Ok, we dont care.
Now, get a life.
When do we expect something to happen/drop? 09:00 or 11:00? AM or PM?
WOW-signal I guess
Im done with ETS… promises told, promises not kept.
Now he starts talking about plan always in a change. Convenient…
And… that he dont know why JA is not showing up.
There has been lots of shady strange things. But the phone number on all 3 accounts f*cked him up, not that it was like that but what he said about it. He changed it to e-mail on hour after an anon figured it out, then ETS said it changed every 5 min. Why was it nr 36 on the phone number during 60min before he changed it?
If he was smart he would said that he set up all the accounts for security resons and that it has other users. But he didnt, he f*cked up.
Anyone wondering anything that outs him gets banned. Worst part is that some anons seem to share him on as he do it. Some questions are totaly legit, but stil he ban.
He is a larp, he delivered nothing, he cant defend himself with words.
Im done with him, do as ju like, I wont complain if you continue to follow him.
Close, but of Course not, they will all (Trump, Kim, JA, Snowden) arrive in an ufo and do a cannonball competition. 4 x BOOMS
Some anons when you tell them they are following a larp.
Anon finds out ESP, Trustfulalice and Hatter twitter accounts are registered with the same phone number #36.
60min goes by and several anons comfirm it.
ETS finds out and change to an e-mail instead.
ETS say that it is BS and that his account change every 5 min and its not conected to a phone number.
How come it was the same phone number for 60 min? Why did it swap to e-mail and never swaped back to a phone number?
The larp f*cked up…
Failing as it seems
Maybe they are not anons, just normies. They dont know Q like we do.
I have spamed his whole twitterpage with LARP and Q reference. Stil not blocked, haha
When EyeTheSpy finds out what I have done, he will go like this…
Keep spaming old post, he has no time to watch, he is busy doing dmg control on all new post.