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Perseverance perfection
1:11 fav part
Hi fellow indigos and all other awakened individuals!
Can't believe we actually found a worse love story than Twilight.
What do you mean by these 'types'?
You mean indigos, ET's & co? I think concerning over how we are not spoonfed what we want (re: IG report) is a bit more of a slide.
I just got trips mate :)
I wouldn't know. I was 14 when I awakened, but have been relatively slow in leaving 3D patterns behind and contacting my star family. One foot in the old world, one foot in the new world. It really doesn't matter, as the anon said we shouldn't snowflake over it but do our part. This applies to everyone.
Obama wasn't evil from the start, but one mistake leads to another and soon you're in deeep and can't get out.
He's not as evil as Bush. But he's definately not innocent either. I wish he flipped…
my sides
Everything comes back one way or another