Possible 4am MSM Talking Point Buzzwords/Expressions
for June 14:
Fringe conspiracy elements…
Uncorroborated claims…
Wheelhouse ( as in Congress can't overstep their bounds into the DOJ's wheelhouse)
Unsubstantiated claims laid to rest finally…
Possible 4am MSM Talking Point Buzzwords/Expressions
for June 14:
Fringe conspiracy elements…
Uncorroborated claims…
Wheelhouse ( as in Congress can't overstep their bounds into the DOJ's wheelhouse)
Unsubstantiated claims laid to rest finally…
One missing Trident Missile?
Vortex..like the one that took out that engine before? Sure..
RR was set-up from the moment he walked into his Confirmation Hearing.
Beautiful job POTUS and Q!
Escorting RR to make sure he shows up tomorrow.
Welcome back from Canada Rod!
Obviously waiting for someone.
Maybe someone in a disguise on a commercial flight. at a late hour.
Unloading the returned pallets of cash that Iran shipped to NK?