Looked interesting, thanks. Though I'm not sure, if it's just a random example or something intentionally contructed. Did you have a 04/19 post ("NP +1 +5") in mind when drawing this?
Maybe it'd be a good exercise, to try and "reverse engineer" it:
(1.) Say there's a "time" (call it "calendar time") that's directly related to the calendar, such that 12/07 is 12:00 & each passing day corresponds to a minute (hands in light gray). An indication for this could be that Q posted 06/03 on 14:58 (EST).
(2.) There's also the actual "time" (EST) of any post, i.e. [HH]:[MM]:[SS] – it may be that seconds have to be truncated (black hands).
(3.) On 04/19 minute hand is at [:13], and with the modulo17 assumed rule from above, [13] would be the 5th number in the sequence. So we assume [:13] corresponds to 5
(4.) In the inner circle w/ letters, U is the 5th letter backwards from Z, so we line up U with [:13]
(5.) There is a (larger) inner circle with numbers J that are obviously a sequence of: for i=[1,26]; J=mod(i9 ,26) starting at 0/26=Z, going 9, 18, […]. Have little idea where the "i9" would come from … except that 17+9 = 26.
(6.) The largest circle has the corresponding Rot16-cipher, such that the 1st letter lines up with the 17th, i.e. A→Q & U→K
Would that be about what you've done there ?