The Ones your supposed to trust the most.
Calgary Police Chief retires 3 years into 5 year contract.
Join the dots. …
The Ones your supposed to trust the most.
Calgary Police Chief retires 3 years into 5 year contract.
Join the dots. …
Trust No one.
Commanding Officer of Alberta
RCMP (Canadian Federal Police Force)
announces retirement AFTER 15 months in position? Is that Normal?
Joins the dots.
Do YOU believe in coincidences yet?
So Many you have to cut deals.
Harel served on the board of directors of the
Missing Children Society of Canada.
Gatineau Quebec Canada Police Chief Retires.
Preaident of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
The ones you are SUPPOSED to trust the … least
Head of Vancouver transit Police takes early retirement 2 1-2 years into 5 year contract.
Is that normal?
The ones you are supposed to trust the most.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
police chief Jean Michel Blais to retire EARLY
Blais walks away from the position a year earlier than he originally planned.
When do the dots become a smoking gun?
Peterborough Police Chief Retires.
Kingston Ontario Police Chief Retires
BEFORE a replacement was recruited.
Kingston police chief Gilles Larochelle retires.
“It is with mixed feelings that I announce my intention to bring my law enforcement career to a close this year.
Dozens of Kingston Ontario Police Officers retiring.
Sgt. Charles Boyles has been a police officer for 31 years. Come July, he will retire, making him one of dozens of police officers in Kingston to holster their guns and hang up their hats.
Dot dot dot ..
Kingston Ontario Strategic for Law Inforcement?
Dozens of officers retire
Thunder Bay Ontario Pokice Chief Retires.
Follow the Wives - Marisa Hobbs.
Hobbs, along with his wife, Marisa Hobbs, were charged with extortion and obstruction of justice last July.
Head on Canada’s RCMP Retires June 2017.
Not replaced for 10 months.
The Ones you’re supposed to trust the most.
Join the dots. … a smoking gun.
So many we had to cut deals?
ALL 3 Top Cops in Alberta Canada
ALL retire “unexpectedly”.
Police chiefs of the 2 largest Cities in Alberta Canada retire wih their Feseral counterpart.
CALGARY—As three of Alberta’s top police officers depart from their roles in the next six months, the province is facing a remarkable transition.
On Tuesday, Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin announced he’ll be retiring in January 2019. RCMP Deputy Commissioner Todd Shean, the commanding officer for the Alberta Mounties, also announced Tuesday he would retire in September, and in May the Edmonton Police Commission said Chief Rod Knecht will leave after his contract is up in October.
The departures are “unexpected,” but it’s important that the process of choosing new leaders - joins the dots!
Dot Dot Dot.
Ok Thanks Q and GEOTUS.
I once was blind - but now I see.
Surprise Surprise Surprise!
St John New Brunswick Canada Police Chief Retires Early. Mayor surprised (for now).
Power to the people.
Abbotsford BC Canada Police Chief to retire.
Police Chiefs in BC Canada retire.
June 2018
Feb 2018.
Vernon BC Canada Top Cop Retires.
Let’s watch this bunch retire.
British Columbia Canada - a gangsters paradise.
Former Top Cop report.
Politicians knew but did nothing.
Mr. German, a former deputy commissioner of both the RCMP and Correctional Service Canada, released a report that is compelling and disturbing at the same time. The extent to which crime has infested the province, and the ease at which it did, is unsettling. The fact that the B.C. government of the day, aware that money laundering was becoming an epidemic and yet did virtually nothing about it, needs to be condemned in the loudest terms.