Anonymous ID: ba9abf June 15, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.1756616   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7370

>>1755775 (lb)

call me crazy but I have this constant vision in my head -and it explains a lot- of good and evil as two spheres made out of spiderwebs:

one is bright white and symmetrical/in sync and is fixed and the other black and messy and orbits around the white one like crazy trying to pull in as many beings as possible but still a tryhard so it fails in the end (the beings are all inbetween, in the diameter)..

but those that choose or get caught in the black circleweb, all they see is lies (as in the sphere is a web of lies vs a web of truth) so it's natural for them to believe their own lies..

and they get thrown around on the inside of the sphere till they catch a string

those that are inbetween are the ones who dont know wtf is going on so sometimes they get caught in lies sometimes they see the truth but are free to choose and those that are closer to or choose the white circleweb (it's fixed(on this level) so you can't get caught in it but once you choose the white the black cant even touch you) can see right through the lies and the deeper inside the white circleweb they reach the less they affiliate with lies (but they remain fully aware of them)