Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.2011866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2230 >>5211


Lol! Yep, they look kinda gay, I completely agree, and as I said: Not very happy about it – will change when I find the time. They're not fake though, luckily.


Also >>1997576

Btw, now that the script is done, it would of course be easy to do sth similar with mirrored days instead of reversed (i.e. 180 deg rotated). Mirror axis can be both, horiz. or vertical.

Attached are updated clocks, and the funnt graph incl. the "manual" this time (had to squeeze it a bit).



No worries for the bread, I'll sit down right now and prepare a dough for the next one. Looks still good.

What do you mean with the error? In case you're counting posts, and error has to do with this, then it might be that it is because's count is 8 posts off my count. If you want, I can list you exactly at which posts – haven't checked yet if a [:59] marker is involved in any of those 8.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 9:24 a.m. No.2012483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2687 >>8529


Thanks. Just asking for the error in case it would have been in the funny graph.

And indeed, there is a small error in its "manual": To be correct, last sentence should have been: "Same day also had 1 post w/ reverse marker [:43] in minutes & none w/ ":43" in seconds." (as the day 06/18 was used as example).

It's corrected now, will post it later today with updated clocks.


Here's the list w/ Q posts missing or mixed into other posts at PostNumbers in square brackets are the ones from the 3-timezone html,'s postNumbers are prefixed w/ "#":

[401] – (trip: !2nVA4xm522) is not present in → Difference of postCount deltaN is 1

[597] – (SEC_TEST) not available in → Difference of postCount deltaN=2

[981] – (/GA/ is dead. Check line 119) only listed as a quote in #979, not as a separate Q post → deltaN=3

[1302] – (R = 18.) only listed as a quoted message together with #1299 → deltaN=4

[1318] – (Temp open. Whitelist …) not available in → deltaN=5

[1324] – (ID:bcd064, Removing NY AG) not present in → deltaN=6

[1326] – (F!ghtF!ghtF!ght@WW!, Today EVIL lost) not available → deltaN=7

[1422] – (0hour's twitter pic) not available → deltaN=8


Three-timezone html still doesn't contain the last two posts from today (10:38 & 10:59). So including those the html would have a total count of 1680 compared to's count of 1672.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.2013180   🗄️.is 🔗kun



These are as beautiful as they are useful indeed. Much better than posting the complete circle (which would robably confuse).

If you'd have asked me, I'd cut out these things, and combine them in a new graphic, using inkscape (a free vector drawing program). Allows for import/use of all kinds of formats, has much too many options for me, but still quite easy to use, accurate and free as well. My guess would be the anon used one of these vector drawing programs, like also Adobe's Illlustrator is one.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.2015211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5655


You're the one with the paint program! First, great to hear the system fixed itself somehow!

Second, I don't suppose you'd wanna try another software (like the inkscape above). Just in case you do, under "2. Complex Cropping" this page describes how to cut out complex shapes using that program:

Further, your post reminded me to count nr of lines in each post, and I have them analyzed:

Max. nr of lines is 115 (the reporter post from 16-Jun-2018 00:50:56), second with 73 is from 27-Apr-2018 18:39:07, third 63 from 07-May-2018 23:36:41, then 62, then 59 – I could make some pic with nr of lines per post, if that'd be helpful.

Lines with Q's signature and lines where Q references another post were included in the count. For now, I'd exclude myself from making memes though – sorry. Am much better producing analytical/schematic stuff than artistic. I'm in the process of kneading dough, and will (more or less) shortly post some notables for us clockfags to go over & maybe improve.

Lastly, as mentioned before ( >>2011866 ), I could produce the gaily-colored pic also for mirror-days ([:29]→[:59] and/or [:26]→[:34]), as the one above is for reverse days (180 deg rot).

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.2016052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6177


You're welcome – good luck with the learning/drawing! There should be all kinds of tips/webpages for the inkscape and how to do things.

As for nr of lines: This is just roughly, since I am not sure if lines would have to be discounted, when Q references an Anon's post (and not himself), and so far also only checking two subsequent posts against each other (i.e. not checking series' of these occurrences, thus only e.g. [64, 32] and not e.g. [64, 32, 16, 8]):

There are 105 cases where the previous nr of lines is twice the nr of lines in the next post. Inversely, there are 84 cases where the previous post has half the nr of lines of the next post.


Could check later if there exist one or more series of these occurrences – or could give it a little thining and find out if there's a graphical way to visualize this.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.2018066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8529

Posting suggestions for the Header of next bread, and also the notables. Didn't feel the need to decide what to call the Qlock/Q-Clock, so I used both. Had no intention of missing out on anything important, neither (since we're so few) to forget to mention anyone – still it probably happened.

