Anonymous ID: b3f6dc June 15, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.1757149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7170 >>7203

>In a national survey of 2,709 clinical psychologists who were members of the American Psychological Association, the authors investigated the frequency of RA allegations made to psychologists. This study showed that within their sample of psychologists, 70% denied and 30% acknowledged seeing at least one case of “ritualistic or religion-related abuse since January 1, 1980” (Bottoms, Shaver, & Goodman, 1991, p. 6). The authors also found that among the psychologists who had worked with at least one individual with allegations of ritual abuse, 93% believed that the harm had actually occurred.


>There were 387 child RA cases, 674 adult RA survivor cases, 171 child religion-related cases, and 234 adult survivors of religion-related cases reported. The authors stated that the adult ritual abuse cases “were consistently the most extreme” (Goodman et al., 1994, p. 4). Of the adult ritual abuse cases, 33% reported cannibalism and 28% baby breeding for purposes of ritual sacrifice.


>The fourth study of children’s knowledge of ritual abuse showed that “children have relatively little knowledge of Satanic child abuse” (p. 10). Their fifth study considered 271 cases of religion-related abuse. They found that in 94% of the clergy abuse, 48% of the evil ridding cases, and 23% of medical neglect included allegations of sexual abuse.


>She collected data from these interviews, which she combined with her Fort Bragg data. Thus, she had a total of 11 cases. The following abuses and corroboration were reported:


>1. confinement in cage (n = 10);

>2. threats (n = 11);

>3. live burial in caskets, coffins, boxes (n = 6);

>4. water torture (n = 7); // CIA waterboarding programmed?

>5. threats with guns or knives (n = 10);

>6. drug injections (n = 10);

>7. filming and still photography (n = 11);

>8. bondage, locked in closets, hung by feet or wrists, spread-eagled over pentagrams;

>9. tied onto upside-down crosses (n = 7);

>10. abusers wearing masks and robes, carrying candles (n = 11);

>11. mock marriages (n = 6);

>12. defecation, urination, forcible ingestion of human wastes (n = 10);

>13. witnessing animals tortured and killed (n = 10);

>14. fake operations (n = 6);

>15. children’s descriptions of the torture and sexual assault of themselves or others (n = 10);

>16. evidential medical examinations: findings commensurate with sexual assault (n = 11);

>17. babies, small children killed, carved up, and parts eaten (n = 9);

>18. transportation elsewhere for abuse; various methods of transport (n = 10); and

>19. sexual assault and terrorizing in churches, graveyards, other day care centers (n = 10). [6]


These people really are SICK as Q said.

Anyone want to dig into this? Archive it, it was down before briefly. I am way too stoned to judge rationaly.

Anonymous ID: b3f6dc June 15, 2018, 4:31 a.m. No.1757170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7186


(((they))) are reprogramming kids in foster homes. They take children away on abuse allegations and then abuse them themselves. And claim the kid is weird because he was a victim of previous parents.


>“Almost one-third of the parents reported in 1989–1990 profound changes, as if they were dealing with a different child” (p. 550). The symptomatic behaviors of the children included the following: a poor sleep pattern, nightmares, night awakenings, bedwetting, genital shame, masturbation, inappropriate sexual behavior, swearing, aggressiveness, destructiveness, self-isolation, anxiety, tongue kissing, torturing of animals, fear of being locked up, interest in fire, fear of spiders, interest in devils, ghosts, the experience of words turning around, and interest in death

Anonymous ID: b3f6dc June 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m. No.1757203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7305


Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse (The Greenbaum Speech)

By D.C. Hammond


>She called me back two hours later and said, "I just had a double session with this patient and there was a part of him that said, 'Oh, we're so excited. If you know about this stuff, you know how the cult programmers get on the inside, and our therapy is going to go so much faster.'" Now many other patients since have had a reaction of wanting to pee their pants out of anxiety and fear rather than thinking it was wonderful thing.


Sorry if this has already been posted. Last post from me, dont want to shit up the bread.


You're doing Gods work, anons.