Anonymous ID: 08af2a June 13, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.1739612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As the Senate president, the vice president presides over its deliberations (or delegates this task to a member of the Senate), but is allowed to vote only when it is necessary to break a tie.[3] While this vote-casting prerogative has been exercised chiefly on legislative issues, it has also been used to break ties on the election of Senate officers, as well as on the appointment of Senate committees.[4] In this capacity, the vice president also presides over joint sessions of Congress.




Could it be that the VP can actually be the LEADER OF THE SENATE in the way it might have been intended, rather than have the LEADER OF A POLITICAL PARTY reside over the Senate.


The VP could decide what bills would be brought up.

The VP could decide what debate would be scheduled.


Is this something missing in the protocols that would ensure that the President of the United States has his nominations brought to a vote, and his programs debated and enacted.



Anonymous ID: 08af2a June 13, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.1739952   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To me – at some point it became obvious that HRC was selling classified information to contributors to the Clinton Foundation (rather than "stupidity") –

and after the Rep & Dem conventions when things broke full force for HRC – and against Trump –

I realized that ANYONE WHO HELPED A TRAITOR GET INTO THE PRESIDENCY was enabling a FELON – and was likened to the driver in a BANK ROBBERY (which this can also be considered as the PLOT OF THE STORY – AND THE BANKRUPTING OF AMERICA AS THE GOAL)


I saw how through the decades the American people were betrayed – to doubt their country – to hate their country and its policies – to see how "freedom" was really the gateway to "immorality" –


I saw how they destroyed every institution in our country – every political party – every charitable organization – even the churches were used – THEY SET OUT TO DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN EVERY INSTITUTION WE HAVE


and so I believe hanging is for traitors



we need to save our country

because we truly are the HOPE OF THE WORLD