Thus, would appreciate if you went over it – please feel free to add, remove or modify to your heart's content; the stricter the better. I've also put the dough (as unfinished as it is) into a pastebin at


Also wanna mention that I did wonder (with posts going back to ~1.5 mil and this bread being slow, how many of these notables might still be reachable for how long after some time has past …..

####### Here it goes #######


Clockwork Qrange (new image, same image?)


"Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers."


"There need be no minute hand, as the hour figures will be 6. I. apart. But the interspace should be divided into [qu]arters and 5. minute marks." –Thomas Jefferson


Similar to Jefferson's Great Clock at Monticello, the Qlock (or Q-Clock) can be seen as only requiring a minute hand, which links dates & times by arranging a calendar around the clockface in spiral form, such that 12/07 is at the [:00] minute marker.

By "winding the clock" in a certain way, Q's posts can be connected to each other, and thus reveal the MAP which provides the KEY to spread the TRUTH.


"TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past." –Q


############# Post Break ######################




>>1597885 — A short history of clock work on /qresearch/

>>1597896 — "Learn our comms." The Good[win] example

>>1601339 — Would the Q-Clock run backwards (sometimes)?

>>1609784 — The Qlock & the relevance of 111 days.

>>1614414 — Clockfag who "invented" the clock connects the dots.

>>1614499 — Are markers on the Qlock connected via fixed angles?

>>1616856 — Clockwinder's Mission Patch

>>1619297 — Should there be a system of letters on the Qlock?

>>1637321 — Q-Clock runs strictly on EST.

>>1645943 — Time-Lapse Cryptography? (also >>1603337 & >>1736673 )

>>1664583 — "Watch the water" 111 days theory seems to have legs (also >>1671738 ).

>>1691775 — The Qlock, two mirrors & a reverse (relevant markers to watch each day)

>>1735324 — Possible ways of arranging/connecting markers around the Qlock

>>1735636 — More on letters on the Qlock (also >>1743220 )

>>1751959 — Q posts & timestamp histograms (from >>1749931 )

>>1764216 — Morning strolls – fixed angles & the Looking Glass

>>1898297 — JFK assassination seen through the Reverse Mirror

>>1913896 — The Happenings Solver

>>1932073 — More [O]WLs: What's @Jack got to do with it?

>>1938940 — More confirmations: [:25] & [:55]

>>1966863 — Q-Clock inventorAnon does it again (large collection of connected posts)

>>2001161 — Seconds matter ("No coincidences").

>>2016049 — The Qlock and the 12 chapters of "Alice in Wonderland" (also before in >>1945505 )

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.2018631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't think so, as most of us (incl. me) have no rights to do that, if I understand the structure of the board correctly.

If you mean the difference b/w three-timezone html & – you're right, will add it to the notables.



I did compare all posts, one to the next in order as they were posted. Thus, no comparison of line numbers was made, say between the 1st & 1000th post. Thinking about a way to graphically solve this – should be visible from a graphical representation, once I find a solution how to best draw it.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2018980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0671


Noticed the Time Travel Guide before, and missed to put it in the Notables. Will be there, just as I will save this thread and every single (large version) image in it.

Think we'd need a Time Travel Clock along with it – thinking how to do it, so that it becomes crystal clear & not too complicated to realize.

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.2020958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1103


Your work is more than helpful, and I guess I know where this goes now. Thank you very much!!

Currently preparing a matrix with the ratios of number of lines in each of the Q posts in order to draw them, and quickly recognize ratios b/w the number of lines in each posts of, say 2 (or any other), in case there is sth to this anon's idea >>2015655

Thanks again so much!


Guess by tomorrow, and in the new bread, I'll start time-traveling through the posts, checking if I can order them the way you suggest, and if it gets us anywhere (and I have little doubt).


Off topic:

In the unlikely case JA can read this: I hope you're doing well, had a splendid day and are in eastern timezone ;) … A Happy Birthday to you, Sir, and all the best wishes!

Anonymous ID: 993828 July 3, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.2021394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is, after the triple six 5th Avenue research thread, and the March madness is one of rather most fascinating breads in /qr/.

I hope we're still in time, despite the rabbit stressing a little that we'd be late already (possibly by two days, lol).

However, we're watching a movie, as we've been, and usually there's commercials before the show, and everybody is late.


Tomorrow is the big day, and it's not "Independence Day" we're watching – we're experiencing it (and to some extent making it happen). Exciting times to live in!

Thank you POTUS & Q team! Thank you Anons and fellow clockfags!

This was a "filler" commemorating these great Happenings, and now I'll quickly go and get the next bread out the oven.