Sup bosses. heads up, this isn't related to Q, but I was talking with a Canuck on "SMofyourChoice, whatever helps you sleep at night"… and while discussing the obsticles Canadians need to overcome, this Canuck mentioned Scheer (Andrew Scheer). Was wondering, are there any diggers that can give background on him, and more importantly, would it be worthwhile having him "on board"? Trudeau is a trainwreck, what if more Canadians are looking for change than we think? this could go a long ways to helping the cause if we could dig on "local" gov'ts, especially with trade… We might be able to find a truly scratch my back I scratch yours deal for once… Is it worth our effort to start digging in locals govs and meming those too? or stick to the task at hand? just spit balling sorry…
Also, overwhelming urge to say this….. to the 23,23,3…
Warning, warning, warning, the storm is coming…
Heavy rains expected…
Flash flood warning for those lower in the valleys…
find HIGH ground, or risk drowning in the swamp…
didn't see orig text, but im guessing modular arith. ie 178(←mins in2:58)mod60=58