Found SUB T entrance fresh tracks full width vehicle , freight weights . Secured with 3 inch steel doors sealed at bottom with fresh silicone . Found spent shell (22) . Adjacent to windowless buildings in all four cardinal directions North listed as LEO storage South listed as zoned industrial reserve , it's a 4 sq mile guarded lot of Cargo containers , mostly Chinese registry of ley, West is the windowless secured office of a security and engineering subsidiary east is a windowless and boarded up pizza parlor , no shit, with evidence of activity inside when I just infiltrated . Mercedes and range rovers with paper plates no signs of light or audible evidence . Had to keep the recon quick and quiet .
LEO are all ex mil , 95% semper fi and masons low percentage , few are - odd fellows , know nothings. Joinable orders aren't really more than rank and file . Order takers, the hereditary orders are the middle rung . Hobbyists bring in fresh cash and build the control files . I'm interested in finding the cap stone .
All for now.