I'm cross posting from the 4pol thread, has anyone compiled a quick rundown of the events?
Probably a coincidence unless it happens again
That's what most cold calls are, to be honest. Maybe not for surveillance purposes but definitely to check if a line is alive or not
Can you post your source?
>This guy is bragging about his NVG on his live stream and how unarmed they are
If this is a cartel job, these guys are absolutely fucked if they're truly unarmed
I can tell you the guy on the cam has a big ego. That's going to get him hurt if he's in some actual shit.
I physically cringe every time he talks about their defenses, their locations, their people, their lack of weapons
>You know what we don't need a gun we got god
Fucking yippie skippie plays around in the desert and pisses off a cartel. This is going to be bad if they really do show up
The post that link points to isn't anything related to having snipers on the ground
Which post were you actually referring to?
If that's what they're planning, then this guy gets an oscar imo
he's playing the role of big headed vet very well
No, if that's what they're doing then he is doing a great job pretending to be an overconfidence dickhead.
To any of you guys who need to make calls, get on a VPN and check out 'FireRTC'
It's probably compromised on some level, but it works in a pinch
The facebook guys posted an update by the way