(Bread #21007)
I'm here for Q-related and you can stick it, and the Qs anticipate this board growing exponentially, and it won't be with train schedule collectors (no offense, my hobby), so get used to it.
(Bread #21007)
I'm here for Q-related and you can stick it, and the Qs anticipate this board growing exponentially, and it won't be with train schedule collectors (no offense, my hobby), so get used to it.
This is all I see. I have the ads blocked with AdBlock, but even when I disable that, it looks the same.
I did disable AdBlock in Pale Moon. Thought I had tried the link in Firefox, but apparently not, it's working there, I loaded one bread. Is everyone using IE, not that I plan to, but figure the site is tailored to that. Any other recommended browsers? Mine are getting deprecated because I'm addicted to add-ons and don't want to rock the boat with updates.
Is there an archive for the stuff Oct/Nov to Dec 2017? Thanks for breaking through the typer's block, no sleep and brain on idle!
I had only tried the ones at the very top in Pale Moon. With the Archives I'm now in business. thanks again!
Normie is straw dog, but I accept your tacit acknowledgment you've got new roommates.