts out of the Bible:

-that is a possibility however man is able to be saved on what we do have that is clear. Any missing books would only be an addition to that. Therefore those books are moot since your first concern should be escaping the spiritual death penalty.


Churches have teaching and learning twisted up:

-ya some do. Paul told Timothy to study on his own 'study to shew thyself approved'. You're right it's our responsibility to know the Bible if we can read and to know God on our own. If He's real cant we expect that He can make Himself known to us? Our part is to express some amount of interest in Him and to try to open ourselves to that.


God is in us all, we are His temple but we sin and Satan has equal power to God:

-agree with a lot of that. Yes He is in us but He is in us in a new powerful way when we are born again. We are His temple and that may be true for all men but that txt is really meant for believers. Satan has powers and from our pov they are god-like however Satan is subservient to God. He's a being a fallen angel created by God. He has much power but it's nothing compared to God. His sin was the desire to be like the Most High. Not the goodness part he wanted the power what he wanted imo was to be worshipped like the Most High. God doesn't allow anything less than Himself to be worshipped. He's jealous of worship nothing else deserves it and I think He doesn't want us wasting our worship on smthng unworthy. I just thought of that idk why really other than it always leads down dark paths I don't want to go and I no longer have any interest in it.


Reason we sin:

-it's our nature we're all rebels. We inherited it from Adam according to the Bible. What makes me sure of it besides it's in the Bible is no ones ever met a person who didn't sin save one - Jesus. Which is also why He was uniquely qualified to die in our place.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 25, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.1544527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7181


I appreciate your story.

When people claim to have special knowledge, dreams,visions, prophecies they set themselves up as a spiritual authority.

That power can be dangerous. What I hear from your story is an attempt at manipulation I'm sorry to say.

However noble they may have convinced themselves their motives were all I can hear is control.

You were right to run.

Man has a deep need to control people.

And when their theology rejects eternal security its the perfect way to exert control.

After all you could lose your salvation you don't want that do you?

In my experience churches that place a premium on visions dreams speaking in tongues and prophecies also reject eternal security. They stress you can lose your salvation. They then use that fear as a lever of power to control the congregation.

It doesn't work. People know deep down they're being manipulated and eventually leave.

Fcus on the theory of eternal security. If it really is the nature of eternal life like I said then everything I said earlier ie total freedom, the good life, deep faith, and pleasing God will all be true and every other issue you mentioned will hardly matter.

Look into it and answer it for yourself. If that's really the nature of Gods offer then you can apply your tiny amount of faith and be born again in the next ten minutes. Jesus didn't expect anything He said come to Me My burden is light and My load is easy. If you believe that you are already, or you can be, saved immediately.

He's made this easy.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 26, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.1550055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5285


I think it's interesting Paul said sin was not present until the law came. Then he could t stop himself from sinning. It's like when someone says don't look now and you cannot, not look.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 26, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.1550314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2926


I'm not surprised they may have been manipulating you but I have to say I'm pretty surprised alleged Christians were dealing cocaine. I don't know any Christians who use cocaine let alone conceal it in the trunk of a car to transport it. That's some premeditation for sure. I'm not qualified to question anybody's salvation but I gotta say wow the level of pre planning. That's not a crime of passion you just found yourself in that's a conscious decision.

Still I stand by my original premise; if saved those ppl are and always will be safe from God's wrath because if they were born again they are eternally secure. Mans heart is deceptive and wicked. We're able to convince ourselves of almost anything when we really want to do a thing. In their case I'd guess it was plain old greed. Maybe they did it before they were saved and just couldn't get free. That's mans lot sadly. We will never be free of it. Paul said what a wretched man I am who will deliver me from this body of sin? Next he said praise God for providing deliverance from it in the blood of Jesus.


I have to ask; that didn't set off any alarms about the things they said to you?

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 27, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.1557796   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ah ok makes sense my mistake. I took it as you knew then as it was happening.

It's so easy to be fooled. We want to believe ppl have our best interest in mind when in reality they put themselves first.

Makes you feel so stupid and ashamed when you find out.

Anonymous ID: 527365 May 29, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.1584195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5814


That's pretty good anon - good explanations

Especially relate to sin as a teacher not a good teacher either

Also the law is like a slave driver it makes demands we can't meet.

It's meant to be upheld 100% without excuse though.

Jesus even said He didn't come to do away with the law actually He added to it and made it even harder to live up to.


I believe it's to break us. To get us to the point we give up trying. That happened to me. I believed Jesus offered to save me and I accepted thinking I now have to keep His law perfectly just as I'd read.

But what's left unsaid is that it's impossible.

Why would God set us up for failure?

I believe that's what it takes to be saved.

Release every idea I can do it on my own.

No one can do it. It's outside our abilities.

That is a pinnacle moment for everyone so I think THATS why God does it.

Anonymous ID: 527365 June 6, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.1657065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Outstanding work graphics division!

Looks like an AF unit patch

I was Army however nothing like knowing an A-10 angel was overhead keeping an eye on us ready to deliver us from evil and bring wrath & judgement to our enemies


Thank you again graphics division!