Once the principals are clearly, and by this I mean "personally" identified and related to, God, mankind and satan-the devil, those who do see will also see that every Word of God revolves around this baseline. Such will also immediately grasp that any Word dissection that is missing the vital element of satan-the devil in their understandings, the premise is voided.
If the construct of mankind presented in the Bible is true, that evil is present within us (Romans 7:21), that our own thoughts are subject to invasion, deception, theft/robbery by what is essentially an "alien entity(s)" and we see this TWO beings state of existence, we come to understand for example that satan in terms of age is much older than any of us, having been here since the Garden. Who then is "first" in the equations of mankind? That would be the "elder." Who then is the "younger?" That would be the person or mankind. Now why is the first last and the last first in Jesus' Words? Easy peasy.
We can take this understanding to many external examples of "elder/younger" contructs in the scriptures. One of my personal favorites, Esau and Jacob. Why was Esau rejected? He is representative of the "elder." The first/fleshly man, blinded by his internal adversary. A slave of the devil. Why was Jacob blessed? He is the second "twin." Remember "two nations" were in the womb of their mother.
So, Jacob goes before his father, Isaac, as a "deceiver," a "liar," a "usurper" of his elder, and is BLESSED by God. Why??!!
Because JACOB SAW this internal reality and TOLD THE TRUTH before his father. Therefore he was BLESSED. And no matter what Esau did, he could not be blessed, nor would he be excepted. God in fact HATES the "elder." (Who is the real elder?) We can see this principle played out many times in the texts with Cain/Abel (same principle), Ishmael/Isaac (very important one!), Aaron/Moses, Manasseh (causing to forget)/Ephraim (doubly fruitful), etc. We could observe huge volumes of evidence of this in the O.T.
Paul refers to the Ishmael and Isaac construct in Gal. 4:29 for example. It is NOT the account of "two individuals" but the PRODUCE of Abraham himself, first the fleshly/natural/blinded/unblessed child, and afterwards, the child of promise of faith. And these two are in constant battles within each person. Only ONE will be the winna.
Now, knowing this, let's go to the place of FEAR. The Words of Jesus that 99.9% of believers DREAD and FEAR. We, as believers, know we LIVE by every Word of God. That means EVERY.
Matthew 7:23
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Look at the construct above. Look at Mark 4:15.
God is speaking to TWO PARTIES. One will be saved, and one will be damned. In the end, we will ALL be "divided" from our enemies in the flesh.
This is the Gospel of Jesus. Blessed are those who are not offended by any of Jesus' Words.