Nothing like the sight of an A10. Anon loves those
Fun story… anon only had a bicycle and was riding it to do a landscaping job. Anon posted pics of A10’s here that we’re flying around and then they buzzed anons position while doing some mulch. Was exciting as heck.
What’s the Bible quote about the dark one coming on a bolt of lightning?
Luke 10:18
King James Bible
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven
Anon knows anon could do it. After “7/10” stops anon may take some lessons in the future. Stinks regular folk can’t fly fighter jets. Would love that. At least one time
Yeah. It’s expensive. If anon ever got that kinda dough anon would just buy some land but it’s a fun dream at least
Wow!!! Profound words, anon. It’s why anon loves this place. Can’t find insight like that out in the grind of life.
>we will outlast them
When one anon falls another rises. Anon doesn’t necessarily care anymore if anon falls because anon knows there will be a flood of anons following. Nothing can stop it.
When the new dawn rises anon knows a person that could accommodate some flight lessons if anon were to pursue it. Anon just needs for the election bull to be exposed. Anon cares wayyy too much. Difficult to move
Night shift allows one to experience dreams while “awake”. Sleep deprivation is a torture method for a reason. Anon has had like a gorillion “radio stations” playing in anons head from not sleeping for a few days.
Oh, they know. They monitor the lurkers, too. They cannot stop hive mind. Collective consciousness is the weapon. When things and ideas are even “thought up” it spreads to others without even doing anything. When things are posted and others read it or see a meme it spreads like wildfire. There is no stopping it. 100th monkey. Critical mass. It’s already been reached but the delay in “victory” is to minimize collateral damage. Some of the sleeping will burn down the country again. It’s a careful balancing act and is painful as heck but necessary
>pacing for the kill shot
It’s gonna take time. Anon knows breaking someone’s mind is a dangerous game. 45 loves all his haters too that are just normal people brainwashed by the media and propaganda. Anon even admits probably 99% of what anon thinks to be true is false. Don’t care . But that’s the difference between us and the rest. Our paradigms have been shifted so many times it’s not a life-threatening adjustment. To others, it will be. People will harm themselves or others…. and statues and property.
>a careful balancing act