Anonymous ID: c047fb March 9, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.601101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2124

Hi -- I got in trouble with a BV a little while back when I said there had apparently been a DDOS attack when in fact there hadn't been (ironically this was like the day before the really big DDOS attack of a few days ago). I don't know if I got banned or not -- I didn't try to post after that and actually took a break because I felt so bad for what I accidentally did.


Why I said there was a DDOS attack is because of a few posts like this in the bread the night before:


▶Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:18:17 7f17cd No.508459>>508475 >>508493 >>508531 >>508535

Sorry anons, but the second I posted about the clowns and shills sending coded messages through the doc source of these threads, then posted a few, it's been hell with shills in here. I feel responsible. Be advised, they ARE talking in code through the doc source and they are talking about murder


▶Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:39:26 1c167c No.508564>>508568

This must be a ddos attack.., Again..


I don't know that much about DDOS attacks and things like that -- all I knew is that the bread was under full-on shill assault and weird things were happening (and this was after a number of breads had bad shillage and odd happenings, and this was way worse), and I trusted that comments like these were made by anons who knew more about it all than I did.


But the next day, when I explained what I'd thought had happened to someone who wondered what had gone on (people were attacking the BV for removing shill comments, and I was trying to explain what had led to that, or so I'd wrongly thought), after the BV called me out for giving wrong info I felt absolutely awful. I never want to mislead anons or do anything wrong in any way -- Q and our President mean so much to me, and I never want to do anything that dishonors or misleads anons.


I don't think I'd have stayed gone -- all of this does mean too much to me. And I've continued researching while I was off the breads. But my housemate, who is also in the Q anon community, has kept me up to date on Q's posts, and I have information that Q has asked about, so I think I maybe need a bread in which to post it. Thing is, I don't know html codes or anything at all, and have no idea how to post images of the web pages I've copied. This concerns who came up with the code being used to shadowban and outright-ban accounts on social media -- I'm pretty sure I know who developed and implemented it and what entity was in part behind funding its development. Is there any way you could walk me through this?


Also, I'd like to come back and participate in the breads again. As I said, I don't know if I got banned, but if I did, could you please forgive me and believe in me enough to trust that I won't do anything like that again? Because I won't. Being separated from here was really hard -- Q and this board have been huge parts of my life for a longish time, and as an aspie it's not likely that I'll create a vast number of social alternatives to fill the void. Besides, what could possibly take the place of this?


So please forgive me, and understand that I said it was a DDOS attack out of confusion as to what a DDOS attack really entails and because I trusted what was being said in the bread at the time. I won't do anything like that again -- I'll stick to research and regular conversation and won't talk about things I don't know about firsthand. But even if you don't want me to engage in the regular breads anymore, pleeease walk me through posting images, red-bolding, etc., so I can put the shadowban/ban tech information I've put together into a bread of its own. It's important to Q, which means it's important to me.


I really am so sorry for saying something wrong -- I never want to mislead my compatriot anons. You people mean the world to me -- I wish you knew how loyal I am to our shared cause. My heart is full of devotion to Q and to our mission, and I love my fellow anons. If this weren't true, I wouldn't have removed myself for messing up because I just plain wouldn't have cared or felt so guilty. So please, just in case I'm banned, consider unbanning me -- but even if you don't want to do that, tell me how to make a bread so I can post the shadowban tech information.


Thanks for wading through this -- being succinct is quite the challenge for aspies, ha. And please know how sorry I am for mistakenly opening my mouth and saying something incorrect. No malice was intended (quite the opposite -- I was actually trying to defend the BV's actions from the night before as there were people dissing the BV for removing shill posts). If you choose to let me back, from now on I'll keep my mouth shut unless I absolutely know firsthand what I'm talking about, or I'll emphasize that I only THINK something happened because of insert reasons here. I'll keep checking back here for info on opening a bread on the people behind the shadowban tech. Thank you for helping.

Anonymous ID: c047fb March 9, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.602620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks, anon. I don't mind when an anon gets pissy (I used to venture into /pol/ pre-Q on occasion, and that can get feisty) – it was getting chewed by the BV that concerned me.


Not a newfag – I've been on this board for a fair while – just never had the need to post images until now, so I need a little help with that, for making a particular thread. And I wanted to make sure things were okay after I seemed to miff the BV. I felt really bad about that.


Thanks for affirming that I'm not banned. I thought maybe my post would just sit there invisible throughout the ages and I'd die in banned limbo, kek. Take care of yourself, anon!